Diablo 4: Vessel of Hatred (D4)

List of Priority Quests

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Diablo 4 - Priority Quests

Priority Quests are short optional quests that unlock new features and systems in Diablo 4 (D4). Learn a list of all Priority Quests, if Priority Quests are worth doing, and what Priority Quests unlock.

List of Priority Quests

Specialization Quests

Specialization Quests are quests that unlock once your character reaches Lv. 15. These quests unlock special class mechanics for your selected character after you complete them.

Specialization Quests
BarbarianBarbarian: Masters of Battle RogueRogue: True Potential SorcererSorcerer: Legacy of the Magi
DruidDruid: Spirits of the Lost Grove NecromancerNecromancer: Call of the Underworld SpiritbornSpiritborn: The Sacred Hunt

List of All Class Specialization Quests

Vessel of Hatred Priority Quests

Quest Name Location How to Unlock Reward
A Nameless Mystery Lingering Hatred
(The Den, Nahantu)
✓ Reach The Den Mercenary - Aldkin
A Feather on the Scale Lingering Hatred
(The Den, Nahantu)
✓ Reach The Den Mercenary - Subo
Rune Crafting Kurast
(Kurast Bazaar, Nahantu)
✓ Complete the Fundamental of Faith campaign quest Rune Crafting
The Kurast Undercity Kurast Reaches
(Council Chambers, Nahantu)
✓ Complete the Reunion campaign quest Kurast Undercity and Spirit Brazier Tributes
Bartering The Den, Nahantu ✓ Reach tier 5 rapport with a mercenary Mercenary Bartering

The Vessel of Hatred expansion introduces a few new priority quests that unlock mercenaries, as well as the Spirit Hall specialization for the Spiritborn class.

List of Vessel of Hatred Priority Quests

Other Priority Quests

Quest Name Location How to Unlock Reward
Healing Potion Upgrading Kyovashad
(Desolate Highlands, Fractured Peaks)
✓ Reach Level 10 Health Potion Upgrades
Mount: Donan's Favor Kyovashad
(Desolate Highlands, Fractured Peaks)
✓ Complete A Master's Touch (Act 4 Main Quest) Mounts
Fields of Hatred Alzuuda
(Fields of Hatred, Dry Steppes)
✓ Finish the Epilogue Fields of Hatred
Gem Crafting Kyovashad
(Desolate Highlands, Fractured Peaks)
✓ Reach Level 20 Gem Crafting
Item Upgrading Kyovashad
(Desolate Highlands, Fractured Peaks)
✓ Reach Level 10 Item Upgrades
Whispers of the Dead Firebreak Manor, Scosglen ✓ Finish the Epilogue Tree of Whispers
Unlocking Waypoints Kyovashad
(Desolate Highlands, Fractured Peaks)
✓ First enter Kyovashad Waypoints
The Helltide Rises Kyovashad
(Desolate Highlands, Fractured Peaks)
✓ Complete Cathedral of Light Capstone Dungeon Helltide
Sigil Crafting Kyovashad
(Desolate Highlands, Fractured Peaks)
✓ Complete a Tier 3 Nightmare Dungeon Crafting Sigils
World Tier 3: Nightmare Kyovashad
(Desolate Highlands, Fractured Peaks)
✓ Finish the Epilogue World Tier 3: Nightmare
The Pit of the Artificer Kyovashad, Kyovashad ✓ Reach World Tier 4 Access to The Pit
Rune Crafting Kurast
(Kurast Bazaar, Nahantu)
✓ Complete the Fundamental of Faith campaign quest Rune Crafting
The Kurast Undercity Kurast Reaches
(Council Chambers, Nahantu)
✓ Complete the Reunion campaign quest Kurast Undercity and Spirit Brazier Tributes

What are Priority Quests?

Reward Player with New Features

Diablo 4 How to Find Priority Quests

Priority Quests are short optional quests that typically act as tutorials to differrent features in the game. The first batch of Priority Quests you'll encounter will introduce you to the various shops and interactable NPCs, such as the blacksmith, healer, etc.

Class Specialization Quests are considered Priority Quests

Diablo IV - Talk to Maltorius again

Class Specialization Quests are logged as Priority Quests. Your Class Specialization Quest will be unlocked at Level 15 (unless you're a Necromancer, which gets theirs at Level 25).

These unlock a new class feature for your character that plays to the strengths of their class, adding new abilities and new effects without having to itemize accordingly (like in previous games).

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