Diablo 4: Vessel of Hatred (D4)

Rogue Dance of Knives Leveling Build (Season 7)

★ NEW: Season 7 Release Date and New Features
Season 7 Guide (Season of Witchcraft)
┗ Seasonal Content: Headhunt Explained | Rootholds Dungeon Guide
┗ Seasonal Mechanic: List of All Occult Gems and Witchraft Powers
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★ Check out our Vessel of Hatred expansion guide

This is a Rogue Dance of Knives leveling build and guide for Season 7 of Diablo 4: Vessel of Hatred (D4). Read on to learn more about the Rogue Dance of Knives leveling build as well as tips for leveling the Rogue class in the Season of Witchcraft!

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Rogue Dance of Knives Leveling Build

Dance of Knives Build Summary

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Diablo IV - Notice IconSummary Diablo 4 - Dance of Knives Skill Progression Doom OrbWitchcraft
AspectsAspects and Affixes GemsGems MercenaryMercenary Rogue IconPlaystyle
Build Summary
Rogue leveling BuildDance of Knives Leveling Build
Puncture Caltrops Concealment Shadow Imbuement Shadow Clone Dance of Knives
Focus: Leveling, Farming
Diablo 4 Build - ProFast Mob Clearing

Diablo 4 Build - ProHigh Mobility

Diablo 4 Build - ConLow single target DPS

This leveling build for Season 7 uses Dance of Knives together with Shadow Imbuement and Shadow Clone to quickly make work of enemy packs and speed run dungeons to level up fast. `

Leveling Guide

Dance of Knives Build Skills and Passives

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Diablo IV - Notice IconSummary Diablo 4 - Dance of Knives Skill Progression Doom OrbWitchcraft
AspectsAspects and Affixes GemsGems MercenaryMercenary Rogue IconPlaystyle

※ More skills can be seen by scrolling vertically.

Active Skills
necro basicBasic Skill Tree

Puncture Puncture (1/5)
 ┗ Enhanced PunctureEnhanced Puncture
  ┗ Fundamental PunctureFundamental Puncture
necro coreCore Skill Tree

Sturdy Sturdy (3/3)
Stutter Step Stutter Step (3/3)
Agility Skill TreeAgility Skill Tree

 ┗ Enhanced Dance of KnivesEnhanced Dance of Knives
  ┗ Disciplined Dance of KnivesDisciplined Dance of Knives
Caltrops Caltrops (1/5)
 ┗ Enhanced CaltropsEnhanced Caltrops
  ┗ Methodical CaltropsMethodical Caltrops
Weapon Mastery Weapon Mastery (3/3)
Subterfuge Skill TreeSubterfuge Skill Tree

Concealment Concealment (5/5)
Dark Shroud Dark Shroud (5/5)
 ┗ Enhanced Dark ShroudEnhanced Dark Shroud
  ┗ Subverting Dark ShroudSubverting Dark Shroud
Exploit Exploit (3/3)
 ┗ Malice Malice (3/3)
Imbuement Skill Tree Imbuement Skill Tree

 ┗ Enhanced Shadow ImbuementEnhanced Shadow Imbuement
  ┗ Blended Shadow ImbuementBlended Shadow Imbuement
Shadow Crash Shadow Crash (3/3)
Frigid Finesse Frigid Finesse (3/3)
Ultimate Skill Tree Ultimate Skill Tree

Shadow Clone Shadow Clone (5/5)
 ┗ Prime Shadow ClonePrime Shadow Clone
  ┗ Supreme Shadow CloneSupreme Shadow Clone
 ┗ Haste Haste (3/3)
Diablo 4 - Key Passive Skill TreeKey Passive

Dance of Knives Build Skill Progression

At the early levels, focus on unlocking and upgrading your active skills, especially Dance of Knives and Shadow Imbuement, which will provide most of your damage. If you do not have enough skill points to reach Dance of Knives yet, you can settle for any Core Skill you're comfortable with until you unlock Dance of Knives.

Once you reach the Imbuement skill tree, prioritize maxing out Dance of Knives together with Shadow Imbuement, as the combination of those two will allow you to run dungeons more effectively.

For your passives, you'll want to prioritize Target Practice, Stutter Step, Weapon Mastery, and Haste to essentially boost your movement speed, granting you charges on your Dance of Knives as you mow down enemies.

Dance of Knives Build Specialization

Combo Points Your Basic Skills now generate Combo Points. Core Skills consume Combo Points for additional effects.

