Diablo 4: Vessel of Hatred (D4)

Legion Event Guide and Locations

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Diablo 4 - Legion Event Guide.png
The Gathering Legions is a zone event which occurs across all Regions of Diablo 4 (D4). Read on to learn how to complete the Legion Event including rewards for completing the event, all Map locations, and what times the Legion Event spawns.

Gathering Legions Schedule

Starts Every 25 Minutes

Diablo 4 - Legion Timer

The Gathering Legions event occurs every 25 minutes in Diablo 4. Aside from seeing the location of the upcoming event, you may also view a timer at the top-left corner of the map, but the timer only becomes visible 10 minutes before the event begins.

Despawns if You're Too Late

If you don’t arrive at the event location by the time it starts, you will miss the event entirely. Make sure you are prepared and keeping an eye on the timer to avoid missing out on this important World Event.

Gathering Legions Map Locations and Details

All Legion Locations

Location Details
Fractured Peaks ・Area: Kor Dragan
・Boss: Blood Bishop
Must complete the Kor Dragan Stronghold to unlock
Scosglen ・Area: Carrowcrest Ruins
・Boss: Khazra Abomination
Freely accessible
Dry Steppes ・Area: Norgoi Vigil
・Boss: Khazra Abomination
Freely accessible
Kehjistan ・Area: Dilapidated Aqueducts
・Boss: Drowned Seahag
Freely accessible
Kehjistan ・Area: Alcarnus
・Boss: Tomb Lord
Freely accessible
Hawezar ・Area: Haunted Wreckage
・Boss: Drowned Seahag
Freely accessible
Hawezar ・Area: Crusader's Monument
・Boss: Tomb Lord
Must complete the Crusader's Monument Stronghold to unlock

The Gathering Legions event can take place in multiple set locations across the map, with some areas requiring you to complete a Stronghold to unlock the event.

Gathering Legions Zone Event Rewards

Currency and Common Crafting Materials

Common Rewards Rarer Rewards
・ Gold
・ Obols
・ Bundled Herbs
・ Iron Chunks
・ Rawhide
・ Gem Fragments
・ Boss-Summoning Material
・ Veiled Crystal
・ Artificer's Stone
・ Scattered Prisms
・ Equipment

Legion Events provide some of the best source of common crafting materials like Iron Chunks and Rawhide, which are essential for upgrading gear later on through the Masterworking system. Along with these materials, you’ll also receive Obols, Bundled Herbs, and Gem Fragments.

Additionally, Legion Events can reward Boss-Summoning Materials such as Exquisite Blood, which are useful for future boss fights. You may also rarely receive rewards like Veiled Crystals, Scattered Prisms, and a couple of equipment.

How to Complete the Gathering Legions Zone Event

The Gathering Legions Guide

Kill Enemies to Summon a Servant of Hell

Wave No. Time Limit
Wave 1 2 Minutes
Wave 2 and 3 2 Minutes and 15 Seconds

Once the Gathering Legion event starts, players will have to race against the timer and defeat enough enemies to summon a Servant of Hell. You will know that you are going at an acceptable pace if the orange bar passes the red bar on the timer.

During this phase, make sure that you and your team are aiming for Blood Blisters, Defiled Altars, or Elite Mobs as they will give a bigger boost to the orange meter once destroyed or killed.

Running Out of Time Will Spawn the Blood Bishop Immediately

If you run out of time during this phase, the Blood Bishop final boss will start spawning in. While you can still get rewards for beating him, you will miss out on the loot chests at the end of the event since these only spawn if your group managed to kill the Servants of Hell.

Kill the Servant of Hell Within the Time Limit

Once you kill enough enemies, a Servant of Hell will be summoned within the area. Look for it and kill it before the 1 minute time limit ends. Much like the enemy waves, failing to kill the Servant within the time limit will result in the Blood Bishop spawning in.

Destroy 3 Blood Blisters or Defiled Altars to Remove the Servant's Damage Immunity

Unlike regular elite mobs, Servants of Hell will spawn in with 3 Blood Blisters or 3 Defiled Altars. These grant them damage immunity, so players will have to destroy the 3 structures before they can start chipping away at the Servant's HP bar.

Summon and Kill Servants of Hell Two More Times

Servant No. Time Limit
1st and 2nd Servant 1 Minute
3rd Servant 45 Seconds

In order to get the maximum amount of rewards, players will need to repeat the summoning and killing of 2 more Servants of Hell. However, do note that the time to kill them will slowly decrease with every Servant you kill as shown in the table above.

Note: Killing all 3 Servants of Hell will net you 3 reward chests at the end of the event. However, you will need to kill the Event Boss before the time limit ends in order to get them.

TIP: Give It Your All to Summon the Last Servant of Hell

In general, the hardest part of the Gathering Legions Event is defeating all the remaining enemies to summon the last Servant of Hell in only 45 seconds. You'll often join events where the first 2 Servants are summoned and defeated with no problem, but players fail to kill enough enemies quickly enough to summon the 3rd.

Instead of using all your resources on the Servants of Hell themselves, which almost always die within the time limit, save your resources for summoning the 3rd Servant of Hell and wiping out as many enemies as possible during this 45-second period.

Kill the Event Boss Within the Time Limit

Diablo 4 - Kill the Blood Bishop

Once you've defeated all 3 Servants (or if you failed at any of the steps above), the Event Boss will spawn in along with 3 Elite monsters. Kill them all within the 2 minute time limit to reap the rewards of the event!

Note: The number of Elite monsters that spawn will depend on the number of Servants you killed. Killing 2 Servants will spawn in 2 Elite monsters with the Event Boss, while killing 1 Servant will result in none spawning alongside the final boss.

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8 Anonymousover 1 year

Event did not show up at 12:05 PST. It did earlier. All Strongholds have been conquered. Watched the cloud site count down to zero as I rechecked map, exited and restarted Diablo several times. PLEASE FIX BUG

7 Anonymousalmost 2 years

On Sunday 4th June, for a few hours they were appearing for me every 30 minutes on the hour/half-hours. It may have just been a coincidence, but I got my spectral mount so happy. It also happened to me today exactly on the hour but I went into a cellar and popped out immediately, it was gone - so be prepared to drop what you're doing and make tail! They will appear on the minimap even if you're far away, with a small bar that fills up. This is the 5 minute timer you have to get over there.


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