ACNH - Animal Crossing: New Horizons (Switch)

Golden Pillar Recipe and Required Materials

This is the DIY recipe for Golden Pillar and info on how to get it in Animal Crossing: New Horizons (ACNH). Check the list of materials needed to craft Golden Pillar, possible color variations, and other items you can make with it as well!

Golden Pillar: How to Get and Price

Golden Pillar ImageGolden Pillar
Sell Price Currently Unavailable

Unlocked through the HHP DLC

After progressing the DLC a bit, Niko will start teaching you DIY recipes in return for materials left in his box.

Happy Home Paradise DLC

Golden Pillar: Recipe and Required Materials

Needed Materials Amount
Gold Nugget ImageGold Nugget 4

Golden Pillar: Colors and Variations

There are no variations for this item, or we are currently working on getting them!

What Can You Craft With Golden Pillar?

No DIY Items are made with this material, or the Items made have not yet been confirmed.

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Tall Steel Island Counter ImageTall Steel Island Counter Tall Wooden Island Counter ImageTall Wooden Island Counter Wooden Pillar ImageWooden Pillar

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List of DIY Gold Recipes

Golden Pillar ImageGolden Pillar Low Golden Island Counter ImageLow Golden Island Counter Tall Golden Island Counter ImageTall Golden Island Counter

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