Diablo 4: Vessel of Hatred (D4)

List of All Affixes

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This is a guide that lists all the available affixes that each armor piece and weapon type can roll in Diablo 4 (D4). Read on to see a list of all affixes that your armor or weapon can roll, and learn more about inherent affixes that each gear piece can contain.

All Equipment Affixes in Diablo 4

Affixes by Armor Type
Boots Pants Helm
Chest Gloves
Affixes by Weapon Type
Dagger Staff Wand
Crossbow Bow Focus
Totem Shield 1h Mace
1h Sword 1h Scythe 1h Axe
2h Polearm 2h Sword 2h Axe
2h Mace 2h Scythe Glaive
Affixes by Accessory Type
Ring Amulet

Equipment affixes in Diablo 4 will vary depending on the type of item you have. Since Armor, Weapons, and Jewelry will each have their own list of affix rolls, click on the link above for the type of item you want to view the affix rolls for.

What are Affixes?

Stats from your items that give additional effects

Diablo 4 - Affixes

Affixes are additional stats or effects from the items you acquire throughout the game. These stats range from (but are not limited to) increased damage, higher critical strike chance, and additional ranks to certain Skills.

Inherent Affixes Are Affixes Attached to the Gear Type

Inherent affixes are certain affixes that will be in every item of a certain type. For example, sword will always have a Critical Strike damage bonus affix (doubled for its two-handed version) while axes will have damage over time bonuses.

Tempering Affixes Are Added to the Gear Via Tempering

Tempering Affixes are affixes that can be added to your gear via the tempering feature. Tempering allows you to add two tempering affixes of different affix category types to your gear. Each gear has their own specific affix type that can be added to them via tempering and each tempering manual that gives the affix to your gear are chosen at random.

Tempering System Explained

Can You Change Affixes?

Regular Affixes can be changed by visiting the Occultist

Upon acquiring your first Legendary Aspect or reaching Level 25, you unlock the Occultist. Among the features of this NPC vendor is the ability to replace a certain affix. To do this, simply head over to the Enchanting tab and select which affix you wish to replace.

Do note that once you've replaced one Affix via Enchanting, you will not be able to replace any of the other Affixes attached to the item. After initially changing the affix of an item, further affix rerolls will still be possible however the Gold and Material cost to reroll further increases enormously.

All Occultist Features

Tempering Affixes Can Be Rerolled from the Tempering Menu

Tempering affixes can be rerolled by re-tempering the gear from the blacksmith's tempering menu. This will remove the existing tempering affix from your gear then replace it with another affix of the same category in the chosen manual.

List of All Tempering Manuals

Inherent Affixes Cannot be Changed Via Occultist

Unlike the regular affixes that can be attached to gear naturally, Inherent affixes cannot be changed from the Occultist as these are tied to your current gear type.

All Occultist Features | How to Reroll Stats

How to Upgrade Affixes

Masterwork Your Gear

All of your equipment can be upgraded via Masterworking. Masterworking is a feature that will directly increase all of the capabilities of your gear which includes all affixes, gear stats such as defense and damage, and its aspect.

Obtain Gear With Greater Affixes

One of the most straight forward method of obtaining stronger affixes is by Ancestral Gear as these gear will naturally have a great affix attached to them. Greater Affixes are affixes that will always be at the highest possible value of the said aspect with 50% additional bonuses. (eg, if an affix would give you 50-100% bonuses then the greater affix variant will always give you 150% bonus damage). In addition to this, Great Affixes can also be masterworked.

How Many Affixes Can an Item Have?

Maximum of 3 Regular Affixes

Item Rarity Number of Affixes
Magic ・1-2 Regular Affixes
Rare ・3-4 Regular Affixes
Legendary ・3 Regular Affixes
・1 Legendary Aspect
Unique ・4 Regular Affixes
・1 Unique Effect

The number of Inherent affixes varies depending on gear type.

The Regular affix of Rare and Legendary gear can go up to a maximum of 3 affixes. These are the affixes that are naturally obtained from the gear and can be changed/rerolled through the occultist's enchantment service.

Maximum of 2 Tempering Affixes

Tempering Items.png

In addition to the 3 Regular Affixes, you can temper a gear and add additional affixes (one for regular gear and two for ancestral gear). You can only add certain categories of affixes to gear such as mobility for boots and offensive for weapons. You also cannot add two affixes of the same type in a gear.

Tempering System Explained

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