Diablo 4: Vessel of Hatred (D4)

List of All Items

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Diablo 4 - List of All Items

Items in Diablo 4 (D4) are essential for upgrading equipment, crafting elixirs, purchasing goods and services, and strengthening characters. Read on for a list of all Upgrade Materials, Currencies, and Consumables in the game!

List of All Items


All Consumable Types
Summoning Materials Elixirs Potions
Incenses Scrolls Tributes Dark Citadel

The game also has a plethora of Consumables that you can craft using Upgrade Materials at the Alchemist. These items can range from upgraded Health Potions to various Elixirs that improve Experience Gain and your character's Resistances!

Summoning Materials

Uber Boss Summoning Materials
D4 - Mucus-Slick EggMucus-Slick Egg D4 - Shard of AgonyShard of Agony
D4 - Sandscorched ShacklesSandscorched Shackle D4 - Pincushioned DollPincushioned Doll
Ladder Boss Summoning Materials
Malignant HeartMalignant Heart Living Steel IconLiving Steel
Distilled FearDistilled Fear Exquisite BloodExquisite Blood
Malignant Body Parts
Gurgling HeadGurgling Head Trembling HandTrembling Hand Blackened FemurBlackened Femur


List of All Elixirs
Draught of WhispersDraught of Whispers Elixir of AdvantageElixir of Advantage Elixir of Advantage IIElixir of Advantage II
Elixir of AgressionElixir of Agression Elixir of AntiveninElixir of Antivenin Elixir of Cold ResistanceElixir of Cold Resistance
Elixir of Cold Resistance IIElixir of Cold Resistance II Elixir of DestructionElixir of Destruction Elixir of Destruction IIElixir of Destruction II
Elixir of Fire ResistanceElixir of Fire Resistance Elixir of Fire Resistance IIElixir of Fire Resistance II Elixir of FortitudeElixir of Fortitude
Elixir of Fortitude IIElixir of Fortitude II Elixir of Iron BarbsElixir of Iron Barbs Elixir of Iron Barbs IIElixir of Iron Barbs II
Elixir of Lightning ResistanceElixir of Lightning Resistance Elixir of Lightning Resistance IIElixir of Lightning Resistance II Elixir of Poison ResistanceElixir of Poison Resistance
Elixir of Poison Resistance IIElixir of Poison Resistance II Elixir of PrecisionElixir of Precision Elixir of Precision IIElixir of Precision II
Elixir of ResourcefulnessElixir of Resourcefulness Elixir of Resourcefulness IIElixir of Resourcefulness II Elixir of SacrificeElixir of Sacrifice
Elixir of Shadow ResistanceElixir of Shadow Resistance Elixir of Shadow Resistance IIElixir of Shadow Resistance II Elixir of Swift RevivalElixir of Swift Revival
Elixir of TailwindElixir of Tailwind Precision ElixirPrecision Elixir


List of All Potions
Health PotionsHealth Potions


List of All Incense
Chorus of WarChorus of War Spiral MorningSpiral Morning Ancient TimesAncient Times
SageSage's Whisper QueenQueen's Supreme Blessed GuideBlessed Guide
Reddamine BuzzReddamine Buzz Soothing SpicesSoothing Spices Scents of the Desert AfternoonScents of the Desert Afternoon
Storm of the WildsStorm of the Wilds Desert EscapeDesert Escape Song of the MountainSong of the Mountain
Spirit DanceSpirit Dance Incense of Khazra PowerIncense of Khazra Power Incense of FortitudeIncense of Fortitude
Incense of CapacityIncense of Capacity Incense of Rushing WindIncense of Rushing Wind


List of All Scrolls
Cursed Scroll of RecklessnessCursed Scroll of Recklessness Cursed Scroll of TranquilityCursed Scroll of Tranquility Cursed Scroll of ChaosCursed Scroll of Chaos
Scroll of AmnesiaScroll of Amnesia Scroll of RestorationScroll of Restoration Scroll of GenerosityScroll of Generosity
Scroll of AbundanceScroll of Abundance Scroll of ForgingScroll of Forging Scroll of Grave OilScroll of Grave Oil


Tribute Dungeon Affix Reward
Diablo 4 - Magic TributeTribute of Pride Starting Time: 100 seconds
Time Bonus Penalty: -15%
Potion Drop Penalty: -20%
Completing the dungeon with at least 1 Attunement Rank will reward guaranteed Legendaries.
Diablo 4 - Magic TributeTribute of Mystique Starting Time: 100 seconds
Time Bonus Penalty: -15%
Potion Drop Penalty: -20%
Completing the dungeon with at least 1 Attunement Rank will reward guaranteed Magic Runes.
Diablo 4 - Rare TributeTribute of Titans Starting Time: 75 seconds
Time Bonus Penalty: -25%
Potion Drop Penalty: -30%
Completing the dungeon with at least 1 Attunement Rank will reward random Boss Summoning Items.
Diablo 4 - Rare TributeTribute of Refinement Starting Time: 75 seconds
Time Bonus Penalty: -25%
Potion Drop Penalty: -30%
Completing the dungeon with at least 1 Attunement Rank will reward Masterworking Materials.
Diablo 4 - Rare TributeTribute of Harmony Starting Time: 75 seconds
Time Bonus Penalty: -25%
Potion Drop Penalty: -30%
Completing the dungeon with at least 1 Attunement Rank will reward guaranteed Runes.
Diablo 4 - Legendary TributeTribute of Radiance Starting Time: 60 seconds
Time Bonus Penalty: -35%
Potion Drop Penalty: -40%
Completing the dungeon with at least Attunement Rank 1 will reward Ancestral Legendaries.
Diablo 4 - UniqueTributeTribute of Ascendance Starting Time: 45 seconds
Time Bonus Penalty: -50%
Potion Drop Penalty: -50%
Completing the dungeon with at least 1 Attunement Rank will reward several Uniques, with an increased chance of Mythic Unique.

