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What is Unstoppable?

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Diablo 4 - What is Unstoppable

Unstoppable is a buff that removes any CC effects currently affecting your character in Diablo 4 (D4). Read on to learn more about the effects of the Unstoppable buff and how to get it for your character's build.

What is Unstoppable?

Removes and Grants Immunity to Control Impairing Effects

Diablo 4 - Unstoppable Buff from Skills

When your character gets the Unstoppable buff, they remove all control impairing or CC (crowd control) effects affecting them, including Stuns, Roots, Slows, and Fear. On top of this, you will be immune to any control impairing effects for a short duration. However, do note that you can still take damage while the Unstoppable buff is active.

How to Get the Unstoppable Buff

Can Get the Buff from Skills or Items

Diablo 4 - Unstoppable Buff from items

The Unstoppable buff can be obtained as part of the effects of a Class Skill or a Legendary Power (from items). They can also be target farmed via Aspects which you can then imprint in order to guarantee that one of your items has the Unstoppable buff.

Shrines Can Give the Unstoppable Buff

Aside from build-related sources, the Unstoppable buff can also be acquired from the different Shrines found in both the open world and inside Dungeons. Interact with the shrine to buff your character for a given duration of time. However, do note that there are multiple shrines and the type that spawns in per instance will always be different.

All Unstoppable Related Skills

Select a Class
Barbarian Druid Necromancer
Rogue Sorceror

Barbarian Skills

Skill Effect
ChargeCharge Become Unstoppable and rush forward, pushing enemies with you then swinging through them for XX% damage and Knocking them Back.
Wrath of the BerserkerWrath of the Berserker Explode into rage, Knocking Back surrounding enemies and gaining Berserking and Unstoppable for 5 seconds. For the next 10 seconds, dealing direct damage with Basic Skills grants Berserking for 5 seconds.

Druid Skills

Skill Effect
WolvesWolves Passive: Summon 2 wolf companions that bite enemies for XX% damage. Active: Direct your wolves to focus an enemy, becoming Unstoppable and leaping at them and striking for YY% damage.
TrampleTrample Shapeshift into a Werebear, become Unstoppable, and charge forward, dealing XX% damage and Knocking Back enemies. Enemies who are Knocked Back into terrain take an additional YY% damage and are Stunned for 3 seconds.

Necromancer Skills

Skill Effect
GolemGolem Passive: You are protected by a Golem with 945 Life that attacks for XX% damage. Active: Your Golem becomes Unstoppable and Taunts Nearby enemies and takes 30% reduced damage for the next 6 seconds. It gains 70% of its Armor as Thorns for the duration. You become Unstoppable for 1.5 seconds.

Rogue Skills

Skill Effect
Shadow StepShadow Step Become Unstoppable and quickly move through the shadows to stab your victim from behind for XX% damage. Gain 50% increased Movement Speed for 2 seconds afterwards.
ConcealmentConcealment Vanish from sight, gaining an advanced form of Stealth for 5 seconds that will not be removed by taking damage. Concealment also makes you Unstoppable, grants XX% Movement Speed, and Unhindered for its duration. Using an attack Skill during Concealment will break Concealment.

Sorcerer Skills

Skill Effect
TeleportTeleport Transform into lightning, becoming Unstoppable and surging to the target location, dealing XX% damage around you upon arrival.

All Unstoppable Related Aspects

Barbarian Aspects

Skill Effect
Aspect of the Iron Warrior ImageAspect of the Iron Warrior Iron Skin grants Unstoppable and (18-28)% Damage Reduction.

Druid Aspects

Currently No Aspects With This Effect

Necromancer Aspects

Currently No Aspects With This Effect

Rogue Aspects

Currently No Aspects With This Effect

Sorcerer Aspects

Skill Effect

Diablo 4 Related Guides

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Glossary: List of Diablo Terms

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What is Dazed? What is Fear?
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What is Immune? What is Knocked Back?
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What is Taunted? What is Tethered?
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