Diablo 4: Vessel of Hatred (D4)

Nightmare Dungeon Guide

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Diablo 4 - Nightmare Dungeon Guide
Nightmare Dungeons in Diablo 4 (D4) are dungeons transformed by Nightmare Sigils to have more dangerous foes, unique affixes, and increased rewards. Learn about all of the available Nightmare Dungeons, obtainable rewards, and how to unlock them!

All Nightmare Dungeons

Nightmare Dungeons Per Region

Fractured Peaks
Forbidden City Light's Watch Sanguine Chapel
Hallowed Ossuary Rimescar Cavern Sanguine Chapel
Zenith Dead Man's Dredge Kor Dragan Barracks
Belfry Zakara Ghoa Ruins Steadfast Barracks
Fetid Mausoleum Heathen's Keep Leviathan's Maw
Inferno Renegade's Retreat Sepulcher Of The Forsworn
Conclave Crusader's Cathedral Deserted Underpass
Dry Steppes
Broken Bulwark Oldstones Vault of The Forsaken
Sirocco Caverns Flooded Depths Jalal's Vigil
Bloodsoaked Crag Grinning Labyrinth Whispering Vault
Luban's Rest Buried Halls Carrion Fields

These dungeons can be seen as regular dungeons in the open world. You must use a Nightmare Sigil to randomly convert one of these dungeons into a Nightmare Dungeon.

Best Nightmare Dungeons and Affixes

What Are Nightmare Dungeons?

Modified Dungeons with Affixes

Diablo 4 - Nightmare Dungeon with Hell Gate Affix
Nightmare Dungeons are regular open-world dungeons altered by Nightmare Sigils to feature more difficult enemies and challenges while increasing their rewards.

These dungeons have different positive and negative affixes that can alter a player's experience inside a Nightmare Dungeon.

Nightmare Dungeon Tier is Based on Difficulty Tier

What is the Pit.png

Nightmare Dungeons also scale depending on your chosen Difficulty Tier, which gets progressively harder to clear. As a result, this would yield more Obducites per drop inside the dungeon!

Difficulty Tiers Explained

Nightmare Dungeon Rewards

Obtainable Rewards
Obducites Infernal Compass
Boss Summoning Materials XP and Loot


The Nightmare Dungeon is your primary source of farming Masterworking materials to further improve your gear. You can get Obducite all throughout the dungeon, so make sure kill every Elite pack you'll see along the way.

Masterworking Guide and How to Unlock

Infernal Compasses

Infernal Compass Key
As a reward for completing Nightmare Dungeons, there's also a chance to obtain an Infernal Compass. This item can be used to open a rogue-like dungeon called the Infernal Hordes.

How to Farm Infernal Compasses

Boss Summoning Material

Boss Summoning Materials
Additionally, you can acquire Uber Boss summoning materials by completing Nightmare Dungeons or defeating elites within them. These materials can be used to summon Tormented Bosses, allowing you to farm the Uniques that you need to finish your build.

All Uber Bosses and Boss Loot Tables

XP and Loot

On top of all the possible materials you can get inside Nightmare Dungeons, you can also obtain a good amount of XP, gold, and loot such as Legendary and Unique Items.

Nightmare Dungeon Tier List

How to Unlock Nightmare Dungeons

Complete or Skip the Main Campaign

After the Season 6 changes, Nightmare dungeons which were only accessible after reaching a certain Difficulty Tier. Now this activity is permanently available to players at the start of the game considering you have finished or skipped the main campaign.

Obtain Nightmare Sigils

After completing the campaign, you would want to complete a Tree of Whisper bounty to get your first Nightmare Sigil. You can continue completing Tree of Whisper activities to get sigils or you can craft them at the Occultist using Sigil Powder, which you can get by salvaging sigils that you don't intend to use.

The tier of your crafted sigil will range from Tiers 1-8, based on the current Difficulty Tier you are on.

Use Nightmare Sigils to Transform Dungeons

Once you have obtained a Nightmare Sigil, head to your Consumables tab and click on the sigil with the affixes that you would like to take on. The dungeon assigned to the sigil you choose will turn into a Nightmare dungeon, which can be seen in the map. Click on the transformed dungeon to be teleported inside.

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