Diablo 4: Vessel of Hatred (D4)

List of All Resource Aspects

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This guide presents all Resource Aspects found in Diablo 4 (D4). Read on for a list of every Resource Aspect in the game, how to get them, and which items you can imprint them on!

Aspects by Type
Resource AspectsResource Offensive AspectsOffensive Resource AspectsResource
Utility AspectsUtility Mobility AspectsMobility

All Resource Aspects

New Season 7 Resource Aspects

There are no new Resource Aspects introduced in Season 7: Season of Witchcraft.

Season 7 Guide (Season of Witchcraft)

Barbarian Resource Aspects

Jump to a Class's Resource Aspects!
Diablo 4 - Barbarian IconBarbarian Diablo 4 - Rogue IconRogue Diablo 4 - Sorcerer IconSorcerer
Diablo 4 - Necromancer IconNecromancer Diablo 4 - Druid IconDruid SpiritbornSpiritborn
Diablo 4 - General IconAll Classes
Aspect Power How to Get
Aspect of Unrelenting Fury ImageAspect of Unrelenting Fury Killing an enemy with a Core Skill refunds (10.0-20.0)% of its base Fury cost.
Can only happen once per Skill cast.
Drops from the Hallowed Ossuary Dungeon in Fractured Peaks.
Aspect of the Relentless Armsmaster ImageAspect of the Relentless Armsmaster Gain 35-65% increased Fury Generation and 15% reduced Fury cost to your Skills while all bonuses from the Walking Arsenal Key Passive are active. Drops from the Calibel's Mine Dungeon in Scosglen.
Slaking Aspect ImageSlaking Aspect Lucky Hit: You have up to a 45 - 60% chance to gain 20 Fury when a Core Skill deals direct damage to at least one Bleeding enemy.
Your Maximum Fury is increased by 5 - 20.
Drops from the Maulwood Dungeon in Fractured Peaks.
Aspect of Vocalized Empowerment ImageAspect of Vocalized Empowerment Your Shout Skills generate 5-10 Primary Resource per second while active Drops from the Sirocco Caverns Dungeon in Kehjistan.
Bear Clan BerserkerBear Clan Berserker's Aspect Killing an enemy while Berserking has a 40% chance to grant (16-32)% increased Cooldown Reduction to your Brawling Skills for 2 seconds. Obtained from Legendary Item drops.
Bold ChieftainBold Chieftain's Aspect Whenever you cast a Shout Skill, its active Cooldown is reduced by (10-30)% per Nearby enemy, up to a maximum of 70%. Obtained from Legendary Item drops.
Complete the Chapter 2 Challenges in the Season 1 Season Journey.
Aspect of Berserk Fury ImageAspect of Berserk Fury You gain (XX) Fury per second while Berserking. Obtained from Legendary Item drops.
Complete the Chapter 2 Challenges in the Season 2 Season Journey.
Aspect of Giant Strides ImageAspect of Giant Strides Reduces the Cooldown of Leap by (1.3-2.5) seconds per enemy hit, up to a maximum of 9 to 7 seconds.
Hitting a Boss with Leap provides the maximum cooldown reduction
Obtained from Legendary Item drops.

Rogue Resource Aspects

Jump to a Class's Resource Aspects!
Diablo 4 - Barbarian IconBarbarian Diablo 4 - Rogue IconRogue Diablo 4 - Sorcerer IconSorcerer
Diablo 4 - Necromancer IconNecromancer Diablo 4 - Druid IconDruid SpiritbornSpiritborn
Diablo 4 - General IconAll Classes
Aspect Power How to Get
Energizing Aspect ImageEnergizing Aspect Damaging an Elite enemy with a Basic Skill generates (5-9) Energy. Drops from the Sanguine Chapel Dungeon in Fractured Peaks.
Ravenous Aspect ImageRavenous Aspect Killing a Vulnerable enemy grants you (50-70)% increased Energy Regeneration for 4 seconds. Drops from the Shifting City Dungeon in Dry Steppes.
Galvanized SlasherGalvanized Slasher's Aspect Lucky Hit: Damaging an enemy with a Mobility Skill has a 15-30% chance to fully restore your Energy.
Your Maximum Energy is increased by 15-30.
Obtained from Legendary Item drops.
Obtained from the Season 5 Season Journey.

