Diablo 4: Vessel of Hatred (D4)

Cataclysm Druid Endgame Build (Season 7)

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This is a Cataclysm Druid endgame build and guide for Season 7 of Diablo 4: Vessel of Hatred (D4). Read on to learn more about the Cataclysm Druid endgame build and its playstyle in the Season of Witchcraft!

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Cataclysm Druid Build

Cataclysm Build Summary

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SummarySummary Skill Progression Skill Progression WitchcraftWitchcraft AspectsAspects and Affixes
GemsGems MercenaryMercenary Spiritborn ParagonParagon Rogue PlaystylePlaystyle

This Cataclysm Druid build is based on a build by Fallen Messiah. The video includes details on how to gear up to get the build online. You can check Fallen Messiah's Youtube Channel for more Diablo 4 content!

Build Summary
Cataclysm DruidCataclysm Druid Endgame Build
Maul Pulverize Earthen Bulwark Debilitating Roar Hurricane Cataclysm
Focus: Endgame, Pit Pushing
Diablo 4 Build - ProEasy to pilot

Diablo 4 Build - ProMassive AoE damage

Diablo 4 Build - ConGear dependent

This endgame Druid build relies on Cataclysm to deal screen-wide damage, supplemented by Lightning Bolt and Poison. It has a simple playstyle where you activate buffs and then steamrolling enemies while Cataclysm is active.

Cataclysm Druid Build Skills and Passives

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SummarySummary Skill Progression Skill Progression WitchcraftWitchcraft AspectsAspects and Affixes
GemsGems MercenaryMercenary Spiritborn ParagonParagon Rogue PlaystylePlaystyle
Active Skills
Basic Skill TreeBasic Skill Tree

Storm Strike Storm Strike (1/5)
 ┗ Enhanced Storm StrikeEnhanced Storm Strike
Core Skill TreeCore Skill Tree

Pulverize Pulverize (1/5)
 ┗ Enhanced PulverizeEnhanced Pulverize
  ┗ Primal PulverizePrimal Pulverize
Iron Fur Iron Fur (3/3)
Defensive Skill TreeDefensive Skill Tree

 ┗ Enhanced Earthen BulwarkEnhanced Earthen Bulwark
  ┗ Preserving Earthen BulwarkPreserving Earthen Bulwark
 ┗ Enhanced Debilitating RoarEnhanced Debilitating Roar
  ┗ Innate Debilitating RoarInnate Debilitating Roar
 ┗ Vigilance Vigilance (3/3)
Backlash Backlash (3/3)
Diablo 4 - Companion Skill Tree.pngCompanion Skill Tree

Nature Nature's Reach (3/3)
Feral Aptitude Feral Aptitude (3/3)
Diablo 4 - Wrath Skill Tree.pngWrath Skill Tree

Hurricane Hurricane (1/5)
 ┗ Enhanced HurricaneEnhanced Hurricane
  ┗ Savage HurricaneSavage Hurricane
 ┗ Electric Shock Electric Shock (3/3)
Neurotoxin Neurotoxin (1/3)
 ┗ Envenom Envenom (3/3)
Diablo 4 - Ultimate Skill TreeUltimate Skill Tree

Cataclysm Cataclysm (5/5)
 ┗ Prime CataclysmPrime Cataclysm
  ┗ Supreme CataclysmSupreme Cataclysm
Defiance Defiance (3/3)
 ┗ Natural Disaster Natural Disaster (3/3)
 ┗ Resonance Resonance (3/3)
Catastrophe Catastrophe (3/3)
Quickshift Quickshift (3/3)
Key PassiveKey Passive

Key Passive Choice

Take Ursine Strength for a Snapshot variant that stacks Max Life and uses Critical Damage and Overpower for massive damage. Otherwise, if you're pushing T4, take Perfect Storm if you're stacking Willpower and Critical Damage.

Cataclysm Druid Build Spirit Boons

Werebear Landslide Druid Spirit Boons
Take 10% reduced damage from Elites.
Scythe Talons
Gain 15% increased Critical Strike Chance and 15% increased Lucky Hit Chance.
Avian Wrath
Gain x40% Critical Strike Damage.
Extend the duration of Ultimate Skills by 35%.
Calm Before the Storm (Snake) Lucky-Hit: Nature Magic Skills have up to a 10% chance to reduce the Cooldown of your Ultimate Skill by 2 seconds.

Setup is available if you've bonded with the Eagle Spirit.

For Spirit Boons, take Wariness for the damage reduction against Elites if you're pushing the Pit. Otherwise, take Advantageous Beast if you aren't struggling with survivability.

