Diablo 4: Vessel of Hatred (D4)

List of All Shop Bundles and Microtransactions

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Diablo 4 - List of All Shop Bundles and Microtransactions
Diablo 4 (D4) will feature Shop Bundles containing premium cosmetics and microtransactions in the form of premium currency. Read on for a complete list of all items and bundles from Tejal's Shop, platinum microtransactions available in the live version of the game!

All Shop Bundles in Diablo 4

Armor and Equipment Bundles

All Shop Bundles by Type
Armor and Equipment Accessory Cosmetics Mount Cosmetics Game Add Ons

Armor Bundles contain Cosmetic Armor Sets that players can use to change the appearance of their characters, in-game. Equipment Bundles will contain, not only Armor Cosmetics, but also Weapon Skins and custom character Markings (Tattoos).

All Related Shop Bundles
Acolyte of AurielAcolyte of Auriel
(2,800 Platinum)
Acolyte of ImperiusAcolyte of Imperius
(2,800 Platinum)
Acolyte of InariusAcolyte of Inarius
(2,800 Platinum)
Acolyte of ItheraelAcolyte of Itherael
(2,800 Platinum)
Acolyte of MalthaelAcolyte of Malthael
(2,800 Platinum)
Acolyte of TyraelAcolyte of Tyrael
(2,800 Platinum)
Ascent of the Sun-KingAscent of the Sun-King
(2,600 Platinum)
Ash KnightAsh Knight
(2,800 Platinum)
Avatar of the LunarAvatar of the Lunar
(2,600 Platinum)
(1700 Platinum)
Birds of PreyBirds of Prey
(2,300 Platinum)
Blight WardenBlight Warden
(1300 Platinum)
Blizzcon Epic PackBlizzcon Epic Pack
(29.99 USD Platinum)
Blood For MoneyBlood For Money
(2000 Platinum)
Blood PetalBlood Petal
(2,500 Platinum)
Blood SacrificeBlood Sacrifice
(2,400 Platinum)
Corruption SubjugateCorruption Subjugate
(2,400 Platinum)
Coven of the Blood SaintCoven of the Blood Saint
(2,400 Platinum)
Daemon FacadeDaemon Facade
(1700 Platinum)
Daemon KnightDaemon Knight
(2,800 Platinum)
Death in HawezarDeath in Hawezar
(1400 Platinum)
Death TollDeath Toll
(2400 Platinum)
Desert DaturaDesert Datura
(1500 Platinum)
Dressed to KillDressed to Kill
(1300 Platinum)
Envious LustEnvious Lust
(2,500 Platinum)
Fist of the PrimesFist of the Primes
(2,600 Platinum)
Fractured MagicFractured Magic
(2500 Platinum)
Frost LordFrost Lord
(2,800 Platinum)
Gale KeeperGale Keeper
(1600 Platinum)
Heir to the SeaHeir to the Sea
(2600 Platinum)
HellHell's Champion
(2,800 Platinum)
Heretic RitualHeretic Ritual
(1400 Platinum)
(1800 Platinum)
Implements of TortureImplements of Torture
(2,500 Platinum)
Magic of the SandsMagic of the Sands
(1200 Platinum)
Master BrawlerMaster Brawler
(2,200 Platinum)
MotherMother's Memory
(2,600 Platinum)
Nightmare SpiritNightmare Spirit
(2,600 Platinum)
Nocturne of SteelNocturne of Steel
(2,600 Platinum)
Order of the First OnesOrder of the First Ones
(2,200 Platinum)
Priestess of MohlonPriestess of Mohlon
(2,500 Platinum)
Raised by WolvesRaised by Wolves
(2500 Platinum)
Reign of the WickedReign of the Wicked
(2,500 Platinum)
RogueRogue's Legacy
(2,600 Platinum)
Scion of DevilsScion of Devils
(2,800 Platinum)
Shadow WalkerShadow Walker
(2800 Platinum)
Shadows of the LivingShadows of the Living
(2,600 Platinum)
Shards of LightShards of Light
(2,600 Platinum)
Sightless SeerSightless Seer
(2,200 Platinum)
Siren of the Red SandsSiren of the Red Sands
(2,500 Platinum)
Skin of the ViperSkin of the Viper
(2,400 Platinum)
Steppe CorsairSteppe Corsair
(900 Platinum)
(900 Platinum)
TaigaTaiga's Brute
(1500 Platinum)
Tamer of the BeastTamer of the Beast
(2,300 Platinum)
(1800 Platinum)
The BetrayerThe Betrayer
(2,800 Platinum)
The Bloody HawkThe Bloody Hawk
(2,600 Platinum)
The Callous AdversaryThe Callous Adversary
(2,400 Platinum)
The Centipede PriestThe Centipede Priest
(2,600 Platinum)
The DevourerThe Devourer's Venom
(2,600 Platinum)
The Face CollectorThe Face Collector
(2,400 Platinum)
The FearThe Fear'Bog
(1,200 Platinum)
The Flesh DancerThe Flesh Dancer
(2,800 Platinum)
The Grave DancerThe Grave Dancer
(2,200 Platinum)
The Grim RecluseThe Grim Recluse
(2,500 Platinum)
The Host of ChaosThe Host of Chaos
(2400 Platinum)
The Hungry DevilThe Hungry Devil
(2,800 Platinum)
The Lion of ArreatThe Lion of Arreat
(2200 Platinum)
The One True KingThe One True King
(2,800 Platinum)
The ScarecrowThe Scarecrow
(2,800 Platinum)
The Spirit of DeathThe Spirit of Death
(2,800 Platinum)
The Vain MonarchThe Vain Monarch
(2,600 Platinum)
The Warbird ResurgentThe Warbird Resurgent
(2,400 Platinum)
The WraithmageThe Wraithmage
(2,800 Platinum)
Thorns of PenitenceThorns of Penitence
(2200 Platinum)
Totem of UrsusTotem of Ursus
(1400 Platinum)
Triune ApostateTriune Apostate
(2500 Platinum)
Ursa NoctuaUrsa Noctua
(2,400 Platinum)
Veins of the Blood SaintVeins of the Blood Saint
(2,500 Platinum)
Viscera MavenViscera Maven
(1800 Platinum)
Watcher In the WildsWatcher In the Wilds
(1700 Platinum)
Wraith LordWraith Lord
(2800 Platinum)