Sorcerer Resource Aspects

Jump to a Class's Resource Aspects!
Diablo 4 - Barbarian IconBarbarian Diablo 4 - Rogue IconRogue Diablo 4 - Sorcerer IconSorcerer
Diablo 4 - Necromancer IconNecromancer Diablo 4 - Druid IconDruid SpiritbornSpiritborn
Diablo 4 - General IconAll Classes
Aspect Power How to Get
Aspect of Recharging ImageAspect of Recharging Each time Chain Lightning bounces off you, gain 2.5-5.0 Mana. Drops from the Zenith Dungeon in Fractured Peaks.
ProdigyProdigy's Aspect Using a Cooldown restores (XX) Mana. Drops from the Witchwater Dungeon in Hawezar.
Incendiary Aspect ImageIncendiary Aspect Lucky Hit: Burning Damage has up to a (12-17)% chance to restore 10 Mana. Drops from the Tomb of the Saints Dungeon in Kehjistan.
Aspect of Concentration ImageAspect of Concentration Casting a Conjuration Skill grants you 15 - 25% Damage Reduction for 5 seconds. Obtained from Legendary Item drops.
Aspect of Efficiency ImageAspect of Efficiency Casting a Basic Skill reduces the Mana cost of your next Core or Mastery Skill by 35 - 50%. Drops from the Domhainne Tunnels Dungeon in Scosglen.
Aspect Of Elemental Acuity ImageAspect Of Elemental Acuity Casting a Pyromancy, Shock, or Frost Skill increases your Mana Regeneration by 10-20% for 5 seconds, once per Element.
At maximum stacks, the total bonus is increased to 60-120% for 10 seconds, but all stacks expire after the duration.
Obtained from Legendary Item drops.
Obtained from the Season 5 Season Journey.

Necromancer Resource Aspects

Jump to a Class's Resource Aspects!
Diablo 4 - Barbarian IconBarbarian Diablo 4 - Rogue IconRogue Diablo 4 - Sorcerer IconSorcerer
Diablo 4 - Necromancer IconNecromancer Diablo 4 - Druid IconDruid SpiritbornSpiritborn
Diablo 4 - General IconAll Classes
Aspect Power How to Get
Fastblood Aspect ImageFastblood Aspect Blood Orbs reduce your Ultimate Cooldown by (XX) seconds. Drops from the Iron Hold Dungeon in Hawezar.
Flesh-Rending Aspect ImageFlesh-Rending Aspect When Decompose explodes, gain 25-40 Essence Drops from the Nostrava Deepwood Dungeon in Fractured Peaks.
Aspect of Potent Blood ImageAspect of Potent Blood Blood Orbs grant 10-25 Essence. Drops from the Betrayer's Row Dungeon in Dry Steppes.
Requiem Aspect ImageRequiem Aspect You gain (XX) Maximum Essence per active Minion. Drops from the Vault of The Forsaken Dungeon in Scosglen.
Aspect of Torment ImageAspect of Torment Critical Strikes with Bone Skills increase your Essence Regeneration by (20-30)% for 4 seconds. Drops from the Black Asylum Dungeon in Fractured Peaks.
Aspect of Exposed Flesh ImageAspect of Exposed Flesh Lucky Hit: Up to a 10% chance to generate (XX) Essence when hitting a Vulnerable enemy with your Bone Skills. Obtained from Legendary Item drops.
Complete the Chapter 2 Challenges in the Season 3 Season Journey.

Druid Resource Aspects

Jump to a Class's Resource Aspects!
Diablo 4 - Barbarian IconBarbarian Diablo 4 - Rogue IconRogue Diablo 4 - Sorcerer IconSorcerer
Diablo 4 - Necromancer IconNecromancer Diablo 4 - Druid IconDruid SpiritbornSpiritborn
Diablo 4 - General IconAll Classes
Aspect Power How to Get
Mangled Aspect ImageMangled Aspect While in Werebear form, you gain 10-25 Spirit every 8 seconds Drops from the Immortal Emanation Dungeon in Fractured Peaks.
Aspect of the Unsatiated ImageAspect of the Unsatiated After Critically Striking an enemy with Shred, you gain 15 Spirit. While at 100 Spirit, Werewolf Skills deal 20-40% increased damage until you go below 30 Spirit. Drops from the Tormented Ruins Dungeon in Fractured Peaks.
Aspect of the Calm Breeze ImageAspect of the Calm Breeze Lucky Hit: Wind Shear has up to a (7-12)% chance to fully restore your Spirit. Drops from the Grinning Labyrinth Dungeon in Dry Steppes.
Balanced Aspect ImageBalanced Aspect Increase your Maximum Spirit by (60 - 80) and Spirit Generation by 50% while Grizzly Rage is active. Obtained from Legendary Item drops.
Rejuvenating Aspect ImageRejuvenating Aspect When you drop below 20 Spirit, there is a 15-30% chance for your Spirit to be instantly refilled to max. Obtained from Legendary Item drops.
Obtained from the Season 5 Season Journey.

