Diablo 4: Vessel of Hatred (D4)

Aldkin Mercenary Guide and Best Skills

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Aldkin Mercenary Guide
Aldkin is one of the mercenaries you can hire to accompany you in Diablo 4: Vessel of Hatred (D4). Read on to learn more about Aldkin, including how to unlock him and his rapport rewards, as well as see a list of all available skills and best skills to use when hiring Aldkin!

How to Unlock Aldkin

Complete A Nameless Mystery Quest

How to Recruit Mercenary - Aldkin
After unlocking The Den by completing The Hand Remembers the Blade Quest during the Vessel of Hatred questline, you will be able to access the quests for each mercenary. Interact with the Archive of Kuo Chosah on the eastern side of The Den to begin the A Nameless Mystery Quest and start recruiting Aldkin as a Mercenary.

List of All Aldkin Skills

Aldkin Mercenary Perk Skill

Skill Effect
Blasphemous FateBlasphemous Fate
Aldkin occasionally loses control of his curse, transforming into a ferocious demon for 22 seconds. This grants Aldkin powerful new abilities, but the unleashed evil curses you for its duration.
Curse of Darkness: You and nearby enemies become Vulnerable.
Curse of Flames: Your direct damage Burns enemies for 30% damage over 3 seconds, but you lose 10% of your Maximum Resource per second.
Aldkin's curse and demon form are determined by his Mercenary Core Skill.

Aldkin Mercenary Core Skills

Skill Effect
Aldkin emits 3 ghostly souls at enemies, each Haunting their victims and dealing 90% Shadow damage over 10 seconds. If a target dies while being Haunted, its soul jumps to another target.
Weapon: Forsaken
Basic Attack: Shadow Strike
Aldkin shoots a burst of dark bolts at an enemy, dealing 30% Shadow damage.
Flame SurgeFlame Surge
Aldkin channels a cone of flame for 4 seconds, repeatedly dealing 80% Fire damage.
Weapon: Aflame
Basic Attack: Fire Shot
Aldkin hurls a flaming bolt at an enemy, dealing 40% Fire damage and 55% Burning damage over 4 seconds.

Aldkin Mercenary Iconic Skills

Skill Effect
Field of LanguishField of Languish
Aldkin desiccates an area for 6 seconds, Slowing enemies within by 40% and reducing their damage dealt by 20%.
Chain of SoulsChain of Souls
Aldkin chains up to 10 enemies to himself, Tethering to them and dealing 84% Shadow damage over 2.5 seconds. When the chains expire, they deal 35% Shadow damage and Stun their victims for 2.5 seconds.
Storm of FireStorm of Fire
Aldkin rains a Fire Storm down from the sky tha deals 300% Fire damage on impact and remain on the ground for 10 seconds. Every second, the Fire Storm Bums enemies within for 55% damage over 2.5 seconds. Enemies hit by Fire Storm's impact or aftershocks have a 30% chance to be Stunned for 1 second.
Wave of FlameWave of Flame
Aldkin conjures a mass of flames forward, repeatedly dealing 300% Fire damage, Knocking Back enemies, and destroying small missiles.

Aldkin Key Passives

Skill Effect
TerrifyTerrify Hits of Aldkin's Haunt have a 30% chance to inflict Vulnerable on enemies for 4 seconds.
Haunt Haunt required
ExhaustionExhaustion Aldkin's Shadow damage has a 5% chance to Daze enemies for 2 seconds.
Haunt Haunt required
ParanoiaParanoia Languishing enemies takes 15% increased damage from you. Lucky Hit: Attacks against Languishing enemies have up to a 20% chance to Daze them for 1 secnnd.
Field of Languish Field of Languish required
CondemnedCondemned You instantly kill Languishing enemies with less than 40% Life. Does not work on Elites.
Field of Languish Field of Languish required
Amplified SufferingAmplified Suffering Damaging a Soul Chained enemy detonates the chain early, dealing 50% Shadow damage around them.
Chain of Souls Chain of Souls required
Shared PainShared Pain Aldkin's Chain of Souls Cooldown is reduced by 1.5 seconds when a chained target dies.
Chain of Souls Chain of Souls required
Covered in AshCovered in Ash Hits of Aldkin's Flame Surge Slows enemies by 20% and deal an additional 60% Burning damage over 3 seconds.
Flame Surge Flame Surge required
Raging ViolenceRaging Violence Allies gain Critical Strike Chance against enemies affected by Flame Surge.
Flame Surge Flame Surge required
EradicationEradication Enemies killed within Aldkin's Fire Storm explode for heavy Fire damage.
Storm of Fire Storm of Fire required
EmberEmber's Gift You restore 33% of your Primary Resource per second while inside Aldkin's Fire Storm.
Storm of Fire Storm of Fire required
Burning ChaosBurning Chaos Aldkin's Wave of Flame Cooldown resets when you cast an Ultimate Skill.
Wave of Flame Wave of Flame required
Raging HavocRaging Havoc Enemies damaged by Aldkin's Wave of Flame takes 15% increased Damage Over Time for 4 seconds.
Wave of Flame Wave of Flame required

Aldkin Best Skills

Best Active Skill and Key Passive

Active Skill Key Passive
Field of LanguishField of Languish EmberEmber's Gift

If you ae looking for additional Crowd Control that also boosts your survivability, Field of Languish is the best skill to pick. It not only reduces the damage you take but also applies a powerful slow effect, making fights much easier to manage.

For your Key Passive, Ember's Gift is an excellent choice if you are struggling with mana management in your current build. It allows you to consistently spam your abilities while standing inside the Storm of Fire.

Aldkin Rapport Rewards

Rewards on All Tiers

Rapport Rank Reward
Tier 1 ・+1 Skill Point
Tier 2 ・+1 Skill Point
Tier 3 ・+1 Skill Point
Tier 4 ・+1 Skill Point
Tier 5 Resource Aspects (Bartering Upgrade)
・50 Pale Marks
Tier 6 ・Aldkin Cache (Rapport Cache)
・50 Pale Marks
Tier 7 ・Aldkin Masterworking Cache (Rapport Cache)
・50 Pale Marks
Tier 8 ・Augmentations (Bartering Upgrade)
・75 Pale Marks
Tier 9 Distilled Fear Cache (Rapport Cache)
・75 Pale Marks
Tier 10 ・Grand Aldkin Cache (Rapport Cache)
・100 Pale Marks

Who is Aldkin?

The Cursed Demon Child

Aldkin, the Cursed Child

Aldkin is a half-demon child who was born from dark rituals performed on his mother. He has the ability to shapeshift and cast high-damaging spells from afar.

As a mage, he is a great ranged caster for those who require more AoE damage in their team.

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