Accessory Bundles

All Shop Bundles by Type
Armor and Equipment Accessory Cosmetics Mount Cosmetics Game Add Ons

Accessory Bundles are a special type of shop bundle which contain items like Back Trophies, Emotes, and Headstones. Customize your character using these cosmetics and add some flair even in death.

All Related Shop Bundles
Acorne CacheAcorne Cache
(700 Platinum)
Atonement MeasuresAtonement Measures
(800 Platinum)
Bear Cub BaleBear Cub Bale
(1,800 Platinum)
Bloody WhetstonesBloody Whetstones
(800 Platinum)
Catamount CradleCatamount Cradle
(1,800 Platinum)
Challenge of BloodChallenge of Blood
(1,000 Platinum)
Darkness CoalesceDarkness Coalesce
(1,000 Platinum)
Death ThroesDeath Throes
(800 Platinum)
Duality ManifestDuality Manifest
(800 Platinum)
Elder SymbologyElder Symbology
(1000 Platinum)
Fabulous and FleetingFabulous and Fleeting
(700 Platinum)
Gift of TaranisGift of Taranis
(800 Platinum)
(1,000 Platinum)
Hoar Frost CacheHoar Frost Cache
(1,000 Platinum)
Hooligan KitHooligan Kit
(800 Platinum)
Horadric SemblanceHoradric Semblance
(800 Platinum)
Ill-Gotten GainsIll-Gotten Gains
(1000 Platinum)
Pale MischiefPale Mischief
(1,800 Platinum)
PassionPassion's Contrivance
(800 Platinum)
Psychopump CuriosPsychopump Curios
(700 Platinum)
Quiet of the GraveQuiet of the Grave
(1,000 Platinum)
Raptor CacheRaptor Cache
(800 Platinum)
Sorceric BindingSorceric Binding
(800 Platinum)
Succubus CharmSuccubus Charm
(1,000 Platinum)
Sunken TreasuresSunken Treasures
(900 Platinum)
The LionThe Lion's Share
(800 Platinum)
Tools of the HuntTools of the Hunt
(1000 Platinum)
Unholy ProsecutionUnholy Prosecution
(800 Platinum)
Violence RequitalViolence Requital
(800 Platinum)
Weights and MeasuresWeights and Measures
(800 Platinum)
Wisdom FeatherWisdom Feather
(1,800 Platinum)

