Diablo 4: Vessel of Hatred (D4)

What is Non-Physical Damage?

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Diablo 4 - What is Non-Physical Damage

Non-Physical Damage is a damage type in Diablo 4 (D4) that includes all damage types except Physical. See the details of Non-Physical Damage as well as some examples of Non-Physical Damage types.

What Is Non-Physical Damage?

Every Other Damage Type But Physical

In Diablo 4, Non-Physical Damage refers to all other damage types such as Fire, Lightning, Cold, Poison, etc.

Non-Physical also has its defensive counterpart called Non-Physical Resistance, that mitigates damage from all damage types except Physical.

Glossary: List of Diablo Terms

Examples of Skills with Non-Physical Damage Types

Below are some examples of Skills with Non-Physical Damage types.

Damage Type
Lightning StormLightning Storm
Frozen OrbFrozen Orb
Poison ImbuementPoison Imbuement

List of All Skills

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