Diablo 4: Vessel of Hatred (D4)

Beginner Guides and Best Tips for Getting Started

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Diablo 4 - Tips and Tricks

We have compiled a list of tips and tricks everyone should know about Diablo 4 (D4), beginners and veterans alike! Read on for guides on how to get started in Diablo 4, guides on gameplay features, and the absolute best tips you need to know when playing the game.

How to Get Started in Diablo 4

How to Get Started
Check MarkSystem Requirements: Recommended Specs

Check MarkDifficulty Tier Settings Guide

Check MarkCharacter Customization Options

System Requirements: Recommended Specs

Diablo 4 - Specs
The following are the confirmed system requirements for Diablo 4. See below for both minimum and recommended PC specs.

Minimum Recommended
OS ・64-bit Windows 10 ・64-bit Windows 10
CPU ・Intel Core i5-2500K
・AMD FX-8100
・Intel Core i5-4670K
・AMD R3-1300X
・ AMD Radeon R9 280
・NVIDIA GeForce GTX 970
・AMD Radeon RX 470
Storage 90 GB 90 GB
DirectX Version 12 Version 12
Internet Broadband Internet

System Requirements: Minimum and Recommended Specs

Difficulty Tier Settings Guide

Difficulty Tiers are a gameplay system in Diablo 4 that increase the difficulty of the game and allow the player to gain even greater and rarer rewards. The higher the Difficulty, the greater the player is challenged.

Standard Torment
(reach level 60)
Normal I
Hard II
Expert III
Penitent IV

Difficulties have been reworked as of Season 6, each with their own challenge level, and bonus rewards. World Tiers no longer exist within the game and have been divided into Standard (Normal, Hard, Expert, and Penitent) and Torment (I, II, III, IV) difficulties.

Difficulty Tiers Explained: How to Change Difficulty

Character Customization Options

Players, for the first time in a Diablo game, will be able to customize their own character however they want. Players will be able to customize the following parts of their character:

  1. Face
  2. Hairstyle
  3. Facial hair (Beards and eyebrows)
  4. Jewelry (Nose piercings and earrings)
  5. Makeup
  6. Body markings (Tattoos and body paint)
  7. Color values (Skin, eyes, hair, and body markings)
  8. Other class-specific options

Character Customization Options

Beginner's Guide

Best Tips and Tricks
Check MarkFollow the Campaign Storyline

Check MarkStart Off On Normal and Switch to Hard

Check MarkFocus on One Core Skill

Check MarkUnlock Altars of Lilith As You Go

Check MarkComplete Class Specialization Quests

Check MarkTrack Dungeons for Aspects From the Codex

Check MarkLeave Dungeons with the Action Wheel

Check MarkKeep Extra Loot in Your Stash

Check MarkUse Emotes to Complete Side Quests and More

Check MarkStagger Bosses to Freely Deal Damage

Check MarkKeep a Whispering Key on You

Check MarkCheck for Gears That Give Skill Points

Check MarkStart Tempering Your Gear

Follow the Campaign Storyline

As you start progressing, we recommend following the Main Campaign questline as this will introduce you to the different systems and mechanics of the game.

Once you reach Act 4, you can finally obtain a Mount which is mainly used for traversing throughout Sanctuary. Make sure to get this as soon as possible to make your progress easier.

Campaign Walkthrough

Start Off On Normal and Switch to Hard

When you create a new character for the first time in Diablo IV, you'll be given the choice between Normal and Hard modes. As your character starts off without a strong build foundation or access to their main Skills, make sure to switch to Hard mode as this will making leveling up you faster.

Once you get a power spike and your build is fully in motion, you might be taking out enemies reliably enough to switch to Expert. Just make sure it isn't taking you too long to kill enemies, or the experience bonus will be cancelled out by the extra time sink.

If you begin to struggle on the higher difficulties - no worries. Just open head over to Kyovashad any time to change the difficulty back down.

Best Difficulty Tier to Start With

Focus on One Core Skill

The Skill Trees in Diablo IV can be quite intimidating at first with an overwhelming selection of Skills to sink points into for each class. To complicate matters, investing in the wrong Skills without a plan for the future can result in a character build that you don't enjoy playing.

