Diablo 4: Vessel of Hatred (D4)

How to Defeat the Butcher and Rewards

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Diablo 4 - How to Defeat the Butcher and Rewards

The Butcher is a random boss encounter within the Dungeons found in Diablo 4 (D4). Read on to learn more about the Butcher boss fight including where to find him, how to defeat the Butcher, as well as the rewards you get for killing him.

Where to Find the Butcher

Spawns Randomly in Dungeons

The Butcher is a random encounter that spawns inside Dungeons that players are currently running. He will not have a set spawn, which means he can appear in any of the rooms within the Dungeon while you are clearing it. As of writing, there is no reliable method to get the Butcher to spawn consistently.

Despawns on Player Death or If You Do Not Kill Him Fast Enough

Do note that the Butcher will despawn (leaving behind a puddle of blood) if you die or do not kill him fast enough. If playing on Hardcore difficulty, it's best to avoid him completely (unless in a group) until you have a competent, single-target DPS build assembled.

How to Defeat the Butcher

Butcher Boss Fight Video (Solo)

Butcher Boss Fight Tips and Strategies
Check IconStay away from the front

Check IconUtilize movement skills and dodges

Check IconWatch out for its charge attack

Check IconDon't overcommit when attacking

Diablo 4's Butcher is an overtuned gank boss that spawns within random dungeons. It deals heavy damage and has a insanely high HP pool (regardless of scaling) so pace yourself throughout the fight. Don't rush headlong to attack and read its movements for openings throughout the fight instead. Most of its attacks are dealt from the front, but some of them can track you until the actual attack animation starts.

Utilize your class' movement skills such as Rogue's Dash or Sorc's Teleport. Melee players must be especially wary of its charge attack, as this almost always leads to an instant death from the follow-up attacks if the charge lands.

Cheese Strat: How to Freeze Butcher's AI

To beat the Butcher, you can try to leave the room he spawns in and wait for him to follow you to the point where you exited the room. Once he reaches the doorway, the Butcher's AI will freeze, allowing you to attack without him retaliating. Whittle away at his HP until you defeat him to get your rewards.

Note: Despite spawning at the same level as you when you enter the Dungeon, the Butcher will have a lot more damage and HP than you. Expect to die when you encounter him as he has a lot of gap-closers and heavy-hitting skills that can delete your character if you do not have any Defensive skills sufficiently leveled.

Play With a Group

Another way to reliably kill this powerful boss is to run Dungeons with a group. Since the Butcher likes spawning and interrupting Dungeon runs, you can try teaming up in order to combat his aggressiveness during the encounter.

Invite players you find in-game or ask your friends to party up via the Social menu to get a group going for a few Dungeon runs. Alternatively, you can also ask your clan-mates to help you out when looking to grind out this type of content.

Butcher Boss Fight Rewards

Equipment, Gold, and EXP

Once slain, the Butcher will drop the typical Elite mob loot comprised of Equipment (of varying rarity), Gold, and experience points (EXP). As of writing, it is currently unknown whether he has a boosted drop rate for Legendary Items.

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8 Anonymousover 1 year

Press escape exit easy way you wil hear him fast enough footsteps and music

7 Anonymousalmost 2 years

Don't work for me...


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