Spiritborn Resource Aspects

Jump to a Class's Resource Aspects!
Diablo 4 - Barbarian IconBarbarian Diablo 4 - Rogue IconRogue Diablo 4 - Sorcerer IconSorcerer
Diablo 4 - Necromancer IconNecromancer Diablo 4 - Druid IconDruid SpiritbornSpiritborn
Diablo 4 - General IconAll Classes
Aspect Power How to Get
Aspect of Alacrity ImageAspect of Alacrity Your Skills Cooldown (10 - 40)% faster while you are moving. Obtained from Legendary Item drops.
Aspect of Empowered Feathers ImageAspect of Empowered Feathers Lucky Hit: Eagle Skills have a (25 - 35)% chance to summon a Storm Feather.
You can collect Spirit Feathers to reduce your Mobility Skill Cooldowns by 0.5 seconds.
Obtained from Legendary Item drops.
Aspect of Exhilaration ImageAspect of Exhilaration Lucky Hit: Hitting an enemy has up to a 25 - 32% chance to reduce your Evade Cooldown by 5 seconds.
Each stack of Ferocity you have increases this chance by 5%.
Obtained from Legendary Item drops.

General Resource Aspects

Jump to a Class's Resource Aspects!
Diablo 4 - Barbarian IconBarbarian Diablo 4 - Rogue IconRogue Diablo 4 - Sorcerer IconSorcerer
Diablo 4 - Necromancer IconNecromancer Diablo 4 - Druid IconDruid SpiritbornSpiritborn
Diablo 4 - General IconAll Classes
Aspect Power How to Get
Aspect of the Umbral ImageAspect of the Umbral Restore (XX) of your Primary Resource when you Crowd Control an enemy. Drops from the Champion's Demise Dungeon in Dry Steppes.
Assimilation Aspect ImageAssimilation Aspect You have 8% increased Dodge Chance.
When you Dodge, Fortify for 5-10% of your Maximum Life.
Obtained from Legendary Item drops.
Starlight Aspect ImageStarlight Aspect Gain (25-40) Primary Resource for every 20% Life that you Heal or every 200% that you Overheal when at Maximum Life. Obtained from Legendary Item drops.
Aspect of the Dark Dance ImageAspect of the Dark Dance Every 5 seconds above 60% Life, Core Skills cost 0.15-0.2 Life instead of Primary Resource.
Skills that spend Life deal 60-80% bonus damage.
Obtained from Legendary Item drops.
Obtained from the Season 5 Season Journey.
Aspect of Voracious Rage ImageAspect of Voracious Rage Killing an enemy with a Core Skill refunds (15-35)% of its base cost.
Can only happen once per skill cast.
Drops from the Hallowed Ossuary Dungeon in Fractured Peaks.

What Are Resource Aspects?

Resource-Related Perks

Resource Aspects are legendary item effects that generally revolve around using and restoring a class's unique resource, like Mana or Fury. These Aspects often increase the damage of Skills that use these resources or provide additional ways for players to recover these resources.

Can Be Imprinted on Rings and Amulet

Resource Aspects can only be imprinted on Rings and Amulets. This makes them less flexible than other Aspects as there are only two gear types you can slot it to with one being the Amulet that can increase an Aspect's effectivity by 50%.

How to Imprint Aspects

Diablo 4 Related Guides

Diablo 4 - All Legendary Aspects

List of All Legendary Aspects

All Aspects by Class

Aspects by Class
BarbarianBarbarian RogueRogue SorcererSorcerer
NecromancerNecromancer Druid SpiritbornSpiritborn
Diablo 4 - General IconGeneral

All Aspects by Type

Aspects by Type
Diablo 4 - Offensive Aspect IconOffensive Diablo 4 - Defensive Aspect IconDefensive Diablo 4 - Mobility Aspect IconMobility
Diablo 4 - Utility Aspect IconUtility Diablo 4 - Resource Aspect IconResource Extracted Item Aspects Extractables


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