Diablo 4: Vessel of Hatred (D4)

How to Unlock Mounts and List of Mounts

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Unlock Mounts by completing the Mount: Donan's Favor Quest during Act IV of Diablo 4 (D4). Read for more info on how to unlock Mounts, whether you can unlock Horse Mounts from the start of the game, and a list of all known Mounts.

How to Unlock Mounts Video Walkthrough

How to Unlock Mounts in Diablo 4

Complete the Mount: Donan's Favor Quest

Complete Mount Donans Favor to Gain Access to Horse Mounts

To gain access to horse mounts, players will need to complete the Mount: Donan's Favor quest (Campaign) during Act 4.

Mount: Donan's Favor Quest Walkthrough

Not Immediately Available

Horse Quest Prerequisites
CheckmarkClear Acts 1, 2, and 3 to reach Act 4

CheckmarkComplete Act 4 Quest A Master's Touch

Even after reaching Kyovashad and visiting the Stables, you won't be able to take on the Donan's Favor Quest right away. You first need to reach Act 4 in the main story, then complete its second quest A Master's Touch before you can start the Quest and unlock Mounts.

Story Walkthrough and List of Main Quests

Can You Unlock Mounts at the Start?

Not Possible to Immediately Proceed to Act 4

Mount Donans Favor Quest

Unfortunately, despite the open world nature of the game, it's not possible to immediately proceed to Act 4 and complete the Donan's Favor Quest, as only Acts 1-3 are available immediately after reaching Kyovashad.

You have to complete Acts 1, 2, and 3 before you unlock Act 4. You don't unlock Act 4 just by completing Act 3 alone.

Story Walkthrough and List of Main Quests

List of All Mounts in Diablo 4

All Horse Mounts

Note: The Cathedral of Light Horse is the in-game name of the Light Bearer Mount (pre-order bonus).

