Elden Ring Shadow of the Erdtree

How to Get Rakshasa Armor

Rakshasa Armor is an armor piece found in the Elden Ring DLC Shadow of the Erdtree. Read on to learn how to get Rakshasa Armor in the Land of Shadow, including info on its location, stats, and armor effects.

How to Get Rakshasa Armor

Dropped by the Rakshasa in the Eastern Nameless Mausoleum

Map View World View

The Rakshasa Armor drops from the Rakshasa in the Eastern Nameless Mausoleum along with the other items in the Rakshasa Set. From the Recluses' River Downstream, head for the bottom of the river towards the east and you'll find the mausoleum by the edge of a waterfall.

Rakshasa Armor Stats and Effects

Rakshasa Armor Stats

Elden Ring - Rakshasa ArmorRakshasa Armor Basic Information
Type: Chest
Weight: 12.8
Phys. Def. 11.2 Magic Def. 9.6
Vs. Std. 10.1 Fire Def. 10.6
Vs. Slash 12.3 Light Def. 9.1
Vs. Pierce 11.8 Holy Def. 9.6
Immunity 35 Focus 28
Robustness 60 Vitality 28
Poise 27

Rakshasa Armor Unique Effect

Unique Effect Increases damage dealt to foes, but greatly increases damage taken by the wearer.

Rakshasa Armor Description

Rakshasa Armor Description
Armor of Rakshasa, soaked in the spurting blood of her victims. Tatters of ragged cloth jut out haphazardly, as if her lust for carnage threatens to break free.

Increases damage dealt to foes, but greatly increases damage taken by the wearer.

Cut down and devour. Only those who repeat the cycle without rest will attain the sword of self-annihilation.

Rakshasa Armor Related Set

Part of the Rakshasa Set

Helmet Rakshasa Helm
Chest Rakshasa Armor
Arms Rakshasa Gauntlets
Legs Rakshasa Greaves

※ If two or more records appear in a single armor slot, it means the featured armor pieces are interchangeable and belong to the same set.

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