Diablo 4: Vessel of Hatred (D4)

Best Mercenary Tier List

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Mercenaries - Mercenaries Tier List
This is the best Mercenary Tier List for Diablo 4: Vessel of Hatred. Read on to learn more about all the Mercenaries and Reinforcements, discover which ones are the best to use, understand our criteria for the tier list, and learn the strengths and weaknesses of each Mercenary.

Best Mercenary Tier List

Mercenary Tier List

Tier Mercenary
S Raheir
A Aldkin
B Subo

Date Changes Made
10/09/24 - Tier List Created

This tier list includes all the characters you can hire as either a Mercenary or a Reinforcement in Diablo 4: Vessel of Hatred. You can check out the explanation of the criteria for all the different tiers in the table below.

Tier List Criteria

S Tier Mercenaries in this tier are excellent and effective whether hired as Mercenaries or Reinforcements. They perform well without needing a specific playstyle or build. They are easy to understand and highly useful in any situation.
A Tier These mercenaries have great skills and work well with most builds due to their flexibility and synergy. They are beneficial whether used as Mercenaries or Reinforcements.
B Tier Decent overall and useful in certain scenarios. Generally strong when paired with the correct build and playstyle to unlock their full potential.

Mercenaries and Reinforcements Overview

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S Tier

Mercenary Explanation
Mercenary - Raheir IconRaheir Recommended Role: Hired Mercenary or Enlisted Reinforcement
・Negates incoming damage
・Provides healing during combat
・Decent overall damage

A Tier

Mercenary Explanation
Mercenary - Aldkin IconAldkin Recommended Role: Hired Mercenary or Enlisted Reinforcement
・Applies Vulnerable to enemies
・Inflicts several Crowd Control effects
・Excellent burst damage and Damage Over Time (DOT)
Mercenary - Varyana IconVaryana Recommended Role: Hired Mercenary or Enlisted Reinforcement
・Provides additional Mobility and Attack Speed
・Can pull and group up enemies
・Average damage

B Tier

Mercenary Explanation
Mercenary - Subo IconSubo Recommended Role: Hired Mercenary
・Has multiple Crowd Control abilities
・Helps with Resource Management
・Decent overall damage

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List of Mercenaries
Raheir Varyana
Aldkin Subo
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