Diablo 4: Vessel of Hatred (D4)

Gold Farming Guide for Season 6

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Diablo 4 - Gold Farming Guide

There are several ways to farm gold in Diablo 4 (D4). Learn how to get Gold, the best farming methods for gold, and the best way to spend your hard earned gold!

Best Gold Farming Methods

Best Ways to Farm Gold

Complete Infernal Horde Runs

Infernal Hordes is a dungeon, which puts you into an endless amount of enemy that comes in waves per minute. Surviving all the waves and defeating The Fell Council at the end will allow you to gain and use a resource called Aether.

You can spend these Aethers on Spoils of Gold, which can net you millions of gold. This is one of the most efficient gold farming method in the game to date.

Infernal Horde Guide and How to Unlock

Clear Tree of Whispers Bounties

Clearing out Whispers of the Dead bounties from the Tree of Whispers is an excellent source of Gold, Experience, and loot from turning in Grim Favors. This is the next most lucrative gold farming method as a single completion can net you roughly 3 million gold per run.

Tree of Whispers Bounties can easily be cleared as the duration of its required objectives has been grealy reduced which makes hunting for Tree of Whisper bounties more efficient and less time-consuming.

Participate in Helltide Events

Diablo 4 - Legendary and Unique Loot from Tortured Gifts

Participating in Helltide is an excellent way to farm Gold, Legendaries, Uniques, Fiend Roses, and Forgotten Souls in the late game. Earning Aberrant Cinders in Helltide and opening Tortured Gifts, especially Tortured Gifts of Mysteries, will reward you with plenty of high-level loot.

In addition, the event's high mob density and various World Events are great for gaining Experience and earning more levels and Paragon Points.

Helltide Event Guide

Participate in Blood Maiden Events

Diablo 4 - Defeating the Blood Maiden

The Blood Maiden is the best activity to do in the Helltide as it drops multiple items you can sell. Additionally, summoning the Blood Maiden will spawn waves of mobs that drop Aberrant Cinders for opening Mystery Chests.

How to Beat Blood Maiden

Raise the Game's Difficulty

While this is not an active method of farming, raising the game's difficulty will increase the gold you can obtain. However, make sure that your character can play in your chosen difficulty efficiently or you may suffer from defeating enemies slower, resulting in lower gold output. It's best to always strike a fair balance between high difficulty and your character's strength.

Difficulty Tiers Explained

Sell the Items You Picked Up

Diablo 4 - Sell the Items You Picked Up

When you get back to town, sell your loot to the nearest vendor NPC. You should receive a decent injection of Gold for every transaction. This is a passive way of gaining extra gold as you'll naturally obtain tons of items with minimal value for you as you progress through the game.

Best Ways to Spend Gold

Spend Gold on These Activities

Trade With Fellow Players

Diablo 4 - Invite To Trade.png

The most underrated way to spend gold is trading with other players. Players may have a surplus of Uber Boss Materials they may want to get rid of or have gear that have great affixes and even Uniques that they want to get off their hands.

Official trading places such as the Diablo 4 Discord's trading channel is a good way to find players to trade with as well as the in-game trade channel.

What to Buy and Spend Gold On

Enchant Your Gear

Diablo 4 - Occultist Enchanting Item Tab.png

One of the most expensive features in-game is rerolling one of your gear's affixes to one that would be perfect for your build. While the initial enchantment cost may seem cheap, repeated use of the enchantment feature will quickly ramp up the enchantment cost and it can quickly reach the prices of millions per enchant.

All Occultist Features | How to Reroll Stats

Temper and Masterworking Gear

Blacksmith Upgrade.png

Gold can also be spent in Tempering and Masterworking your gear. These features can add new affixes to your gear and further enhance them to get more stat bonuses.

All Blacksmith Features

Diablo 4 Related Guides

Diablo 4 - Currencies Partial

List of All Currencies

List of All Currencies
GoldGold Murmuring ObolsMurmuring Obols Red DustRed Dust
Seeds of HatredSeeds of Hatred Grim FavorsGrim Favors Whispering KeysWhispering Keys
Aberrant CindersAberrant Cinders Smoldering AshesSmoldering Ashes PlatinumPlatinum
Pale MarksPale Marks


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