Dark Citadel Consumables

Consumable Overview
Incense of Khazra PowerIncense of Khazra Power Effect: Use: Increases All Stats by +30 for all nearby Players, killing an enemy gives you +2 All Stats for 5 seconds, and increases Experience gained by 5%. Lasts 20 minutes.
Incense of FortitudeIncense of Fortitude Effect: Use: Increases Damage by %5 for all nearby Players, gaint 5% Damage for each nearby Player up to 15%, and increases Experience gained by 5%. Lasts 20 minutes.
Elixir of Swift RevivalElixir of Swift Revival Effect: For the next 30 minutes, increases Healing by 15% and Revive Speed by 25%, gain 10% Move Speed for 5 seconds after Reviving a Player, and Experience gained is increased by 8%.
Elixir of SacrificeElixir of Sacrifice Effect: For the next 30 minutes, your next Core Skill heals you and Nearby allies for 10% of their max Health every 10 seconds, Restore an additional 5% max Health for each Nearby Ally up to 25%, and Experience gained is increased by 8%.
Scroll of GenerosityScroll of Generosity Effect: Use to revive up to 3 Nearby players.
Scroll of AbundanceScroll of Abundance Effect: Use to restore 30% Health and drop Health Potions for Nearby players.

List of All Consumables

Upgrade Materials

List of All Upgrade Materials
Resplendent SparkResplendent Spark AngelbreathAngelbreath Scattered PrismScattered Prism Forgotten SoulForgotten Soul
Veiled CrystalVeiled Crystal Coiling WardCoiling Ward Abstruse SigilAbstruse Sigil Sigil PowderSigil Powder
Baleful FragmentBaleful Fragment ObduciteObducite Iron ChunkIron Chunk Bundled HerbsBundled Herbs
ArtificerArtificer's Stone RawhideRawhide Amethyst FragmentAmethyst Fragment Emerald FragmentEmerald Fragment
Ruby FragmentRuby Fragment Topaz FragmentTopaz Fragment Sapphire FragmentSapphire Fragment Diamond FragmentDiamond Fragment
Skull FragmentSkull Fragment

Upgrade Materials are used to upgrade equipment at the Blacksmith and craft enhanced potions and elixirs at the Alchemist. Some Upgrade Materials spawn in the open world, so try to keep an eye out for them whenever they appear!

List of All Upgrade Materials


List of All Currencies
Aberrant CindersAberrant Cinders GoldGold Grim FavorsGrim Favors
Murmuring ObolsMurmuring Obols Pale MarksPale Marks PlatinumPlatinum
Red DustRed Dust Seeds of HatredSeeds of Hatred Smoldering AshesSmoldering Ashes
Whispering KeysWhispering Keys

Diablo 4 has a variety of Currencies that you can use to purchase various goods and services from multiple vendors. These include secondary currencies for gambling high-tier loot, keys that open Silent Chests in the open world, and PvP-exclusive resources that unlock unique cosmetics!

List of All Currencies

Diablo 4 Related Guides

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Diablo 4 - All Legendary AspectsAspects Diablo 4 - Runewords PartialRunewords
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Diablo 4 - Main QuestsMain Quests Diablo 4 - Priority QuestsPriority Quests
Diablo 4 - Side QuestsSide Quests Diablo 4 - World Boss Partial Banner.pngWorld Bosses
Diablo 4 - Dungeons Partial BannerDungeons Diablo 4 - Strongholds Partial BannerStrongholds
Diablo 4 - Tempering, 440x110Tempering Manuals Diablo 4 - Gems PartialGems
Diablo 4 - AffixesAffixes Diablo 4 - SkillsSkills
Diablo 4 - Paragon.pngParagon Boards & Glyphs Diablo 4 - Glossary.pngGlossary
Diablo 4 - List of All NPCsNPCs Diablo 4 - Mounts Partial Banner.pngMounts
Diablo 4 - Altars of Lilith.pngAltars of Lilith Cow Level PartialCow Level
Diablo 4 - PVP Fields of Hatred.pngPVP Diablo 4 - World EventsWorld Events
Diablo 4 - Rare SpawnsRare Spawns Diablo 4 - Shop BundlesShop Bundles
Diablo 4 - News and EventsNews and Events Diablo 4 - Bugs and Errors.pngBugs and Errors

Game Mechanics and Activities

Diablo 4 - The Pit GuideThe Pit Guide Diablo 4 - Infernal Horde GuideInfernal Horde Guide
Diablo 4 - Masterworking GuideMasterworking Guide Diablo 4 - Helltide Event GuideHelltide Event Guide
Diablo 4 - Legion Event GuideLegion Event Guide Diablo 4 - Nightmare Dungeon GuideNightmare Dungeon Guide
Diablo 4 - How to Complete Tree of WhispersHow to Complete Tree of Whispers -

Recommended Activity Guides

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