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All Occultist Features

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Diablo 4 - All Occultist Features

The Occultist is an NPC in Diablo 4 (D4) that allows players to access the Codex of Power, imprint legendary aspects, craft Nightmare Sigils, and reroll affixes. Read on to learn more about the Occultist and its features including a guide on how to enchant and replace the affixes of your items!

All Occultist Features

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Diablo 4 - Aspect ImprintingImprinting Diablo 4 - Sigil CraftingSigil Crafting

Legendary Aspect Imprinting

One of the Occultist's primary functions is to allow players to imprint Legendary Aspects onto Rare or Legendary items in exchange for Veiled Crystals and Gold. Imprinting will either upgrade an item to Legendary if the base item was Rare, or overwrite the original Legendary power of the item if the base item was Legendary.

In Diablo 4, Legendary Aspects can be obtained by completing any of the open-world Dungeons for the first time or by salvaging Legendary Items. Collected Aspects can be viewed via the Codex of Power.

Imprinting Costs Require Legendary Crafting Materials

Diablo 4 - Imprinting Costs Vary by Item Power

Imprinting Legendary Aspects require Legendary crafting materials like Baleful Fragments, Coiling Wards, and Abstruse Sigils. These materials will vary depending on the gear you're imprinting on.

Item Type Imprinting Cost
Weapon Veiled Crystals
Baleful Fragments
Armor Veiled Crystals
Coiling Wards
Jewelry Veiled Crystals
Abstruse Sigils

requires an additional Forgotten Soul when imprinting aspects on a legendary gear

Available Aspect Types are Determined by the Gear Slot

Not every item is possible to use with every Aspect. Each Aspect Type has a set list of Gear Slots which it can be imprinted on.

Aspect Type Allowed Gear Slots
Offensive Amulet, Weapon, Gloves, Ring
Defensive Shield, Helm, Chest, Pants, Amulet
Resource Amulet, Ring
Utility Shield, Helm, Chest, Pants, Amulet, Gloves, Boots
Mobility Amulet, Boots

What Is the Codex of Power?

Craft and Scrap Nightmare Sigils

Nightmare Sigils can be crafted at an Occultist and used to transform Dungeons into Nightmare Dungeons. Nightmare Dungeons are much more difficult versions of the open-world Dungeons, containing harder enemies and multiple afflictions but rewarding the player with masterworking materials.

How to Get Nightmare Sigils

How to Reroll Stats

Use the Occultists's Enchantment Feature

Diablo 4 - Affixes

Enchanting is one of the Occultist's feature that allows you to reroll a gear's regular affix to a different affix that the gear can roll as a possible regular affix. You can use this to change one of the gear's affixes to a different affix that will fit to your current build.

Enchanting Price Increases Per Enchantment Use

While you can use the Enchantment feature to reroll a gear's stats for an unlimited number of times, the amount of gold and materials required to enchant a stat will increase exponentially. Be wary of enchanting your gear too much especially if you already get a good affix that would fit your build.

How to Unlock the Occultist

Complete a Dungeon or Reach Level 25

Diablo 4 - Unlock Occultist at Lvl 25

The Occultist can only be unlocked by either acquiring a Legendary Aspect or reaching Level 25. The easiest way to unlock the Occultist NPC is by completing a Dungeon for the first time and getting your first Legendary Aspect.

How to Level Up Fast

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