Scythe Talons and Avian Wrath improve your Critical Strike Chance and Damage. Calamity extends the uptime of Cataclysm.

Snake Spirit Boon Choice

If you do not have the Voice of the Stars Occult Gem and Decay Augmentation Witch Power yet, use Overload for your Snake Spirit Boon as it's your only source of Poison damage to proc Envenom.

Once you have both Voice of the Stars and Decay Augmentation, switch to Calm Before the Storm to increase your Cataclysm's uptime or Masochistic for healing and sustain.

Spirit Boons Guide

Best Witchcraft Powers

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SummarySummary Skill Progression Skill Progression WitchcraftWitchcraft AspectsAspects and Affixes
GemsGems MercenaryMercenary Spiritborn ParagonParagon Rogue PlaystylePlaystyle
Witchcraft Effect
Rank Up Bonus
Purging Touch Icon Purging Touch Eldritch Effects X increased damage against Headrotten.
Rank 10: This damage bonus now extends to all monsters.
Vengeful Spirit Icon Vengeful Spirit Every 19 Seconds, a Vengeful Spirit Servant appears for X seconds. While active, all damage taken is instead taken by the spirit. Vengeful Spirit Servant deals 750% damage.
Rank 5: When the Vengeful Spirit’s Life is fully depleted, it rushes towards up to 8 enemies dealing 2,000 Shadow damage.
Soul Harvest Icon Soul Harvest Feed upon the life force of nearby enemies whenever you use a skill with a cooldown, increasing your primary stat by 3% per monster for X seconds.
Rank 9: Soul Harvest does not lose duration so long as enemies are nearby.
Decay Augmentation Icon Decay Augmentation Your Witchcraft Effects deal X of the damage dealt over 5 seconds. The damage type is based on your class.
Rank 10: When your damage-over-time effects exceed 85% of the target’s total Life, they immediately die.
Aura of Siphoning Icon Aura of Siphoning Conjure an aura of decay that deals 80% Poison damage to enemies every second.
Rank 10: Each time Aura of Siphoning deals damage, you are healed for 1% of Maximum Life.
Aura Specialization Icon Aura Specialization The size of your Aura Effects are increased by X.
Rank 10: Increase the Critical Strike Damage by 50% against enemies inside your Aura Effects.

This Witchcraft Power setup capitalizes on your ability to deal massive AoE damage. Decay Augmentation is deals Poison Damage to proc Envenom and Heightened Malice alongside Cataclysm. Vengeful Spirit augments your survivability in higher tiers.

List of All Witchcraft Powers

Cataclysm Druid Build Best Aspects and Affixes

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SummarySummary Skill Progression Skill Progression WitchcraftWitchcraft AspectsAspects and Affixes
GemsGems MercenaryMercenary Spiritborn ParagonParagon Rogue PlaystylePlaystyle

※ More gear Aspects can be seen by scrolling vertically.

Gear Aspect and Affixes
・Willpower ★★★
・Maximum Resource
・Lightning Resistance
・Wild Impulse ranks
・+1 to All Passives
・All Stats
・Maximum Life ★★★
・Damage on Next Attack After Entering Stealth
・Resource Generation
・Resistance to All Elements
・Maximum Life ★★★
・Utility - Nature Magic Innovation
 ┗ Hurricane Duration
・Utility - Storm Finesse
 ┗ Lightning Bolt Damage
・Resistance to All Elements
・Maximum Life ★★★
・Utility - Nature Magic Innovation
 ┗ Hurricane Duration
・Utility - Worldly Endurance
 ┗ Total Armor
・Attacks reduce Evade's Cooldown by 2.5 seconds. Evade grants +30% Movement Speed for 1.5 seconds.
・Movement Speed ★★★
・Ultimate Damage
・Lightning Resistance
・Damage Reduction from Close Enemies
・Ranks to Envenom ★★★
・Ranks to Quickshift
・Utility - Ultimate Efficiency - Druid
 ┗ Cataclysm Cooldown Reduction
・Utility - Storm Finesse
 ┗ Lightning Bolt Damage
・Willpower ★★★
・Damage to Close Enemies
・Lucky Hit Chance
・Ultimate Skill Cooldown Reduction
・When casting an Ultimate Skill and again 5 seconds after, you Pull in Distant enemies and deal Physical Damage to them. Damage is increased by x10% per 1 Willpower.
・Ranks to Endless Tempest ★★★
・Movement Speed while Cataclysm is Active
・Critical Strike Chance
・While Cataclysm is active, gain unlimited Spirit and deal increased damage. Cataclysm receives Lightning Bolt benefits.
2-Handed Weapon
Aspect of Apogeic Furor