For starters, you'll want to select only one Core skill for your character and use points to upgrade that Skill and unlock complimentary Skills along the Tree. Not sure which Skills go well together? Select your desired class below to see leveling guides for each one.

Season 6 Leveling Guides
BarbarianBarbarian DruidDruid SorcererSorcerer
RogueRogue NecromancerNecromancer SpiritbornSpiritborn

Skill Tree Overview: Talent Tree Explained

Unlock Altars of Lilith As You Go

Diablo 4 - Altars of Lilith

Altars of Lilith are statues scattered all around the game that, when interacted with, give permanent stat boosts to all characters on your account as well as 10 Renown. These statues can be found all across Sanctuary and the stats and Renown you receive can stack up as you progress in-game.

All Altars of Lilith Locations

Complete Class Specialization Quests to Strengthen Your Character

Quest Reward Lvl. Requirement
Barbarian: Master of Battle Arsenal System 15
Rogue: True Potential Specialization System 15
Sorcerer: Legacy of the Magi Enchantment Slots 15
Druid: Spirits of the Lost Grove Spirit Animals 15
Necromancer: Call of the Underworld Golem Summon 25
Spiritborn: Sacred Hunt Spirit Hall 15

Upon reaching a certain level, your character will be able to take on Class Specialization Quests that unlock a Class Mechanic specific to that class. These Specializations further increase your character's strengths by unlocking new abilities and effects without having to equip additional items.

List of All Class Specialization Quests

Track Dungeons for Aspects From the Codex

While it is completely viable to use the Map to look for Dungeons, players can find Dungeons more efficiently by utilizing the Codex of Power. From the Codex of Power screen, simply left click on an Aspect to pin its Dungeon location then you can track that Dungeon by following the pin on your Map.

What is the Codex of Power?

Leave Dungeons with the Action Wheel

Instead of backtracking all the way through a dungeon to get out, you can simply open up the action wheel and select Leave Dungeon to leave. This is one of several ways that will save you a lot of time in the long run.

How to Leave Dungeons

Keep Extra Loot in Your Stash

Diablo 4 - Inventory

Found a nice Legendary weapon? Perhaps it has an Aspect you want to try with a future build. Or maybe you're just a pack rat and can't bring yourself to throw anything out. Either way, your inventory will fill up fast. Use the Stash in any town to store extra Gear and Gems until you're ready to part ways with it.

Can You Increase Inventory Size?

Use Emotes to Complete Side Quests and More

Diablo 4 - Read the Clues and Use the Correct Emote

Emotes are not just for fun in Diablo IV. In fact, it's necessary to use specific Emotes during certain side quests to complete them. You can open the Emote Wheel (up on the d-pad), then select Customize to see a full list of available Emotes.

There are also some statues in the overworld that leave cryptic messages that hint at using a particular Emote. Use the correct one to receive a temporary buff to one of your stats!

Emote Shrine Guide

Stagger Bosses to Freely Deal Damage

Right below a the HP bar of a Boss you can find a yellow bar. This is a stagger meter that once filled up, causes that Boss to stagger, essentially rendering it incapacitated for a short period of time.

During this window, you can attack and deal as much damage as you can without any risk of receiving harm.

How to Stagger Bosses

Keep a Whispering Key On You

Diablo 4 - Silent Chest

You may come across Silent Chests randomly during your overworld farming, and these chests give decent loot. To open them, you'll need to use a Whispering Key, which you can purchase from the Purveyor of Curiosities for 20 Murmuring Obols a pop.

Murmuring Obols can be earned from completing overworld events. These appear in quite a few locations, so make sure you know where to find them!

List of All World Event Locations in Fractured Peaks

Check for Gears That Give Skill Points

+1 Rank to All Agility Skills
As you collect Items in the game, be on the lookout for Gears that give +1 skills to a Skill branch. This is especially useful in the earlier stages of the game as you can unlock Skills earlier than you normally would.

Start Tempering Your Gear

Start Tempering Your Gear

Once you have most of the gear you need, its best to start Tempering them as soon as possible so you can add more stats that can benefit your build. Make sure you have enough materials such as Iron Chunks and Rawhides as Tempering requires a good amount of them.

