Diablo 4: Vessel of Hatred (D4)

How to Transmog Gear and All Transmog and Cosmetic Types

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Diablo 4 - How to Transmog Gear and All Transmog and Cosmetic Types

In Diablo 4 (D4), you can Transmog weapons and armor with cosmetics to change their appearance without affecting their stats. Read on to learn how to Transmog equipment, and to see a list of cosmetics!

Cosmetics and Transmog Guides
All Transmogs and Cosmetics Midwinter Transmogs and Cosmetics

How to Transmog Equipment

Access Wardrobe to Transmog

Diablo 4 - Wardrobe Parts

You can access the Transmog menu in any settlement through the Wardrobe, which appears as a door-like icon on your map. From here, you can find different options to customize the appearance and color of your equipment.

In addition, you can save your current combination of cosmetics as an Ensemble, allowing you to revert to it after making any changes.

Wardrobe Can Also Be Accessed in the Inventory

wardrobe inventory

As of Season 7, you can now change your transmog by accessing the wardrobe from your inventory menu. This will immediately lead into the same wardrobe menu you can access from towns to change your current cosmetic into one you'd prefer to equip.

List of Transmogs and Cosmetics

Armor Set Transmogs and Cosmetics

Diablo 4 - Armor Transmogs

Armor Set transmogs are unlocked by salvaging any extra armor pieces you loot at the Blacksmith. They can also be purchased as cosmetics using Platinum at the in-game Shop. Check out our full list of all armor set transmogs in Diablo 4 and see what each of them look like, in-game.

All Armor Set Transmogs

Weapon Transmogs and Cosmetics

Diablo 4 - Weapon Transmogs

Players of Diablo 4 can also change the appearance of their character's weapons by applying weapon transmogs. Unlock them via salvage in-game, or purchase some using Platinum to customize your character. Check out our list of all weapon transmogs and see what each of them look like when equipped!

All Weapon Transmogs

Mount Trophies

Mount Trophy

Mount Trophies are cosmetic items for Mounts. Equipped at the rear of the horse, they add another cosmetic layer to your mount outside of the different Mount Armors in the game.

All Mount Trophies

Back Trophies

Diablo 4 - Back Trophy Cosmetics

Back Trophies are equipped directly to your character, adding another layer of cosmetics to your armor and weapon transmogs. Purchase them from the Shop or unlock them in-game to fully customize your character for Diablo 4's multiplayer open-world experience.

All Back Trophies


Emotes allow you to visually communicate with other players while exploring the open world of Diablo 4. Check out our guide for a list of all the currently available emotes in Diablo 4!

All Emotes

Headstone Cosmetics

Diablo 4 - Headstone Cosmetics

Headstones add a bit of flair to your character after they die in battle. Show off one last time before you hit the respawn button by equipping custom headstone cosmetics purchased from the Shop!

All Headstones


Diablo 4 - Markings

Markings are the paint and tattoos that players can add to their character during character creation and via the Wardrobe, later in the game. Customize your character model using the different default markings as well as a few of the exclusive markings available at the Shop!

All Markings

Mount Armors

Diablo 4 - Mount Armors

Give your steed some style whenever you journey together with the help of Mount Armors. These can be equipped at the Stables along with other accessories for your Mount!

All Mount Armors

Diablo 4 Related Guides

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Game Mechanics and Activities

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