・Casting an Ultimate Skill increases Ultimate damage. Cooldowns and bonuses are reset at 10 stacks.
・2-Handed Mace: Overpower Damage
・Maximum Life
・Overpower Damage
・Utility - Lightning Augments
 ┗ Chance for Cataclysm to Deal Double Damage
・Utility - Storm Finesse
 ┗ Lightning Bolt Damage

Best in Slot Weapons

The best in slot weapon for the snapshot variant is a 2H Mace for Overpower damage. The T4 variant's best in slot weapon is a Polearm for Vulnerable Damage.

If you don't have one yet that is suitable for your progress, you can use any 2H weapon with 0.9 attack speed with as much base damage as possible.

Cataclysm Druid Build Best Gems

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SummarySummary Skill Progression Skill Progression WitchcraftWitchcraft AspectsAspects and Affixes
GemsGems MercenaryMercenary Spiritborn ParagonParagon Rogue PlaystylePlaystyle

For Gems, slot in Sapphire on your Armor Slots for Willpower for the extra damage on Cataclysm.

List of All Gems

Cataclysm Druid Best Occult Gems

Amulet Ring Ring
Voice of the StarsVoice of the Stars Friend of the BogFriend of the Bog ToadlingToadling's Wish

This Occult gem setup further augments your Cataclysm by increasing its damage by 10%, as well as treating it as Eldritch, Growth & Decay, and Psyche.

This allows Cataclysm to use more multipliers to boost its damage even more.

List of All Occult Gems

Cataclysm Druid Best Runewords

Runeword 1 Runeword 2
BacBac QaxQax IgniIgni XanXan

For Runewords, Bac + Qax is an easy to trigger damage boost for Cataclysm. Igni + Xan guarantees your next Skill cast is a guaranteed Critical Strike and Overpower for even more damage.

List of All Runewords

Cataclysm Druid Mercenaries

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SummarySummary Skill Progression Skill Progression WitchcraftWitchcraft AspectsAspects and Affixes
GemsGems MercenaryMercenary Spiritborn ParagonParagon Rogue PlaystylePlaystyle
Mercenary Reinforcement
VaryanaSubo Raheir Raheir

Use Subo as Your Main Mercenary

Take Subo as your mercenary for the increased Critical Strike Damage when enemies are hit by his Cover Fire. His Ready at Hand skill grants mobility to improve your clear speed.

Use Raheir for Reinforcement

Raheir is a good reinforcement to increase your survivability, especially in higher tiers of The Pit.

Cataclysm Druid Paragon Setup

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SummarySummary Skill Progression Skill Progression WitchcraftWitchcraft AspectsAspects and Affixes
GemsGems MercenaryMercenary Spiritborn ParagonParagon Rogue PlaystylePlaystyle
Paragon Boards
1. Starting Board (Electrocution)
2. Thunderstruck (Dominate)
3. Ancestral Guidance (Spirit)
4. Lust for Carnage (Keeper)
5. Heightened Malice (Headhunter)

This Paragon Board setup increases Lightning Bolt, Nature Skill, and Storm Skill damage which in turn increases Cataclysm's damage.

Heightened Malice is the highlight for this build, massively boosting your damage against enemies that are poisoned by Cataclysm.

In Headhunter, pick up as much Willpower as you can to further increase Cataclysm damage.

Cataclysm Druid Build Playstyle and Rotation

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SummarySummary Skill Progression Skill Progression WitchcraftWitchcraft AspectsAspects and Affixes
GemsGems MercenaryMercenary Spiritborn ParagonParagon Rogue PlaystylePlaystyle

The playstyle and rotation of the snapshot variant of Cataclysm Druid involves setting up multiple buffs, and steamrolling enemies while running around with Cataclysm active.

  1. Cast Hurricane to activate Stormshifter.
  2. Pulverize twice to gain the Ancestral Guidance buff.
  3. Cast Debilitating Roar for the damage boost.
  4. Cast Bulwark to proc Resonance.
  5. Spam Cataclysm to proc Apogeic Furor.

Evade through enemies for cooldown reduction. Use Storm Strike for the damage reduction as needed. If you're still struggling to survive in T4, replace Roar with Cyclone Armor.

When you're switching gears to speedfarm, replace Pulverize for Shred for speed and mobility. Switch back to Maul to take advantage of Quickshift.

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