List of All Tempering Manuals

Tips for PC Players

PC Tips and Tricks
Check MarkHold Left Click to Continuously Move

Check MarkIncrease the Mouse Cursor Size

Check MarkSplit Bindings for Basic Skill and Movement

Check MarkHold Shift to Attack or Use Skill in Place

Check MarkPress S to Open Up Skill Menu

Hold Left Click to Continuously Move

In addition to clicking the left mouse button to move around, players can simply hold down the left click button and their character will start to move. This is a nifty feature that can help in reducing fatigue from constantly clicking.

Increase the Mouse Cursor Size

Should players find the game's cursor to be a bit smaller than they liked, there is a quick fix to this issue which can be found in the game's Options. Once in the Options menu, scroll down the Graphics tab until you see Cursor Scale. In this option, you have three cursor sizes to choose from, with the default cursor size being Small.

Split Bindings for Basic Skill and Movement

By default, movement and basic skill binds are on the same buttons. This can be convenient as players can simply click on the ground then on enemies to perform a specific action. However, there might players that wish to have these movements on separate binds.

Fortunately, Diablo 4 allows players to assign skills to any key they wish. To do this, head over to the Controls tab of the Options menu then change your bindings from the Key Bindings tab.

Best Settings for PC

Hold Shift to Attack or Use Skill in Place

Since character movement and basic skills have the same key binding by default, there might be moments where players unintentionally move as they attack. This can be avoided by pressing down the Shift key to use skills or attack in place.

Press S to Open Up Skill Menu

Diablo 4 - Skill Assignment Flyout

As you progress through the game, more Skills become available to you either through gear or by leveling them up. Players can press S to open up the Skill Assignment Flyout and drag the skill icon to whichever slot is optimal. With this feature, there is no more need for Elective Mode as seen in Diablo 3.

Diablo 4 Gameplay Feature Guides

New Gameplay Features New Skill Tree
Multiplayer Features Merchant NPCs
Microtransactions Endgame Content

Click on a feature to jump to its section!

List of All New Gameplay Features

Open World Mounts
Open World Mounts
Diablo 4 will give players a great degree of freedom in the open world of Sanctuary, where they can stray from the main campaign and do side content as they please. Now, any class can ride a mount, and they will even have transmogs! Don't worry about exploring the vast map on foot as your trusty mount will get you around.

New Skill Tree

See Full Image

The class skill tree has been revamped into an expanded skill tree where the Active Skills, Passive Skills, along with their upgrades are all connected. As your character levels up, you will receive skill points that you can spend to unlock a skill node, which will open the other skills and upgrades it branches out to.
Skill Tree Overview: New Diablo 4 Talent Tree Explained

List of All Multiplayer Features

Diablo 4 - Field of Hatred

All Multiplayer Features
Check MarkParty Up With Players and Take On Dungeons

Check MarkOpen World Will Have PvP Zones

Check MarkFight World Bosses with Other Players

Check MarkCross-Play Enabled

Check MarkLocal Co-Op is Supported

Diablo 4 supports both online multiplayer and local co-op! Follow the link below to learn more about the game's multiplayer features including PvP Features, PvE, and how couch Co-Op works!

Multiplayer Features: Will Diablo 4 Have Local Co-Op?

List of All Merchant NPCs

Alchemist Upgrades health potions and sells buff-granting elixirs.
Occultist Can imbue a Codex of Power or an Aspect into items to give override the legendary powers of an item and grant them new powers.
Jeweler Can craft, upgrade, and unsocket Gems, add more Sockets, and craft Runewords.
Blacksmith Repairs and upgrades your gear, sells weapons and armor, and is able to salvage items you don't need.
Purveyor Of Curiosities You can spend Obols to gamble for items or purchase Whispering Keys from this NPC.
Stable Master Allows you to customize and purchase mounts and mount armors.
Rings and Amulets Sells Rings and Amulet with varying rarities and affixes.
Weapons Sells random types of weapon with varying rarities and affixes.
Armors Sells random armor pieces with varying rarities and affixes.
Dark Citadel Vendor
(Vessel of Hatred exclusive)
Sells various consumables that aid you and your party for Citadel Coins. Also sells the Scroll of Restoration, various caches and other Weapon Cosmetics.

