Diablo 4: Vessel of Hatred (D4)

3 Cow Relics Locations and Best Cow Farming Routes

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Diablo 4 - 3 Cow Relics Locations and Best Cow Farming Routes

Players will need to get 3 hidden Cow Relics in order to access the secret cow level in Diablo 4 (D4). Read on to learn where and how to get the Bloody Wooden Shard, Intricate Metallic Fragment, and Musty Tome, as well as the best cow farming routes to get 666 cow kills.

All Cow Relic Locations in Diablo 4

Cow Relic Drop Location
Bloody Wooden Shard Hawezar or Kehjistan
Intricate Metallic Fragment Dry Steppes
Musty Tome Scosglen or Fractured Peaks

Bloody Wooden Shard Drops in Hawezar

The Bloody Wooden Shard cow relic will drop if you kill your 666th cow in the Hawezar region. While it can also possibly drop from a cow kill in Kehjistan, cows will be much easier to find and kill in Hawezar since they'll have multiple spawns to the south of Zarbinzet.

▼ Hawezar Cow Farming Route ▼

Intricate Metallic Fragment Drops in Dry Steppes

The Intricate Metallic Fragment cow relic will drop if you kill your 666th cow in the Dry Steppes region. Unlike the other two, this relic only drops from a single region so make sure you get your last kill in Dry Steppes otherwise you'll have to re-farm 666 cows for another shot at the relic.

▼ Dry Steppes Cow Farming Route ▼

Musty Tome Drops in Scosglen

The Musty Tome cow relic will drop if you kill your 666th cow in the Scosglen region. While it can also possibly drop from a cow kill in Fractured Peaks, cows will be much easier to find and kill in Scosglen since they'll have multiple spawns around Cerrigar.

▼ Scosglen Cow Farming Route ▼

How to Get All Cow Relics

Tips to Get All 3 Cow Relics

Kill 666 Cows to Get a Cow Relic

In order to get 1 of 3 Cow Relics, you will need to kill 666 cows in Diablo 4. This step is time-gated, so you can only get 1 Relic per week. Solo players will have to kill 666 cows per week for the next 3 weeks, bringing the total number of required cow kills to 1,998 cows.

The cow kill counter introduced during Season 2 will be hidden, so it would be safe to start at or close to zero when beginning your kill count.

Remember, it does not matter where you kill the first 665 cows. The only kill that matters is your 666th cow kill, so make sure to keep count when farming for all 3 Cow Relics.

▼ Jump to Best Cow Farming Routes ▼

Make Sure to Get Your 666th Kill in a Specific Region

As mentioned above in the Cow Relic Locations section of the guide, drops for each Cow Relic will only occur within their related regions. Make sure you get your 666th Cow Kill in one the following regions to get all 3.

Cow Relics Can Only Drop Once Per Week

Unfortunately, cow relics only drop once per week for each of your characters. Once you hit 666 cow kills and get your first relic, the next one will only drop after 7 days are up. Of course, this means that your cow relic hunt will last for 3 weeks if you're playing as a solo.

Party Up and Drop the Relics for a Single Player

Alternatively, you can conquer this task as a party to make reaching the Forlorn Hovel easier. Despite all 3 relics being quest items, they are considered global drops, which means you can drop your relic on the ground for one person to pick up. That way, at least one of your party members can access the hidden level within a single day.

Split up and farm 666 cows each, making sure to get your 666th kill across the 3 different possible drop locations. Once you have all 3, drop it for one player to give them access to the next step in the cow level puzzle of Ked Bardu.

Note: The other party members will still be able to reach the Forlorn Hovel despite dropping their relics. Simply wait for the first player to enter the Forlorn Hovel, before using their Town Portal to reach the location.

Oxen Statue Progress is Not Shared Across Party Members

If playing in a party of 3 to get and activate the cow relics, remember that one person must activate all 3 statues if you want to reach the Forlorn Hovel. Having each party member activate one Oxen statue each in Ked Bardu will not count towards the hidden quest progression, locking you out of the Strange Key drop needed to progress the easter egg.

Best Cow Farming Routes

Best Cow Farming Routes by Region
Dry Steppes Scosglen Hawezar

Farobru Farming Route in Dry Steppes

The farming route just outside the small town of Farobru in the Dry Steppes region is the quickest route since it has a shorter loop time compared to the others. The first location has a max spawn of 2 cows while the others have a max of 3. The max possible number of cow kills for this route is 11 cows.

Note: The first location (near the waypoint) will be a bit tricky since it's a safe zone. To kill the 2 cows in that area, you will need to hit them with ranged skills from outside the small gate at the front of the town.

Cerrigar Outskirts Farming Route in Scosglen

The Scosglen farming route can be found just outside the walls of its region capital - Cerrigar. Of the 3, this one has the most possible cow spawns at the cost of having to navigate tricky terrain.

If you get full cow spawns, the maximum number of cows you can get through this route is 16 cows. The barn to the north east will have the most possible cow spawns at 6 cows. All other locations can spawn a max of 3 cows.

Zarbinzet Farming Route in Hawezar

The Zarbinzet farming route in Hawezar is the least optimal of the 3 and is usually only used if cycling across all 3 zones on the way to your 666th cow kill. Each cow spawn can have a max of 3 cows each, bringing the total cow kills for this region to 9 cows.

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