Combo Points is the best specialization for the Dance of Knives as it synergizes with the Aspect of Star Shards. This allows your Dance of Knives to shatter upon hit, allowing you to spread Shadow Imbuement to more enemies, and also grants you extra charges, allowing you to channel Dance of Knives longer.

Specialization Guide

Best Witchcraft Powers

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Diablo IV - Notice IconSummary Diablo 4 - Dance of KnivesSkill Progression Doom OrbWitchcraft
AspectsAspects and Affixes GemsGems MercenaryMercenary Rogue IconPlaystyle
Witchcraft Effect
Rank Up Bonus
Firebat Servants Icon Firebat Servants A deadly swarm of Firebats swarm enemies every 3 2 seconds, inflicting 20% total Fire damage over 1 total attack.
Rank 10: Enemies are Stunned for 3 seconds after being hit 5 times by your Firebat Servants.
Aura of Misfortune Icon Aura of Misfortune Enemies near you have X chance for their attacks to be interrupted. Does not work on bosses.
Rank 5: Aura of Misfortune increases your Movement Speed by 5% and Slows enemies by 30%.
Breath of the Coven Icon Breath of the Coven Dealing damage or applying a Crowd Control effect with any of your Witchcraft Effects increases your Attack Speed by X for 10 Seconds, stacking once per unique Witchcraft Effect. Witchcraft Effects are Eldritch, Psyche, and Growth & Decay.
Rank 8: Gain 40% Lucky Hit chance while bonuses from Eldritch, Psyche, Growth & Decay are active at once.
Aura Specialization Icon Aura Specialization The size of your Aura Effects are increased by X.
Rank 10: Increase the Critical Strike Damage by 50% against enemies inside your Aura Effects.

The Witchcraft Powers for the build focuses on applying Crowd Control effects to gain the Attack Speed bonus from Breath of the Coven. This synergy increases the damage of Dance of Knives as its damage is increased through stacking Attack Speed.

Dance of Knives Build Best Aspects and Affixes

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Diablo IV - Notice IconSummary Diablo 4 - Dance of Knives Skill Progression Doom OrbWitchcraft
AspectsAspects and Affixes GemsGems MercenaryMercenary Rogue IconPlaystyle

※ More gear Aspects can be seen by scrolling vertically.

Gear Aspect and Affixes
・Cooldown Reduction
・Defensive - Worldly Endurance
 ┗ Maximum Life
・Utility - Worldly Fortune
 ┗ Lucky Hit: Chance to Freeze Enemies
・Maximum Life
・Defensive - Worldly Endurance
 ┗ Maximum Life
・Utility - Worldly Fortune
 ┗ Lucky Hit: Chance to Freeze Enemies
・Critical Strike Chance
・Critical Strike Damage
・Attack Speed
・Offensive - Cutthroat Finesse
 ┗ Cutthroat Damage
・Utility - Worldly Fortune
 ┗ Lucky Hit: Chance to Freeze Enemies
・Max Life
・Defensive - Worldly Endurance
 ┗ Total Armor
・Utility - Worldly Fortune
 ┗ Lucky Hit: Chance to Freeze Enemies
・Ranks to Dance of Knives
・Movement Speed
・Mobility - Natural Motion
 ┗ Movement Speed
・Utility - Worldly Fortune
 ┗ Lucky Hit: Chance to Freeze Enemies
・Critical Strike Chance
・Movement Speed
・Offensive - Cutthroat Finesse
 ┗ Cutthroat Damage
・Utility - Worldly Fortune
 ┗ Lucky Hit: Chance to Freeze Enemies
・Critical Strike Chance
・Critical Strike Damage
・Offensive - Cutthroat Finesse
 ┗ Cutthroat Damage

・Resource - Imbuement Abundance
 ┗ Shadow Imbue Lasts for 2 Casts
・Critical Strike Chance
・Critical Strike Damage
・Offensive - Cutthroat Finesse
 ┗ Cutthroat Damage
・Resource - Imbuement Abundance
 ┗ Shadow Imbue Lasts for 2 Casts
・Critical Strike Damage
・Vulnerable Damage
・Offensive - Cutthroat Finesse
 ┗ Cutthroat Damage
・Weapons - Agile Augments
 ┗ Chance for Dance of Knives to Cast Twice
1-Handed Sword
・Critical Strike Damage
・Vulnerable Damage
・Offensive - Cutthroat Finesse
 ┗ Cutthroat Damage
・Weapons - Agile Augments
 ┗ Chance for Dance of Knives to Cast Twice
1-Handed Sword
・Critical Strike Damage
・Vulnerable Damage
・Offensive - Cutthroat Finesse
 ┗ Cutthroat Damage
・Weapons - Agile Augments
 ┗ Chance for Dance of Knives to Cast Twice