Mount Cosmetic Bundles

All Shop Bundles by Type
Armor and Equipment Accessory Cosmetics Mount Cosmetics Game Add Ons

Mounts are a brand new game mechanic in the open-world of Diablo 4. Travel in style and equip your mounts with custom Mount Skins, Mount Armor, and Mount Trophies available via these bundles.

All Related Shop Bundles
Among the StarsAmong the Stars
(2,000 Platinum)
Arcane MeansArcane Means
(1000 Platinum)
(2,000 Platinum)
Blizzcon Legendary PackBlizzcon Legendary Pack
(49.99 USD Platinum)
Bloodfiend AdventBloodfiend Advent
(1000 Platinum)
Brackish FetchBrackish Fetch
(800 Platinum)
DeathDeath's Burden
(800 Platinum)
Fallen LegionnaireFallen Legionnaire
(900 Platinum)
Fire and AshFire and Ash
(2,000 Platinum)
Flowers for the DeadFlowers for the Dead
(1,800 Platinum)
Hell RiderHell Rider
(1,000 Platinum)
(1,700 Platinum)
HighwaymanHighwayman's Stash
(500 Platinum)
HydraHydra's Tongue
(1,800 Platinum)
Insatiable ThirstInsatiable Thirst
(1,400 Platinum)
Invincible AspectInvincible Aspect
(2,500 Platinum)
Jalousie FateJalousie Fate
(1200 Platinum)
Nomadic RoyaltyNomadic Royalty
(800 Platinum)
Penitent DragoonPenitent Dragoon
(1600 Platinum)
Pride of the AcolytesPride of the Acolytes
(2,800 Platinum)
Specter AdriftSpecter Adrift
(1,000 Platinum)
The Resplendent PalfreyThe Resplendent Palfrey
(1,200 Platinum)
The Weight of GoldThe Weight of Gold
(1600 Platinum)
Three-Fold NightmareThree-Fold Nightmare
(1500 Platinum)
Wild TranscendenceWild Transcendence
(2,000 Platinum)

Add On Bundles

All Shop Bundles by Type
Armor and Equipment Accessory Cosmetics Mount Cosmetics Game Add Ons

Add ons are custom packs and upgrades that allow you to start the game in style. Get a headstart on cosmetic collection with the Crypt Hunter Pack or upgrade your Diablo 4 edition to get the Ultimate Edition rewards for your account.

All Add On Bundles
Diablo 4 Ultimate Edition Upgrade
Ultimate Edition Upgrade

(1000 Platinum)
Crypt Hunter Pack
Crypt Hunter Pack

(6.99 USD)

All Microtransactions in Diablo 4

Platinum Premium Currency

All Platinum Bundles
10000 Platinum11,500 Platinum
10,000 + 1,500 FREE
(99.99 USD)
5000 Platinum5,700 Platinum
5,000 + 700 FREE
(49.99 USD)
2500 Platinum2,800 Platinum
2,500 + 300 FREE
(24.99 USD)
1000 Platinum1,000 Platinum
(9.99 USD)
500 Platinum500 Platinum
(4.99 USD)
200 Platinum200 Platinum
(1.99 USD)

Diablo 4 features microtranscations in the form of the cosmetic bundles sold at the in-game Shop. Purchase Platinum, the game's premium currency, and exchange it for cosmetics and even edition upgrades to support further development of the game.

