Diablo 4: Vessel of Hatred (D4)

PvP Guide: How to Unlock the Fields of Hatred

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PvP is unlocked in the Fields of Hatred after completing the main campaign in Diablo 4 (D4). Read on to learn about PvP mechanics, how to visit the Fields of Hatred, PvP rewards, and the best tips for defeating other players!

PvP Mechanics Explained

PvP Mechanics Overview

PvP Zones are Located in Dry Steppes and Kehjistan

Dry Steppes Kehjistan

The Fields of Hatred are designated endgame zones in Diablo 4 that allow for Player vs. Player combat. Located in the Dry Steppes and Kehjistan, here players are able to fight enemies and other players to earn Seeds of Hatred, then cleanse them into Red Dust to purchase rewards.

Collect and Purify Seeds of Hatred

1 Visit a Field of Hatred
Fields of Hatred are special endgame battlezones where you can fight and compete against other players as you collect Seeds of Hatred. These areas are marked by a red hue on the map.
2 Collect Seeds of Hatred
Seeds of Hatred can be collected by killing players, monsters (including the Seething Abomination boss), and completing events within the zones. Seeds you've gathered are dropped upon death, so do your best to avoid dying!
3 (optional) Mark yourself for Blood
Using the Action Wheel, you can select Mark for Blood when you are inside a Field of Hatred. Marking yourself for Blood allows you to attack players, and allows them to attack you back.
4 Purify Seeds at Altars of Extraction
Collected Seeds need to be purified at Altars of Extraction to turn them into Red Dust. Unlike Seeds of Hatred, you will not lose Red Dust you've collected upon death.
5 PvP Vendor Map Spend Red Dust at PvP Vendors
Once you've converted your Seeds of Hatred into Red Dust, take it to any of the exclusive vendors in either of the towns within the Fields of Hatred to spend it on various things like cosmetics, Mounts, or random equipment.

How to Get and Purify Seeds of Hatred

Unpurified Seeds are Lost If You Leave the Area or Die

Seeds of Hatred must be purified into Red Dust at an Altar of Extraction in the Field of Hatred they were gathered in. You will lose your hard-earned Seeds if you teleport (or simply walk) out of the area where you gathered them, so make sure not to skip this ritual. Red Dust is a permanent currency that stays with you even if you leave the PvP zone (at least until you spend it).

Dying in the Field of Hatred, either by the hand of an enemy player or enemy monster, will cause you to drop your Seeds of Hatred. It's worth going back to the spot you died to see if you can pick them up again - but don't get your hopes up, as other players may take them instead.

PvP is Opt-In

Mark Yourself for Blood from the Emote Wheel

The Fields of Hatred is an entirely optional experience, though you'll be missing out on good experience and rewards if you choose not to do it. Although billed as a PvP mode, much of the time you'll be able to ignore (or work cautiously alongside) other players who are just looking to score some Dust. The Fields of Hatred only truly becomes a PvP mode when someone Marks themself for Blood (including you), and in doing so alerting all players in the region that an aggressor is on the loose.

Once you attempt to purify your Seeds of Hatred at Altars of Extraction, nearby players will be alerted. This may leave you vulnerable to enemy players who are looking for a fight, as the victor gets to loot dropped Seeds of Hatred from the victim's corpse, so don't be surprised if you get ambushed during the purification process by someone Marked for Blood.

Damage Reduction and Armor Contribution are Nerfed

Damage Reduction Armor Contribution

In Fields of Hatred, your Damage receives a 92% reduction against other players and your Armor Contribution only contributes 65% of what it normally does during normal PvE gameplay.

Earn Hatred's Chosen Status and Gain Bonus Seeds

Killing enough enemy players will earn you the temporary title of Hatred's Chosen, a juggernaut-like status that will allow you to earn bonus Seeds of Hatred if you can survive for long enough. In turn, the players hunting you will get bonus Seeds if they are victorious.

How to Unlock PvP

Go to the Fields of Hatred in the Dry Steppes or Kehjistan

Dry Steppes Kehjistan



The Fields of Hatred can be unlocked by simply heading to either Field of Hatred in the Dry Steppes or Kehjistan regions. However, do note that the Priority Quest for the Fields of Hatred will only unlock if you visit the one in the Dry Steppes.

Note: You do not need to complete the Main Story or the Priority Quest to participate in the PvP activities of the Fields of Hatred. However, do be warned as there is nothing stopping high level endgame players from ganking you while you collect Seeds of Hatred.

Fields of Hatred Quest Guide

PvP Rewards and Vendors

Red Dust Currency

Red Dust is the currency received from purifying Seeds of Hatred, which drop exclusively in the PvP zones. This means that if there's an item you want from one of the PvP-exclusive vendors, you have no choice but to participate in the Fields of Hatred.

Red Dust Farming Guide

Spend Red Dust on Cosmetics, Mounts, Scrolls and Random Equipment

Odds and Ends

Red Dust can be spent at any of the PvP-exclusive vendors. Save for the random equipment, the items here cannot be acquired anywhere else in the game, so if you're looking for rare cosmetics or Mounts, farming for Red Dust is a must!

All PvP Cosmetics

Player Ears

Grotesque? Maybe. Awesome? Definitely.

If you kill another player in a PvP zone, you get to take their ear as a trophy. It's for the memories, mostly.

Exclusive Titles

Show off your PvP prowess and let everyone know you're a Diablo die-hard with these titles.

Challenge Titles Unlocked
Enemy of the People
Get 1 PvP kill.
Enemy of the Region
Get 25 PvP kills.
Enemy of Sanctuary
Get 100 PvP kills.
Helping Hands
Get a PvP kill while in a party.

PvP Best Tips and Strategies

Best PvP Tips and Strategies

Wait for a Triggered Ritual Before Marking Yourself for Blood

If you jump the gun and Mark yourself for Blood in the middle of the zone, you're leaving yourself wide open to attack. Instead, wait until someone else starts a cleansing ritual for their Seeds when they are most vulnerable. Look for the Altar of Extraction icon to change, then dash over there and Mark yourself.

Furthermore, make sure you're not hauling around a bunch of uncleansed Seeds in case your assault doesn't go as planned.

Choose a Tailored Build for PvP

Your dungeon-optimized trash mob clearing build probably isn't going to cut it for PvP in the long run. Although it's still early days and the meta hasn't yet formed around PvP, here are a few things to keep in mind when designing the best build for the Fields of Hatred:

  • CC (Crowd Control) is king in PvP; Cleanses (skills that activate Unstoppable) are paramount to make sure you don't lose control of your character.
  • Exploiter's Aspect is beautiful in PvP due to how many people run Cleanses. This allows you to deal more damage to enemies who are Unstoppable.
  • There's a damage cap limit to Critical Strike damage in PvP.
  • You are naturally tankier in PvP. Take advantage of this by either investing more in offensive stats, or doubling down on survivability and drag fights to your advantage.

Double Dip by Farming Whispers in the PvP Zone

Kill two birds with one stone by completing Whispers of the Dead that are marked in the Fields of Hatred. You can earn 3 Grim Favors for completing the Seed Purification Ritual, which can be done in less than one minute, making this the best way to farm the Tree of Whispers.

How to Complete the Tree of Whispers

The Kehjistan Fields of Hatred Has Better Mob Density

The Kehjistan PvP zone in the south area of the map has the edge when it comes to monsters and Elites. The area itself is ever so slightly smaller, and Whispers tend to spawn more frequently here as well. Look to the southernmost edge for the most activity.

Have you been spending time in the Fields of Hatred in Diablo 4? Let us know in the comments your best tips for surviving PvP!

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