Diablo 4: Vessel of Hatred (D4)

Elias Torment Capstone Boss Guide

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Diablo 4 - Elias Torment Capstone Boss Guide

This guide covers how to beat Elias, Remnant of Hatred, the final boss of the Fallen Temple Capstone Dungeon in Diablo 4 (D4). Read on to know more information regarding Elias and his mechanics, weaknesses, tips and best strategies in beating this boss fight, and rewards to expect!

Elias Overview and Rewards

Elias Basic Information

Location Fallen Temple Capstone Dungeon (Dry Steppes) on Nightmare difficulty
Rewards ・200% increased EXP
・15% more Gold
・Random Equipment
Unlocks World Tier 4: Torment Difficulty

Unlock Fallen Temple by Completing Cathedral of Light

Elias, Remnant of Hatred is the final boss of the second Capstone Dungeon (Fallen Temple), which becomes available after completing the Cathedral of Light Capstone Dungeon. In order to see the dungeon and make it appear on your map, you must be on World Tier 3: Nightmare difficulty.

Cathedral of Light Location and Guide

The Recommended Level is 70

Similarly to the Cathedral of Light Capstone Dungeon, Fallen Temple's difficulty does not scale to your level.
Elias, along with the enemies found inside this dungeon are locked at level 70, so make sure to tackle this dungeon once you're level 70 or nearly there and all geared up with upgraded potions, aspects, weapons, and armor for a manageable attempt in clearing Fallen Temple.

Fallen Temple Torment Capstone Dungeon Location and Guide

How to Beat Elias

Elias Tips and Strategies

Face Elias Alone

Fighting Elias alone will make things easier for your run, especially if you have skills and abilities that can trap him in place for a while. Watch out for his first ranged attack, since it will shoot towards the player after it comes out. Either tank the damage then drink a potion afterwards, or do your best to avoid getting hit by it.

Shred his HP with constant attacks and make him Vulnerable, inflict Stagger, and deal as much damage as you can.

List of All Status Effects: Buffs and Debuffs

Mind Your Positioning

Diablo 4 - Mind Your Position Preview

After the first threshold of his health has been reached, Elias starts summoning Soul Burners which are a pain to deal with, so position yourself where you can spam your AoE abilities in order to hit both Elias and the spawns.

Keep bursting him down to surpass the 2nd threshold of his HP and defeat Spawns of the Damned.

Avoid Getting Overwhelmed by Spawns

Diablo 4 - Avoid Getting Overwhelmed

It's easy to get overwhelmed by Elias's spawns if you don't get rid of them first. As mentioned earlier, position yourself so the spawns will follow you to where you want them to be, utilize your AoE skills in order to take them down, remember to heal up and mind your HP most of all.

Soul Burners and Spawns of the Damned damage hurts at this level, so swiftly take care of them by spamming your AoE abilities.

Grab Potions After Surpassing Each Health Threshold

Grab the potions that drop after each of Elias's health threshold have been depleted. This can be done mid-fight, and it requires you to utilize your mobility and dashes.

The longer the fight takes, the longer you'll risk survivng mechanics that he's throwing, so always prioritize damaging Elias in order for the fight to end quickly.

Avoid Getting Burned

Diablo 4 - Elias Burning Star

When his health reaches less than 50%, Elias summons a gigantic star pattern that burns you if you come close to it. There will also be huge enemies that spawns on each end of the star, but you can wrap up the fight by simply avoiding the burning star, and just focus down on defeating Elias.

What is Burn?

Elias Attack Patterns

Multishot Flames

Once Elias becomes targettable, he immediately summons an array of flames that will shoot at your direction. Getting hit will also result in a knockback, so heal up immediately after taking the hit.

Massive Flame Wipe

Diablo 4 - Massive Flame Wipe Preview

This is an attack that covers a massive chunk of the arena, but it comes out slow so you have ample amount of time to get out of harm's way. Simply sidestep and run away from the glowing ground, and keep dealing damage to Elias.

Soul Burner Spawns

Diablo 4 - Elias Soul Burner Spawns

Elias summons Soul Burners, and you have to take them down in order to avoid unnecessary damage. Pool them together in one place, preferably near Elias and spam AoE attacks so he'll be included in getting damaged, thus making the run end faster.

Burning Star

Diablo 4 - Elias Burning Star

By the last HP threshold, a huge star pattern appears on the ground, burning you or anyone that dares to stand on the lines. This attack is the easiest to avoid by far however, it is accompanied by enemy spawns.

Stay out of the burning lines, ignore the spawns, and defeat Elias to complete the dungeon.

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Shard of Agony x2
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Scourge of the Land Seething Hivemaster Slither
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The Curator Tomb Lord


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