List of All NPCs

List of All Microtransactions

Cosmetics Shop Premium Seasonal Battle Pass

See Full Image

See Full Image

Diablo 4 will have a Cosmetics Shop, where players can use Premium Currency to buy items that change the appearance of your character. None of these provide a gameplay advantage in any way.

The Battle Pass, or the Season Pass, rewards players for completing activities that aid the player in progressing in Diablo 4. Players can purchase the Premium version of the Battle Pass to unlock more cosmetic rewards.

Monetization: All Microtransactions and Season Passes

List of All Endgame Content

Endgame Content

Diablo 4 will have a lot of endgame content for all players, including Torment difficulty tiers, a new Paragon system, and other activities with great rewards.

Difficulty Tiers Increase the difficulty of the game to gain even greater and rarer rewards.
Helltide Defeat Lilith's minions and collect Cinders, which can be used to open Helltide Chests and earn useful boons.
Nightmare Dungeons Use Nightmare Sigils to change the characteristics of dungeons in the world, allowing you to obtain better rewards.
Seething Realm Defeat Realmwalkers to gain access to the Seething Realm, a dungeon that rewards Seething Opals.
Whispers of the Dead Complete Whisper quests for Grim Favors, which can be exchanged at the Tree of Whispers for great loot and experience.
Fields of Hatred Engage in PvP in the Fields of Hatred! Defeat demons to collect Seeds of Hatred, which can be exchanged at the Altar of Extraction for Red Dust, which are used to buy new cosmetics and mounts.
Paragon Boards Become even stronger and customize your build by unlocking Nodes on the Paragon Board using Paragon Points.
Seasonal Battle Pass Players will be able to play through new seasons of the Battle Pass and earn new cosmetics, and play new story content.
Uber Bosses Challenge Uber Bosses in Torment difficulties to target farm certain Unique items.
Infernal Hordes Take on this roguelike game mode for farming Gear, Gold, and Materials.
Masterworking Upgrade your gear stats to the highest by spending Obducites and other materials.
Dark Citadel Take on this new Raid dungeon with your allies that requires good coordination and puzzle solving.

Endgame Guide: What to Do After the Campaign

All Tips and Tricks Guides

Tips and Tricks

Starter Guides
Skill Tree Explained List of Controls
Character Customization Options How to Make a Battle.Net Account
Best Settings for PC Best Settings for Console
Difficulty Settings and World Tiers Guide Best World Tier: Adventurer or Veteran?
List of All Status Effects: Buffs and Debuffs Compatible Video Card List
Best Equipment for Early Game Does Diablo 4 Beta Data Carry Over?
PC Controller Support Best Quest Order
What to Spend Gold On Combat Guide: How to Beat Hard Enemies
Stat Guide: All Stats Explained Early Game Guide: What to Do First
Can You Play Split Screen? -
Tips and Tricks
Respec Cost Guide EXP Farming Guide
Battle Pass Guide Renown System Guide
Where to Sell Items Faded Plaque Puzzle Solutions
How to Summon the Golem What is Hardcore Mode?
How to Get a Whispering Key and Open Silent Chests How to Highlight All Interactables
Elective Mode: How to Assign Skills Can You Change Classes?
How to Stagger Bosses How to Create a Clan
List of Shrine Effects How to Get Missed Legendary Drops
Legendary Farming Guide List of Challenges and Titles
Trophies and Achievements Guide Multiplayer Guide: How to Play Co-Op With Friends
How to Use Aspects How to Skip Campaign and What Carries Over
How to Claim All Rewards and Preorder Bonuses How to Farm Expertise Quickly
How to Teleport to a Party Member's Location How to Target Farm Legendaries
Party Bonuses and Group Scaling Explained What is Level Scaling?
Mutterlock Chest Puzzle: How to Open How to Get the Darkblade
What Does Mark For Blood Do? Powerleveling Guide
How to Make a Build How to Clear Dungeons Fast
How to Trade Best Season Blessing for Season 1
How to Hunt for Treasure Goblins Close vs Distant Explained
What is Strength What is Dexterity
What is Intelligence What is Willpower
How to Reset Dungeons What is the Armor Cap?
How to Unlock Pets How to Use the Party Finder Feature
How to Skip Cutscenes How to Level Mercenaries Fast
How to Evade -
Endgame Content
Endgame Content Guide Leaderboards Release Date
Sacred and Ancestral Items Explained How to Farm Uniques
Class Specializations
Barbarian Arsenal System Rogue Specialization
Sorcerer Enchantments Druid Spirit Boons
Necromancer Book of the Dead -
What is the Max Level? Should You Uninstall the Beta?
Can You Zoom Out? Do You Need to Play Diablo 3 First?
Are There Set Items in Diablo 4? Does Diablo 4 Have Followers?
Can You Change Your Name? How to Use Two-Handed Weapons
What Is the Maximum Party Size? Can You Augment Equipment?
Where is Kyovashad? What to Inscribe into the Wood in Kyovashad
Is There WASD Movement? How to Update Graphics Drivers
How to Change Voice and Text Language List of Accessibility Features
Should You Use Keyboard or Controller? How to Show FPS and Latency
Campaign Length: How Long to Beat Should you Sell or Salvage?
How to Save What Happens If You Die?
What Happens When Items Break? Is There A Guest Pass?
How to Use Voice Chat List of Hairstyles and Hair Colors
Can You Minimize the Map? How to Save Outfits
How to Take Screenshots on PC Rarity Explained: What Does Rarity Affect?
Is Deckard Cain in Diablo 4? Is There a Monthly Fee?
Is Loot Shared Between Characters? Missables and One-Time Events Guide
Best Character Name: Are Names Unique? List of Secrets and Easter Eggs
Are There Private Servers? Is There a Loot Filter?

