Diablo 4: Vessel of Hatred (D4)

Sacred Hunt Quest Walkthrough and Rewards

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The Sacred Hunt Quest Walkthrough and Rewards

The Sacred Hunt is a priority quest in Diablo 4: Vessel of Hatred (D4) that unlocks the Spiritborn specialization called the Spirit Hall. See how to unlock The Sacred Hunt quest, how to beat The Beast boss, how to solve the ritual brazier puzzle, a list of quest objectives, rewards, and a complete walkthrough.

How to Unlock The Sacred Hunt

Reach Level 15

Map Location World View


Gea Kul

Reach level 15 on any Spiritborn character and speak to Tarka, the Emissary in Gea Kul in Kehjistan to receive the quest.

Spiritborn Class Guide

The Sacred Hunt Walkthrough

The Sacred Hunt Guide

Find Tarka the Emissary

Head northeast towards the Central Plateau and speak to Tarka.
Investigate the smashed ceramics on the ground next to Tarka and speak to her again to progress the quest.
Proceed southeast towards Hakan's Oasis. You'll find Ito who will tell you Tarka is somewhere else as he draws his last breath.
Follow the quest marker to the west and investigate the set of strange tracks. You'll find Tarka standing by on an island a little way to the south.
A portal will open and you'll have to kill all the invaders. Enter the portal when all hostiles are eliminated.

Complete the Spirit Realm Dungeon

Speak to Tarka after entering the portal. Bring up the Action Wheel (default: E on keyboard, Up on d-pad) and use the “Help” emote beside the ritual brazier to proceed to the next step.
Fight your way through the passageway to the north and survive the incoming ambush.
Tarka will then light another ritual brazier and this time you must use the “Thanks” emote. Continue forward until you reach the Beast.
Defeat the Beast by tethering it to all four spirit totems. Follow these steps to tether the Beast:
・Interact with a totem.
・Fend off enemies until all actions on the skill bar change to the totem's corresponding spirit.
・Continuously hit the Beast with the spirit totem's attack.

How to Solve the Ritual Brazier Puzzle

The ritual brazier puzzle is solved by simply using the appropriate emote by bringing up the action wheel (default: E on keyboard, Up on d-pad).

The first ritual brazier requires you to use the “Help” emote, while the second ritual brazier requires the “Thanks” emote.

All Cosmetic Emotes

How to Beat The Beast

How to Defeat The Beast

Interact with the Spirit Totems

When you bring down The Beast to around 80% health, four spirit totems will spawn on the north side of the room.

Interact with any spirit totem to start gaining favor to remove the invulnerable state of the boss.

Defeat Corrupted Spirits

Corrupted spirits will spawn after interacting with a spirit totem. You'll need to defeat all of them while avoiding the vortices spinning around the arena.

Use Spirit Boons on The Beast

You will gain a spirit boon from the totem you selected after defeating the wave of corrupted spirits. This will change all your actions on the skill bar.

Simply hit The Beast with this new attack until the boss becomes vulnerable to damage again, and use your original skills.

Repeat for the Other Spirit Totems

The Beast's health bar has multiple breakpoints. You must repeat the same process with the rest of the spirit totems to kill off the boss.

The Sacred Hunt Quest Reward

Unlock the Spirit Hall

The Spirit Hall is a specialization that lets the Spiritborn harness the power of up to two Guardian Spirits. Guardian Spirits grant the Spiritborn build-defining abilities tailored to your play style.

Spiritborn Spirit Hall Guide

Class Quest Completion for Future Characters

Class Quest Completion Carries Over

Completing this quest will automatically unlock the Spiritborn's Spirit Hall class mechanic for future Spiritborn characters.

This quality of life change is part of the Season 7 update, where class quest completion is account-wide and will carry over to later seasons.

Season 7 Release Date and New Features

The Sacred Hunt Overview

Quest Type Priority Quest
Required Level 15+
Zone Kehjistan
Starting Location Gea Kul
Quest Giver Tarka, the Emissary
Renown EXP Gold
Spirit Hall (Spiritborn Specialization)

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