How to Get Platinum

Premium Seasonal Battle Pass

Diablo 4 - Preimum Battle Pass

The developers have confirmed that, unlike past Diablo games, Diablo 4's Seasons will also include a Premium Battle Pass. While entirely optional, rest assured that owners of the Seasonal Battle Pass will only get premium cosmetics. No game advantages can be obtained by paying for these recurring passes.

Battle Pass Guide and Rewards

Is Diablo 4 Pay-to-Win?

Diablo 4 Is Not Pay to Win

Diablo 4 - Not a Pay to Win Game

With the game now fully live, it can be confirmed that Diablo 4 is not a pay to win title. Instead, the game's microtransactions revolve around purely cosmetic rewards, giving players the option to buy skins that do not affect gameplay outside of making your character look cool.

Transmogs Are Available In-Game

Diablo 4 - Weapon Transmogs

Unlike its predecessor (Diablo Immortal), Diablo 4 does return the ability to apply Transmogs to your equipment. In a stunning return to form, Blizzard has included the sorely missed system in its latest Diablo title, allowing free-to-play players to still collect cool-looking skins without breaking the bank.

How to Transmog Your Gear

Diablo 4 Related Guides

D4 - Wiki Guide Partial Banner

Diablo 4 Wiki Front

All Diablo 4 Wiki Categories
Diablo 4 - Vessel of HatredVessel of Hatred Diablo 4 - SeasonsSeasons and Season 7
Diablo 4 - Builds Banner.pngBuilds Diablo 4 - Classes Partial BannerClasses
Diablo 4 - BossesBosses Diablo 4 - Unique Items PartialUnique Items
Diablo 4 - All Legendary AspectsAspects Diablo 4 - Runewords PartialRunewords
Diablo 4 - ItemsItems Diablo 4 - Tips and TricksTips and Tricks
Diablo 4 TransmogsTransmog Diablo IV - Interactive MapInteractive Map
Diablo 4 - Main QuestsMain Quests Diablo 4 - Priority QuestsPriority Quests
Diablo 4 - Side QuestsSide Quests Diablo 4 - World Boss Partial Banner.pngWorld Bosses
Diablo 4 - Dungeons Partial BannerDungeons Diablo 4 - Strongholds Partial BannerStrongholds
Diablo 4 - Tempering, 440x110Tempering Manuals Diablo 4 - Gems PartialGems
Diablo 4 - AffixesAffixes Diablo 4 - SkillsSkills
Diablo 4 - Paragon.pngParagon Boards & Glyphs Diablo 4 - Glossary.pngGlossary
Diablo 4 - List of All NPCsNPCs Diablo 4 - Mounts Partial Banner.pngMounts
Diablo 4 - Altars of Lilith.pngAltars of Lilith Cow Level PartialCow Level
Diablo 4 - PVP Fields of Hatred.pngPVP Diablo 4 - World EventsWorld Events
Diablo 4 - Rare SpawnsRare Spawns Diablo 4 - Shop BundlesShop Bundles
Diablo 4 - News and EventsNews and Events Diablo 4 - Bugs and Errors.pngBugs and Errors

Game Mechanics and Activities

Diablo 4 - The Pit GuideThe Pit Guide Diablo 4 - Infernal Horde GuideInfernal Horde Guide
Diablo 4 - Masterworking GuideMasterworking Guide Diablo 4 - Helltide Event GuideHelltide Event Guide
Diablo 4 - Legion Event GuideLegion Event Guide Diablo 4 - Nightmare Dungeon GuideNightmare Dungeon Guide
Diablo 4 - How to Complete Tree of WhispersHow to Complete Tree of Whispers -

Recommended Activity Guides

Diablo 4 - Helltide Mystery Chest Locations and MapMystery Chest Locations and Map Diablo 4 Best Nightmare DungeonsBest Nightmare Dungeon Tier List


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