Diablo 4: Vessel of Hatred (D4)

How to Beat Sarat

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Diablo 4 - How to Beat Sarat

Sarat is a difficult spider boss found in the Sarat's Lair dungeon in Diablo 4 (D4). Learn how to beat Sarat as a Sorcerer, and all of Sarat's attack patterns.

How to Beat Sarat

Close Distance and Focus Only On the Boss

Sarat will summon minions who constantly chase you throughout the majority of the fight. Although it's tempting to try to mow all of them down to get some time alone with the boss, Sarat will only summon more minions when all of them are defeated, making this an impossible task.

Instead, you'll need to take the damage to Sarat directly by deftly avoiding the hordes of enemies, poison pools, and webs on the ground to close distance and keep the damage coming to Sarat directly. Take advantage of Teleport and find openings where you can get to Sarat without immediately getting swarmed.

Use Frost Nova to Keep Enemies at Bay

Sarat - Use Frost Nova

Enemies like to crowd up on you from behind just as soon as you're getting a few good shots in at Sarat. Just when they've started to close in, lay down a Frost Nova and continue attacking undisturbed. Don't bother attacking the minions you have frozen as more will spawn anyway if you defeat them.

Mystical Frost Nova Will Also Make Sarat Vulnerable

Diablo 4 - Make Sarat Vulnerable.png

We recommend using Mystical Frost Nova as it will make Sarat Vulnerable for 6 seconds and the other spiders Vulnerable for 4 seconds, heavily increasing the damage output when you're getting your attacks in.

Time the Stagger

Sarat - Time the Stagger

When Sarat's stagger bar below its HP fills up, both Sarat and all of its minions will be temporarily disabled. Keep an eye on the stagger bar and don't let it accidentally go off when you've just blown all your mana and burst skills. Be sure you're ready to unleash a barrage of damage as soon as you finally achieve this singular moment of peace and serene destruction.

Sarat Attack Patterns

Web Spray

Sarat - Web Spray

Sarat will spray the floor with difficult-to-see webs which immobilize you. You can tell that you're stuck in one of these when a purple icon of a foot stuck in a vine appears over your head. If you get stuck in one of these and are being swarmed by enemies, you can use Teleport to escape, but your best bet is to avoid them and save your Teleports for effectively closing in on Sarat.

Poison Pools

Sarat - Poison Pools

Sarat will spray pools of poison around the room, covering most of the floor. You can use Ice Armor to avoid taking damage from these, but ideally you'll want to save your Ice Armor for when you're dealing damage to Sarat and need to keep hitting without being distracted.

No Melee Attacks!

Sarat doesn't have anything specific it can do to you in melee range except try to dump more poison directly on top of you, so simply put up your Ice Armor and lay into it while avoiding poison to a reasonable extent.

It's important to note that Sarat cannot aim its webs. They will cover the entire floor area whenever it uses them, so even if you're in melee range, you don't have to worry about being bombarded with webs and being immobilized; at least, not more than you do otherwise.

Sarat Rewards

Snowveiled Aspect

Defeating Sarat in the Sarat's Lair Dungeon will give you the Snowveiled Aspect, a powerful upgrade for Sorcs that turns their Ice Armor into an escape button by making them temporarily Unstoppable when using it.

Sarat Location

Sarat's Lair Dungeon

To find this Dungeon, simply open the Collections screen (Y on PC), open the Codex of Power, and find and left-click on the Snowveiled Aspect to pin it to the map. This will allow you to easily confirm the Dungeon's location in the game and navigate to it from the map.

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