Diablo 4: Vessel of Hatred (D4)

Who is Lilith and What is Her Role in the Story?

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Diablo 4 - Who is Lilith

Lilith is the daughter of Mephisto, former lover of Inarius, creator of Sanctuary, and mother of all Nephalem in Diablo 4 (D4). Read on to learn more about Lilith, what she has done in the past, and what her role is expected to be in the new story of Diablo 4 (D4).

Who Is Lilith?

Queen of the Succubi and Daughter of Mephisto

Lilith is the daughter of Mephisto, the Lord of Hatred, and one of the Prime Evils in the Burning Hells. She is known by many names, like the Queen of the Succubi, the Daughter of Hatred, the First Mother, and the Blessed Mother.

Wished to End the Eternal Conflict

Lilith disagreed with her father's leadership and wished to take a different approach to the Eternal Conflict, a never-ending war between angels and demons. After one battle, Lilith imprisoned a defeated archangel called Inarius and saw that he also wished to escape the Eternal Conflict.
Who is Inarius and What is His Role in the Story?

Created Sanctuary with Inarius

Lilith devised a plan to manipulate Inarius into stealing the Worldstone so that they may both create a new realm, away from war: Sanctuary.

Mothered the Nephalem

While in Sanctuary, Lilith and Inarius created offspring called Nephalem, powerful half-breeds whose potential threatened both angels and demons alike. While Inarius believed in living in peace, Lilith believed their side could attain victory yet.

Banished into the Void

After her children were threatened with genocide, Lilith grew furious and murdered Inarius' followers. Because of this, Inarius banished Lilith to the Void, an empty realm so far away from all others, it was considered a fate worse than death.

Returned to Sanctuary

Lilith returned to participate in the Sin War, a war of beliefs between the demons' Temple of the Triune, and Inarius' Cathedral of Light. Here, she met a met named Uldyssian, a meeting which led to him creating an army of Edyrem, awakened Nephalem with powers that could best angel and demon.

Banished Once More

The Edyrem and Uldyssian defeated both the Temple of the Triune and the Cathedral of Light. During this War, Lilith was defeated by Uldyssian and was once more banished into the Void by Inarius, making sure she would never return.

Lilith's Role in Diablo 4

Summoned Back Into Sanctuary

Lilith Summoned
In the Diablo 4 Official Announcement Cinematic Trailer, Lilith was summoned back into Sanctuary by a mysterious figure called Magnus, whom people believe to be Rathma, Lilith's son. Three humans were sacrificed to open a gateway, through which Lilith entered and finally made her return.

Lilith may finally be able to realize her dream of uplifting her Nephalem children to rise against both angels and demons and take control of all the realms of Creation.

Fights Inarius in the Burning Hells

Lilith and Her Minions
In the Diablo 4 Official Release Date Trailer, Lilith is seen in Hell, amongst her army of demons, in battle with Inarius, who has seemingly returned to Hell for her.

The exact timeframe of this battle in the story is still unclear, although all will surely come to light once the game launches on June 6, 2023.

Release Date Countdown

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