Mount How to Get
The RecluseThe Recluse's Host Obtained by participating in the Macabre Celebration event.
Little LadyLittle Lady Obtained by participating in the Vases of Hatred event.
WinterWinter's Elemental Obtained by purchasing Winter's Vengeance bundle at the Diablo 4 in-game Shop. This bundle can be found in the Cosmetics tab of the Shop.
AshAsh'Adar Obtained by purchasing Ash'Adar, Harbinger of the Dawn bundle at the Diablo 4 in-game Shop. This bundle can be found in the Cosmetics tab of the Shop.
White WildcatWhite Wildcat Obtained by purchasing The White Wildcat bundle at the Diablo 4 in-game Shop. This bundle can be found in the Cosmetics tab of the Shop.
The DuskwalkerThe Duskwalker Obtained by purchasing The Duskwalker bundle at the Diablo 4 in-game Shop. This bundle can be found in the Cosmetics tab of the Shop.
MagnificenceMagnificence Obtained by purchasing The Resplendent Palfrey bundle at the Diablo 4 in-game Shop. This bundle can be found in the Cosmetics tab of the Shop.
EnduranceEndurance Obtained by purchasing the Penitent Dragoon bundle at the Diablo 4 in-game Shop. This bundle can be found in the Cosmetics tab of the Shop.
Purified Demigod ThoroughbredPurified Demigod Thoroughbred Obtained as a Tier 90 reward from the Premium Season 3 Battle Pass.
Demigod ThoroughbredDemigod Thoroughbred Obtained as a Tier 1 reward from the Premium Season 4 Battle Pass.
Awoken Clockwork EquidAwoken Clockwork Equid Obtained as a Tier 90 reward from the Premium Season 3 Battle Pass.
Clockwork EquidClockwork Equid Obtained as a Tier 1 reward from the Premium Season 3 Battle Pass.
LuciferinLuciferin Obtained by purchasing the Bioluminescence bundle at the Diablo 4 in-game Shop. This bundle can be found in the Cosmetics tab of the Shop.
PolarisPolaris Obtained by purchasing the Among the Stars bundle at the Diablo 4 in-game Shop. This bundle can be found in the Cosmetics tab of the Shop.
Awoken Famished ThoroughbredAwoken Famished Thoroughbred Obtained from the Season 2 Battle Pass by reaching Tier 90.
Famished ThoroughbredFamished Thoroughbred Obtained from the Season 2 Battle Pass by reaching Tier 1.
Smoldering BrimstoneSmoldering Brimstone Can be obtained from Echo of Duriel's drop pool.
LapisveinLapisvein Obtained by purchasing the Blizzcon Epic Pack.
Awoken Warded MustangAwoken Warded Mustang Obtained from the Season 1 Battle Pass by reaching Tier 90.
Warded MustangWarded Mustang Obtained from the Season 1 Battle Pass by reaching Tier 1.
Triune ChargerTriune Charger Obtained by purchasing the Three-Fold Nightmare bundle from the Diablo 4 in-game Shop. This bundle comes with a Mount, Mount Trophies, and a unique Mount Armor.
IngotIngot Obtained by purchasing the Weight of Gold bundle from the Diablo 4 in-game Shop. This bundle comes with a Mount, Mount Trophies, and a unique Mount Armor.
Primal InstinctPrimal Instinct Obtained by participating in the Support a Streamer event on Twitch. Gift 2 subscriptions of any tier to eligible Diablo IV Twitch content creators between June 5-July 2, 2023 and receive the mount as a Twitch drop.
Liath IcehowlLiath Icehowl Obtained by purchasing the Crypt Hunter bundle at the Diablo 4 in-game Shop. This bundle can be found in the Add Ons tab of the Shop.
Grey SteedGrey Steed Can be bought from the Stablemaster NPC via the Vendor tab.
Dustback SteedDustback Steed Can be obtained from chests and enemies in the Dry Steppes.
Old Nell SteedOld Nell Steed Can be accessed for free after unlocking mounts.
Mottled SteedMottled Steed Can be bought from the Stablemaster NPC via the Vendor tab.
Blood Bay SteedBlood Bay Steed Can be obtained as a random reward for killing monsters.
Pale SteedPale Steed Obtained from Tortured Gifts of Mysteries during Helltide. Gather 250 Aberrant Cinders and open these special chests for a chance to get the Reins of this mount.
Decaying SteedDecaying Steed Can be obtained via random loot from Treasure Goblins.
Caldeum SteedCaldeum Steed Can be obtained as a random reward for completing Nightmare Dungeons.
Bloody SteedBloody Steed Can be bought from Unconventional Mount Armor Vendor in The Fields of Hatred PvP areas.
Bloody Liquid SteedBloody Liquid Steed Obtained after defeating Echo of Lilith (Uber Lilith) for the first time.
Marsh Roan SteedMarsh Roan Steed Obtained from Tortured Gifts of Mysteries during Helltide. Gather 175 Aberrant Cinders and open these special chests for a chance to get the Reins of this mount.
EnduranceEndurance Obtained by purchasing the Penitent Dragoon bundle from the Diablo 4 in-game Shop. This bundle comes with a Mount, Mount Trophies, and a unique Mount Armor.
Light BearerLight Bearer Can be unlocked by pre-ordering any version of Diablo IV.
TemptationTemptation Can be unlocked by purchasing either the Digital Deluxe version or the Ultimate Edition of Diablo IV.
Spectral ChargerSpectral Charger Complete a Gathering Legions Zone Event in any of the regions in the world for a chance to obtain the Ghastly Reins item. Using the item unlocks the Spectral Charger mount at the Stables.

All Cat Mounts

Cat mounts are unlocked by purchasing either the Deluxe or Ultimate Editions of the Vessel of Hatred expansion.

Mount How to Get
Nahantu War-catNahantu War-cat Obtained by purchasing the Deluxe Edition of the Vessel of Hatred expansion.
Nahantu PantherNahantu Panther Obtained by purchasing the Ultimate Edition of the Vessel of Hatred expansion.
Longfur BeastLongfur Beast Obtained by purchasing the Ultimate Edition of the Vessel of Hatred expansion.
Leucistic PantherLeucistic Panther Obtained by purchasing the Ultimate Edition of the Vessel of Hatred expansion.
Leucistic LionLeucistic Lion Obtained by purchasing the Ultimate Edition of the Vessel of Hatred expansion.
Dark LeopardDark Leopard Obtained by purchasing the Ultimate Edition of the Vessel of Hatred expansion.
Nahantu PumaNahantu Puma Obtained by purchasing the Ultimate Edition of the Vessel of Hatred expansion.
Scion of the Hatred BardingScion of the Hatred Barding Obtained by purchasing the Ultimate Edition of the Vessel of Hatred expansion.

Vessel of Hatred Price and Edition Differences

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11 Anonymousover 1 year

this is not all the mounts

10 Anonymousalmost 2 years

That is an barding with moose antlers


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