Diablo 4: Vessel of Hatred (D4)

Best Rogue Builds for Season 7

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Diablo 4 Best Rogue Builds

This is the best Rogue builds tier list for Season 7 of Diablo 4: Vessel of Hatred (D4). Read on to learn about the best builds for Rogue in terms of leveling and endgame, their pros and cons, and how to play them here!

Best Rogue Builds Tier List

List of Rogue Builds

Rank Build
S Tier
A Tier

S Tier Builds that can solo most content with only a small amount of investment to gear, aspects, paragons, and runewords. These builds continue to be relevant towards endgame and will make your experience a lot easier.
A Tier Builds that can reach their peak with the right amount of investments. These builds take time and effort to optimize but can stand on par with most relevant builds.
B Tier Builds that shine only in certain situations and cannot solo most content. These builds are only good temporarily for early levels and is not advised to use for endgame content.

Rogue Builds Overview

Rain of Arrows Build

Build Summary
Rain of Arrows Icon Rain of Arrows Build
Barrage Dash Caltrops Smoke Grenade Dark Shroud Rain of Arrows
Tier: S Tier
Focus: AoE DPS, Endgame Dungeons
Diablo 4 Build - Pro Billion Damage Output

Diablo 4 Build - Pro High Survivability

This build focuses on decreasing the cooldown of Rain of Arrows to maximize its uptime during combat, allowing for continous spamming and constant damage outputs.

Rogue Rain of Arrows Build

Poison Twisting Blades Build

Build Summary
Rogue leveling BuildPoison Twisting Blades Build
Twisting Blades Dash Smoke Grenade Dark Shroud Poison Imbuement Shadow Clone
Tier: S Tier
Focus: Endgame, Pit 100+
Diablo 4 Build - ProFast Mob Clearing

Diablo 4 Build - ProHigh Mobility

Diablo 4 Build - ConHigh Energy Costs

This season 7 build makes use of Twisting Blades and Shadow Clone to create an infinite whirl of poisoned blades around you. The build stacks non-physical damage through Alchemical Admixture and various Glyphs to achieve poison ticks that reach hundreds of millions.

Poison Twisting Blades Build

Andariel's Barrage Build

Build Active Skills
Diablo 4 - Rogue Builds Andariel's Barrage Rogue
Barrage Puncture Dash Shadow Step Poison Imbuement Death Trap
Tier: A Tier
Focus: Endgame, Pit 100+
Diablo 4 Build - ProFast mob clearing

Diablo 4 Build - ProHigh single target DPS

Diablo 4 Build - ConRequires active dodging for survivability

The build uses Poison Imbued Barrage to deal with both mobs and bosses. It also takes advantage of Death Trap with Preparation, paired with the Precision key passive for high critical damage which allows the poison damage to scale higher.

This build also takes advantage of Andariel's Visage poison novas by stacking Damage, Dexterity, and Damage Over Time affixes, allowing the damage of normal barrage to scale higher.

Rogue Andariel's Barrage Build

Poison Dance of Knives

Build Summary
Poison Imbuement Poison Dance of Knives Build
Puncture Caltrops Concealment Poison Trap Poison Imbuement Dance of Knives
Tier: A Tier
Focus: Endgame, Pit 100+
Diablo 4 Build - ProFast mob clearing

Diablo 4 Build - ProExtremely high mobility

Diablo 4 Build - ProHigh single target DPS

This is a Dance of Knives build that utilizes Poison Imbuement and the Rogue's Victimize key passive. The gear for the build will focus on stacking Vulnerable Damage on the weapons and Lucky Hit Chance from the Fists of Fate to ramp up the damage of Victimize, allowing you to clear mobs faster.

This build also allows you to channel Dance of Knives infinitely thanks to Combo Points, Aspect of Star Shards, and a stack of Movement Speed from gear affixes and Varyana's passive (Mercenary).

Poison Dance of Knives Build

Rogue Leveling Build

Shadow Dance of Knives

Build Summary
Dance of Knives Dance of Knives Leveling Build
Puncture Caltrops Concealment Shadow Imbuement Shadow Clone Dance of Knives
Focus: Leveling, Speedfarming
Diablo 4 Build - ProFast mob clearing

Diablo 4 Build - ProHigh mobility

Diablo 4 Build - ConLow single target DPS

This build for Season 7 uses the new Rogue agility skill, Dance of Knives, together with Shadow Imbuement and Shadow Clone to quickly make work of enemy packs and speed run dungeons to level up fast.

Shadow Dance of Knives Build

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