Diablo 4: Vessel of Hatred (D4)

How to Defeat Cyhrach The First Born: Boss Fight Guide

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Diablo IV - Cyhrach Top Banner
Cyhrach The First Born is the boss in the Hollowed Glacier dungeon in Diablo 4 (D4). Learn everything you need to know to defeat him, such as his attack patterns, rewards, and where to find him down below!

How to Defeat the Cyhrach The First Born

Study Cyhrach's Moves

Cyhrach utilizes projectiles to deal a majority of his damage. By learning his attack patterns and evasion timings, this boss battle becomes much more manageable.

Cyhrach Attack Patterns
1 Tri-Shot
Cyhrach The First Born conjures three projectiles that fly towards the player in a spreading pattern.
2 Spirit Release
Cyhrach The First Born summons five spirits that fly outwards and damage the player. Each of these spirits will remain on the field for a short while, and have slight tracking capabilities.
3 Soul Blast
Cyhrach The First Born gathers energy before releasing it in an AoE explosion.

Time Your Dodges

Soul Blast Evasion

Telegraph Soul Blast by watching for whisps of smoke that gather around Cyhrach. Immediately put a bit of distance beteen Cyhrach and yourself once you see them.

Spirit Release Evasion

Dodge Spirit Release by standing inbetween the conjured projectiles.

Focus On Killing The Adds

Cyhrach will summon allies in batches of three. Take them out as soon as possible to make the fight more manageable.

Cyhrach The First Born Rewards

Quest Completion

Defeating Cyhrach The First Born is a pre-requisite to completing the Call of the Ancients side quest. Additionally, Cyhrach The First Born will drop gold and equipment of varying rarities.

Cyhrach The First Born Location

In The Hallowed Glacier Dungeon

Diablo IV - Hallowed Glacier Location

You can find Cyhrach The First Born within the Hallowed Glacier dungeon, which unlocks during the events of the Call of the Ancients Side Quest.

Call of the Ancients Quest Walkthrough

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