Dance of Knives Build Best Gems and Occult Gems

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Diablo IV - Notice IconSummary Diablo 4 - Dance of Knives Skill Progression Doom OrbWitchcraft
AspectsAspects and Affixes GemsGems MercenaryMercenary Rogue IconPlaystyle
Armor Weapons
EmeraldEmerald SapphireSapphire

For gems, it's best to slot in Emerald on armor slots to get more Dexterity, Sapphire on weapon slots to get Vulnerable Damage.

Dance of Knives Best Runewords

Runeword 1
FeoFeo TonTon

For our Runewords, Feo + Ton is our only recommended choice as it can provide extra damage against single targets. This allows you to cast 50 Meteorites whenever you're injured or crowd-controlled.

List of All Runewords

Dance of Knives Mercenary

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Diablo IV - Notice IconSummary Diablo 4 - Dance of Knives Skill Progression Doom OrbWitchcraft
AspectsAspects and Affixes GemsGems MercenaryMercenary Rogue IconPlaystyle
Mercenary Reinforcement
VaryanaVaryana Raheir Raheir

Use Varyana as Your Main Mercenary

Varyana's passive effect prolongs Dance of Knives due to the movement speed it grants, allowing you to obtain more Dance of Knives stacks while spinning through hordes of enemies.

For her skills, use Shockwave, Ancient Harpoons, and Iron Grip to synergize it with Caltrops, allowing you to deal more damage to the enemies she pulled. Reprisal is also a great passive from Varyana as it provides an extra defense against impairment.

Varyana Mercenary Guide

Use Raheir For Reinforcement

Use Raheir's Bastion to grant passive Unstoppable for 1 second and redirect 90% of damage taken to Raheir.

Have Raheir's opportunity usage to Crowd Control to apply the Unstoppable from Bastion, granting you an extra dispel against impairment effects.

Raheir Mercenary Guide

Dance of Knives Build Playstyle and Rotation

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Diablo IV - Notice IconSummary Diablo 4 - Dance of Knives Skill Progression Doom OrbWitchcraft
AspectsAspects and Affixes GemsGems MercenaryMercenary Rogue IconPlaystyle

The playstyle of the Dance of Knives Rogue revolves around buffing your Dance of Knives to make the most out of a single skill channel. The rotation is as follows:

  1. Build up Combo Points to gain extra damage and charges for Dance of Knives.
  2. Cast Concealment to gain the effects of Aspect of Synergy which will increase the damage of your Dance of Knives.
  3. Cast Shadow Clone and Shadow Imbuement then channel Dance of Knives until you kill all enemies or until your Dance of Knives charges run out.
  4. Use Caltrops against Bosses for increased damage from Enhanced Caltrops and the synergy from Methodical Caltrops and Frigid Finesse.

Rogue Leveling Tips for Season 7

Choose Hard Difficulty

Start with Hard difficulty for 75% more Gold and XP from monster kills. Using our leveling build guarantees a breeze-through progression that makes you feel like you're simply running through enemies.

Best Difficulty Tier to Start With

Obtain the Aspect of Star Shards

We recommend getting the Aspect of Star Shards early to make your runs faster and more effective. The Aspect of Star Shards allows your Dance of Knives to split into multiple projectiles upon hit, allowing you to hit more enemies in proximity. Furthermore, it allows you to gain the effects of Combo Points on the Dance of Knives, increasing its damage and charges.

Aspect of Star Shards Effects and How to Get

Complete Your Rogue Specialization Quest

Once you reach level 15, complete your Specialization Questline to unlock Combo Points and use it with the Aspect of Star Shards. For the Dance of Knives, Combo Points is the best specialization to choose as it has a direct aspect that synergizes with it.

Rogue Specialization Guide

Play Through the Seasonal Content and Activities

At the start of your Season 7 journey you'll want to participate in Seasonal Activities, like Helltide and Headhunts to collect better gear and the aspects you need for the build. If you have the Vessel of Hatred expansion, you can also participate in the Kurast Undercity to level up faster and target-farm better gear.

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