Elden Ring

How to Beat Great Wyrm Theodorix: Boss Fight Guide

Great Wyrm Theodorix Boss Guide - Elden Ring

This is a guide on how to beat Great Wyrm Theodorix, an optional boss in Elden Ring. Read on to learn more about Great Wyrm Theodorix's drops, weaknesses, and recommended level!

Great Wyrm Theodorix General Info

Stats and Rewards

Great Wyrm Theodorix
Elden Ring - Great Wyrm Theodorix Image
Weakness Resistance Immune
Scarlet Rot
Instant Death
Affected By Bleed, Poison, Scarlet Rot, Frost, Sleep
Spirit Ashes Available? Yes
Rune Rewards 180000 (NG)
Summonable NPCs
Item Drops Dragon Heart

Great Wyrm Theodorix Location

Where to Find Great Wyrm Theodorix

Great Wyrm Theodorix can be found near the Albinauric Rise, right outside the Cave of the Forlorn. This area will be in the Consecrated Snowfields.

When to Fight Great Wyrm Theodorix

Location Recommended Level
Albinauric Rise
Lv. 80

Great Wyrm Theodorix has the same moveset as Magma Wyrm Makar but is quite tankier. You should only fight it if you've reached the recommended level of 80.

How to Beat Magma Wyrm Makar

How to Beat Great Wyrm Theodorix

Tips for Beating Great Wyrm Theodorix
Check IconEquip gear that boosts your fire resistance
Check IconAttack Great Wyrm Theodorix from behind
Check IconExploit Great Wyrm Theodorix's weapon type weaknesses

Equip gear that boosts your fire resistance

Great Wyrm Theodorix has several fire attacks that can deal a lot of damage if you're not careful. The fire can also stick to the ground for a few seconds, limiting your movement in the boss area.

Equip gear such as the Flamedrake Talisman to reduce the fire damage you take. You can also use Fireproof Dried Livers to temporarily increase your fire resistance.

Attack Great Wyrm Theodorix from behind

Theodorix has lumbering attacks, making it easy to outmaneuver and reposition yourself behind it. This will be the safest spot to attack it from since its moves mostly deal with its front area. You'll only have to worry about its spinning attack since this can reach you.

Exploit Great Wyrm Theodorix's weapon type weaknesses

Weapon Type Weaknesses
Standard Weapons Strike Weapons Pierce Weapons

Theodorix is weak to most physical damage types, namely Standard, Strike, and Pierce. Use weapons with these damage types to deal increased damage to it.

Avoid using elemental and Status Effect weapons since Theodorix has high resistance to many of these.

Elden Ring Related Guides

Elden Ring - Bosses

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Optional Bosses
Divine Beast Dancing Lion Commander Gaius
Demi-Human Queen Marigga Demi-Human Swordmaster Onze
Blackgaol Knight Chief Bloodfiend
Black Knight Edredd Ancient Dragon-Man
Furnace Golem Lamenter
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Rugalea the Great Red Bear Ralva the Great Red Bear
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Ghostflame Dragon Tree Sentinel
Magma Wyrm Crucible Knight Devonia
Hostile NPCs
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Main Bosses

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Margit the Fell Omen Godrick the Grafted
Red Wolf of Radagon Rennala, Queen of the Full Moon
Royal Knight Loretta Starscourge Radahn
Godfrey, First Elden Lord Morgott, the Omen King
Rykard, Lord of Blasphemy Fire Giant
Malenia, Blade of Miquella Mohg Lord of Blood
Regal Ancestor Spirit Astel, Naturalborn of the Void
Lichdragon Fortissax Godskin Duo
Dragonlord Placidusax Maliketh, the Black Blade
Sir Gideon Ofnir, the All-Knowing Hoarah Loux, Warrior
Radagon of the Golden Order Elden Beast

Optional Bosses

Limgrave Optional Bosses
Beastman of Farum Azula Bloodhound Knight Darriwil
Demi-Human Chiefs Flying Dragon Agheel
Guardian Golem Leonine Misbegotten
Mad Pumpkin Head Miranda the Blighted Bloom
Patches Runebear
Scaly Misbegotten Soldier of Godrick
Stonedigger Troll Tree Sentinel
Liurnia of the Lakes Optional Bosses
Adan, Thief of Fire Alabaster Lord
Alecto, Black Knife Ringleader Bols, Carian Knight
Bloodhound Knight Glintstone Dragon Smarag
Glintstone Dragon Adula Magma Wyrm Makar
Royal Revenant Spirit-Caller Snail
Caelid Optional Bosses
Battlemage Hugues Black Blade Kindred (Caelid)
Commander O'Neil Decaying Ekzykes
Fallingstar Beast Flying Dragon Greyll
Frenzied Duelist Magma Wyrm
Nox Swordstress & Nox Priest Putrid Tree Spirit
Altus Plateau Optional Bosses
Ancient Dragon Lansseax Crucible Knight Ordovis
Demi-Human Queen Gilika Demi-Human Queen Maggie
Demi-Human Queen Margot Draconic Tree Sentinel
Elemer of the Briar Esgar, Priest of Blood
Fell Twins Full-Grown Fallingstar Beast
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Mohg, The Omen Necromancer Garris
Onyx Lord Perfumer Tricia
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Virgin Abductors Wormface
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Misbegotten Crusader Putrid Grave Warden Duelist
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Mimic Tear
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Multiple Location Optional Bosses
Ancient Hero of Zamor Black Knife Assassin
Bell Bearing Hunter Cemetery Shade
Cleanrot Knights Crucible Knight
Crystalian Death Rite Bird
Deathbird Erdtree Avatar
Erdtree Burial Watchdog Godskin Apostle
Godskin Noble Grafted Scion
Grave Warden Duelist Mad Pumpkin Head
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Hostile NPCs and Invaders

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Juno Hoslow, Knight of Blood -
The Roundtable Hold Invaders and Hostile NPCs
Mad Tongue Alberich -
Multiple Location Invaders and Hostile NPCs
Anastasia, Tarnished-Eater -


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