Diablo 4 Related Guides

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Diablo 4 Wiki Front

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Diablo 4 - Vessel of HatredVessel of Hatred Diablo 4 - SeasonsSeasons and Season 7
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Diablo 4 - BossesBosses Diablo 4 - Unique Items PartialUnique Items
Diablo 4 - All Legendary AspectsAspects Diablo 4 - Runewords PartialRunewords
Diablo 4 - ItemsItems Diablo 4 - Tips and TricksTips and Tricks
Diablo 4 TransmogsTransmog Diablo IV - Interactive MapInteractive Map
Diablo 4 - Main QuestsMain Quests Diablo 4 - Priority QuestsPriority Quests
Diablo 4 - Side QuestsSide Quests Diablo 4 - World Boss Partial Banner.pngWorld Bosses
Diablo 4 - Dungeons Partial BannerDungeons Diablo 4 - Strongholds Partial BannerStrongholds
Diablo 4 - Tempering, 440x110Tempering Manuals Diablo 4 - Gems PartialGems
Diablo 4 - AffixesAffixes Diablo 4 - SkillsSkills
Diablo 4 - Paragon.pngParagon Boards & Glyphs Diablo 4 - Glossary.pngGlossary
Diablo 4 - List of All NPCsNPCs Diablo 4 - Mounts Partial Banner.pngMounts
Diablo 4 - Altars of Lilith.pngAltars of Lilith Cow Level PartialCow Level
Diablo 4 - PVP Fields of Hatred.pngPVP Diablo 4 - World EventsWorld Events
Diablo 4 - Rare SpawnsRare Spawns Diablo 4 - Shop BundlesShop Bundles
Diablo 4 - News and EventsNews and Events Diablo 4 - Bugs and Errors.pngBugs and Errors

Game Mechanics and Activities

Diablo 4 - The Pit GuideThe Pit Guide Diablo 4 - Infernal Horde GuideInfernal Horde Guide
Diablo 4 - Masterworking GuideMasterworking Guide Diablo 4 - Helltide Event GuideHelltide Event Guide
Diablo 4 - Legion Event GuideLegion Event Guide Diablo 4 - Nightmare Dungeon GuideNightmare Dungeon Guide
Diablo 4 - How to Complete Tree of WhispersHow to Complete Tree of Whispers -

Recommended Activity Guides

Diablo 4 - Helltide Mystery Chest Locations and MapMystery Chest Locations and Map Diablo 4 Best Nightmare DungeonsBest Nightmare Dungeon Tier List


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