Diablo 4: Vessel of Hatred (D4)

The Pit Guide and Location

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Diablo 4 - The Pit Guide
The Pit is an endgame dungeon where you can level up Glyphs and unlock Torment Tiers in Diablo 4 (D4). Check out our guide to learn the location and how to unlock The Pit, including information on its rewards, progression tips, and much more.

The Pit Location

Interact with the Obelisk in Cerrigar

The Pit can be accessed through an obelisk that serves as a portal activator located in Cerrigar. The obelisk is situated west of the town's center, just before reaching the armor and weapon vendors.

Do note, however, that you must complete a number of other prerequisites to enter The Pit.

How to Access The Pit

Requirements to Enter the Pit

Reach Level 60

The first step to accessing the pit is to reach the new max level of 60. Upon doing so, you will automatically receive a Priority Quest that will serve as an introduction to the Pit.

Complete The Pit of the Artificer Priority Quest

Finish the Priority Quest called The Pit of the Artificer in order to gain access to the Pit. This can be easily done, as you only need to teleport to Cerrigar and interact with the obelisk found near the town's center.

List of Priority Quests

Use Artificer's Stone On the Obelisk

To enter The Pit, you must interact with the Artificer's Obelisk and use tokens called the Artificer's Stone, which can be obtained by completing Whisper Bounties and Nightmare Dungeons or participating in Helltides or Legion Events.

How to Get Artificer's Stone

The Pit Rewards

Glyph Upgrades

Level Difference Success Rate
-11 and above 0%
-10 to -6 1%
-5 5%
-4 10%
-3 25%
-2 40%
-1 55%
0 to 7 70%
8 to 9 90%
10 to 19 100%
20 and above 100% +1 Upgrade

You can now upgrade your glyphs in the Pit using the totem that spawns upon clearing the dungeon. Glyphs are now upgraded per level with varying success rates depending on the difference between the level of the glyph you're upgrading and the tier of Pit you cleared.

Completing a pit run will give you three chances of upgrading your glyph, with an additional chance if you've successfully cleared the dungeon without dying.

Upgrading a Glyph from level 45 to level 46 will be a guaranteed upgrade but will require Gem Fragments. Level 46 is when the glyph turns into a Legendary Glyph, unlocking its legendary bonus.

How to Get Glyphs

Unlock Higher Torment Difficulties

Pit Tier Difficulty Unlock
Tier 20 Unlocks Torment I
Tier 35 Unlocks Torment II
Tier 50 Unlocks Torment III
Tier 65 Unlocks Torment IV

By completing higher tiers of the Pit, you can unlock higher Torment difficulties. These higher difficulties will increase your chances of obtaining Ancestral Items in exchange for having lower armor and resistances.

The Pit Progression Tip

Masterwork Your Equipment

Before progressing through the Pit, it's recommended to take on Nightmare Dungeons to obtain Obducite used in upgrading your equipment through Masterworking. This will increase the affixes found in your gear, which will significantly boost both your offensive and defensive capabilities in clearing Pit tiers.

Masterworking Guide and How to Unlock

Maximize Your Defenses

It's highly advisable to maximize your defenses by reaching the new armor cap of 1000, getting max resistance of 70% for all elements, and equipping defensive aspects on your equipment to avoid dying from enemies inside the pit.

Although the Pit requires you to kill enemies as fast as possible, putting all your resources to offensive abilities is a recipe for disaster since dying in the Pit will result in a bigger time loss due to the death penalty.

Repair and Finalize Your Equipment Beforehand

You cannot replace any of your equipment or skills once you've entered the Pit, so make sure you're using the correct setup and have repaired your equipment beforehand. Leaving the Pit to repair or change items will end your current run.

Focus on Elite Packs

Taking down elite packs is the best to fill up the progress meter inside the Pit. Instead of taking your time clearing every single mob in the area, it's better to jump from one elite pack to another to have faster clear times.

Take Time to Dodge Boss Mechanics

The dungeon bosses found inside the Pit have the ability to summon shadows that mimic other boss movesets. These moves deal significant damage and will inflict a stacking debuff on your character, which makes you take even more damage to them.

When dealing with these bosses, take your time to learn and dodge the shadows' attacks, as their moves can instantly kill your character upon reaching a certain stack of the debuff.

What is The Pit?

Timed Dungeon For Glyph Upgrades and Unlocking Torment Tiers

What is the Pit
The Pit is the Artificer's Timed Dungeon where you must fill up a bar by slaying enemies in under 10 minutes to open a portal leading to a random dungeon boss. Defeating these bosses summons a totem where you can upgrade your Glyphs. Furthermore, clearing certain Pit Tiers allows you to unlock higher Torment difficulties.

Dying inside this dungeon incurs a death penalty, reducing the remaining time on your current run.

Now Maxed At Pit 150

As of Season 6, Pit 150 is now the highest tier for the Pit. Additionally, bonus tier unlocks for fast clears have been changed from 3 tiers to 5 tiers.

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