Diablo 4: Vessel of Hatred (D4)

Cow Level Found: Location and How to Unlock

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D4 - Cow Level Found Location and How to Unlock
The Cow Level, one of the most sought-out easter eggs in Diablo 4 (D4), has now been discovered during the Season 2 update. Read on to learn more about the Cow Level, its location, and how to unlock it!

Cow Level Location

The Forlorn Hovel

Cow Level Location
Map Overworld

The Cow Level is located in the north-eastern part of Scosglen where the map seems to have formed a figure of a cow's head. There, you can unlock a cellar called The Forlorn Hovel, which is hidden until you've accomplished a series of steps.

How to Unlock Cow Level

Unlocking the Cow Level
1 Obtain the Required Relics
2 Offer Relics to the Oxen Statues
3 Open The Forlorn Hovel

Obtain the Required Relics

There are 3 relics required to unlock the Cow Level, namely, the Bloody Wooden Shard, the Intricate Metallic Fragment, and the Musty Tome. These relics drop in specific regions, but all have the same requirement to obtain, which is to kill 666 cows each.

To obtain different relics, you must make sure that the 666th cow you kill is in the region where it can drop. It doesn't matter which region you farm the first 665 cows in, as long as the last one is in the region of the specific relic you're looking for.

Relic Drop Locations

Region Relic
Bloody Wooden Shard Kehjistan
Intricate Mettalic Fragment Dry Steppes
Musty Tome Scosglen
Fracture Peaks

Note that you can only obtain one relic per week, or one in 666,666 seconds, to be exact. The best way to gather all 3 relics quickly is to group up with other players and farm different relics. At the end, you can drop the relics and have one member pick them all up.

3 Cow Relics Locations and Best Cow Farming Routes

Offer Relics to the Oxen Statues

Once you have obtained all of the relics, you can offer them to the 4 Oxen Statues found in Ked Bardu to obtain the Strange Key. To offer the relics, you must first drop them in the fountain to purify them as instructed on the interactable old tablet found in the same location.

After dropping the relics in the fountain, you must pick them up again and place them in their corresponding Oxen Statue. Keep in mind that if you're doing this in a party, only one person must pick up all items and place them in the statues since the placement of relics will always count as individual unlocks.

This will result in only one member having access to The Forlorn Hovel, but all others can simply teleport to that member's location once that player is inside the cellar.

Open The Forlorn Hovel

After obtaining the Strange Key, proceed to the north-eastern part of Scosglen to find a door that will open with the Strange Key, revealing the Forlorn Hovel. Inside the cellar, you will find numerous cows and bodies slain villagers, one of which will drop you the Stamina Potion upon interaction.

This is as far as anyone has gotten to learning the secrets of the Cow Level. It is still unknown whether this is the last step or if there are more to follow, but we're betting on the latter. We'll continue to work on new findings regarding this, so make sure to check back later on!

Consuming the Stamina Potion

Consuming the Stamina Potion provides you with a temporary buff. This buff has no particular use as of the moment, but players are suspecting that it's part of a bigger mystery yet to be solved.

Note that The Forlorn Hovel is permanently accessible to the player who unlocks it. This means that you can obtain an unlimited amount of Stamina Potion by exiting the cellar, restarting it, and entering it again to interact with the slain villagers' bodies.

What Does the Stamina Potion Do?

What is the Cow Level?

A Diablo Series Easter Egg

D4 - Easter Eggs

The Cow Level is one of the most famous video game easter eggs that has been part of the Diablo series ever since Diablo II. It is a hidden stage filled with uncanny enemies that provide generous rewards to those worthy enough to find and clear it.

Throughout the series, the developers always deny the presence of the Cow Level to sort of tease the players into actually confirming whether or not it's in the game. Figuring out this mystery has become a traditional challenge for the dedicated players of the game.

Diablo 4 Cow Level Hints

In Diablo 4, subtle hints pertaining to the Cow Level can be seen in Ked Bardu. Within the town is a fountain with 4 Oxen statues, one of which is interactable. The interactable Oxen Statue will mention an offering to gain the blessing of the Oxen Gods.

Another clue comes from the interactable old tablet found in the same area. This tablet mentions that you must spill blood in order to be worthy. From here, players figured out that you must kill a certain number of cows in order to obtain relics, which can be used to open the Cow Level.

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8 Anonymous7 months

it is clickbait. They imply it IS THE COW LEVEL....when its just a few steps in the process and it still isn't found. Of course games take time to make but the problem is with the way the article is written NOT the game itself.

7 Anonymous7 months


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