Diablo 4: Vessel of Hatred (D4)

Subo Mercenary Guide and Best Skills

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Subo Mercenary Guide
Subo is one of the mercenaries you can hire to accompany you in Diablo 4: Vessel of Hatred (D4). Read on to learn more about Subo, including how to unlock him and his rapport rewards, as well as see a list of all available skills and best skills to use when hiring Subo!

How to Unlock Subo

Complete A Feather on the Scale Quest

How to Recruit Mercenary - Subo
Once you have unlocked The Den by completing The Hand Remembers the Blade Quest during the Vessel of Hatred questline, you will be able to access the quests for each mercenary. Interact with the Muddy Letter on the western side of The Den to begin the A Feather on the Scale Quest and start recruiting Subo as a Mercenary.

List of All Subo Skills

Subo Mercenary Perk Skill

Skill Effect
Passive: Subo reveals all enemies and materials in the area.
Active: Subo calls out an enemy target, marking them for 10 seconds. Killing a marked enemy restores 50% of your Maximum Resource and reduces Subo's Seeker Cooldown by 10 seconds.

Subo Mercenary Core Skills

Skill Effect
Wire TrapWire Trap
Subo places a concussive trap that arms after 0.8 seconds. When an enemy moves within range, it explodes for 80% Physical damage and Stuns enemies for 2 seconds.
Weapon: Bow
Basic Attack: Heavy Shot
Subo fires a toughened arrow at an enemy, dealing 80% Physical damage with a 30% chance to Stun for 1 second.
Subo tosses an incendiary at an enemy, dealing 10% Physical damage and Stunning them for 1 second before exploding into flames. For the next 5 seconds, enemies within the area repeatedly take 36% Burning damage over 3 seconds.
Weapon: Crossbow
Basic Attack: Salvo
Subo launches 5 bolts at an enemy, each dealing 30% Physical damage. The final bolt explodes, Slowing enemies by 50% for 2 seconds.

Subo Mercenary Iconic Skills

Skill Effect
Cover FireCover Fire
Subo charges a countless volley of arrows, then unleashes it over your position for 140% Physical damage that Slows enemies by 50% for 4 seconds.
Trip MinesTrip Mines
Subo scatters 3 explosive traps that each arm after 1 second. When an enemy moves within range of one, it explodes for 300% Physical damage and Knocks Down enemies for 1.5 seconds.
Subo charges a massive piercing bolt, then unleashes it forwards for 300% Physical damage that Knocks Back enemies.
Explosive ChargeExplosive Charge
Subo fires 4 Explosive Charges that stick to enemies. Each explodes after 6.5 seconds, dealing 60% Physical damage. Explosive Charges detonate early if their target dies or takes Overpower damage.

Subo Key Passives

Skill Effect
Piercing ArrowsPiercing Arrows Subo's Heavy Shot now pierces through enemies.
Wire Trap Wire Trap required
Ready at HandReady at Hand Direct damage to an Elite grants you 20% Movement Speed for 2 seconds.
Wire Trap Wire Trap required
Pin CushionPin Cushion Subo's Cover Fire also Immobilizes enemies for 2 seconds.
Cover Fire Cover Fire required
Opening FireOpening Fire You deal x25% increased Critical Strike Damage to enemies Slowed by Subo's Cover Fire for 4 seconds.
Cover Fire Cover Fire required
Loaded MunitionsLoaded Munitions Subo's Wire Traps and Trip Mines inflict Vulnerable on enemies for 5 seconds.
Trip Mines Trip Mines required
MastermindMastermind Subo's Wire Trap and Trip Mines gain 60% Size. You and Subo gain x15% Crowd Control Duration.
Trip Mines Trip Mines required
Scorched EarthScorched Earth Subo's initial Molotov explosions cause enemies to take x30% increased Damage Over Time from you for 3 seconds.
Molotov Molotov required
Share a DrinkShare a Drink When one of Subo's Molotovs explodes, it has a 50% chance to drop a Healing Potion for you.
Molotov Molotov required
Incendiary BoltIncendiary Bolt If Subo's Snipe hits the target he originally aimed at, a Molotov explodes on them.
Snipe Snipe required
AmbusherAmbusher You gain x20% Lucky Hit Chance against enemies damaged by Subo's Salvo within the last 3 seconds.
Snipe Snipe required
ThrillseekerThrillseeker Your active Cooldowns are reduced by 0.5 seconds when an Explosive Charge explodes. Explosive Charges now detonate after only 3 seconds.
Explosive Charge Explosive Charge required
Bargaining ChipsBargaining Chips Targets stuck with Explosive Charges take x2% increased Overpower Damage per Explosive Charge stuck. Each Explosive Charge can be detonated by an additional 2 Overpowers before expiring.
Explosive Charge Explosive Charge required

Subo Best Skills

Best Active Skill and Key Passive

Active Skill Key Passive
Wire TrapWire Trap Opening FireOpening Fire

Subo's Wire Trap skill provides additional Crowd Control when dealing with large groups of enemies, but it can be tricky to use effectively. Pay close attention to when Subo places the trap, so you can position yourself behind it for easier mob clearing.

For the Key Passive, Opening Fire is your best choice, as it significantly boosts damage by increasing Critical Hit Damage by an additional 25%.

Subo Rapport Rewards

Rewards on All Tiers

Rapport Rank Reward
Tier 1 ・+1 Skill Point
Tier 2 ・+1 Skill Point
Tier 3 ・+1 Skill Point
Tier 4 ・+1 Skill Point
Tier 5 Utility Aspects (Bartering Upgrade)
・50 Pale Marks
Tier 6 ・Subo Cache (Rapport Cache)
・50 Pale Marks
Tier 7 ・Subo Masterworking Cache (Rapport Cache)
・50 Pale Marks
Tier 8 ・Boss Summoning (Bartering Upgrade)
・75 Pale Marks
Tier 9 Exquisite Blood Cache (Rapport Cache)
・75 Pale Marks
Tier 10 ・Grand Subo Cache (Rapport Cache)
・100 Pale Marks

Who is Subo?

The Drunken Archer

Subo, the Drunken Archer

After being shunned by the same people who had looked to him for salvation, Subo works as a bounty hunter for hire and is known as a disgraced archer from the mountains. He focuses on using ranged attacks with his arrows and provides a good amount of utility.

As a ranged physical damage dealer, he works well with most builds due to his various crowd-control abilities.

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