Elden Ring

Dragoncrest Shield Talisman Location and Effects

Dragoncrest Shield Talisman is a Talisman in Elden Ring. Learn about the location, effects, and how to get Dragoncrest Shield Talisman.

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Dragoncrest Shield Talisman Location

Found at the Lowest Part of the Bestial Sanctum

A bug in Version 1.03 renders the Dragoncrest Shield Talisman unobtainable due to a killbox on the second tree root. Update the game to Version 1.03.2 to fix this bug.

You can find the Dragoncrest Shield Talisman on the lowest part of the outer walls of the Bestial Sanctum in the Caelid region. Reaching the item requires carefully jumping off platforms as one misstep leads to a one-hit KO.

See the table below to learn how to obtain the Dragoncrest Shield Talisman.

Steps to Obtain the Dragoncrest Shield Talisman
Head to the western part outside the Bestial Sanctum in the Caelid region. Look down to find a part of a tree branch that you can jump off to.
Look down again to find another set of tree branches. Jump off to this platform.
Look left to find a dome of a church. You can either walk or roll towards it to land safely.
From the dome, jump off to the wide area below it.
Look left to find the half arch structure that extends to the lower part of the outer wall. Walk towards the ledge until you reach the area marked with a red circle in the image above.
From the ledge, look down to find another ledge that you can land on safely. Walk slowly as you jump off. While falling, you can tilt the left thumbstick to move your character slightly to the direction of the ledge.
From the ledge, look towards the outer wall to find another ledge that you can jump towards. Summon Torrent and jump towards the ledge.
Drop down to the wide area and move towards the pillar's ledge marked with a red circle in the image above.
Head to the wider area of the pillar and look down to find a small ledge marked with a red circle in the image above. Jumping towards this ledge allows you to land safely.
From the small ledge, drop down to the wide area.
Head north until you reach a balcony with statues. You can loot the body in this area to obtain the Cinquedea.
Head north from the balcony past the giant bat enemy to find the dead body that contains the Dragoncrest Shield Talisman.

Dragoncrest Shield Talisman Overview

Dragoncrest Shield Talisman Effect

Dragoncrest Shield Talisman
Dragoncrest Shield Talisman Icon Effect Boosts physical damage negation.
Weight 0.8

Lore Description
"Wrought iron talisman depicting an ancient dragon.
Boosts physical damage negation.

The ancient dragons, who ruled in the prehistoric era before the Erdtree, would protect their lord as a wall of living rock.
And so it is that the shape of the dragon has become symbolic of all manner of protections."

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