ACNH - Animal Crossing: New Horizons (Switch)

List of DIY Recipes Beginning with T

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This page lists all DIY recipes that begin with the letter T, found in Animal Crossing: New Horizons (ACNH) for the Nintendo Switch. To learn how to obtain DIY recipes that begin with the letter T, as well as the required materials for each recipe, read on!

List of DIY Recipes Beginning with T

DIY Item Required Materials
Turkey Day Casserole IconTurkey Day Casserole
Iron Nugget IconIron Nugget (×5)
Clay IconClay (×1)
Turkey Day Chair IconTurkey Day Chair
Wood IconWood (×5)
Softwood IconSoftwood (×2)
Hardwood IconHardwood (×2)
Turkey Day Decorations IconTurkey Day Decorations
Softwood IconSoftwood (×2)
Clay IconClay (×2)
Turkey Day Garden Stand IconTurkey Day Garden Stand
Stone IconStone (×8)
Clay IconClay (×3)
Turkey Day Hearth IconTurkey Day Hearth
Stone IconStone (×30)
Clay IconClay (×10)
Campfire IconCampfire (×1)
Turkey Day Table IconTurkey Day Table
Softwood IconSoftwood (×5)
Hardwood IconHardwood (×10)
Turkey Day Table Setting IconTurkey Day Table Setting
Iron Nugget IconIron Nugget (×2)
Clay IconClay (×4)
Turkey Day Wheat Decor IconTurkey Day Wheat Decor
Clump of Weeds IconClump of Weeds (×10)
Traditional Straw Coat IconTraditional Straw Coat
Tulip Crown IconTulip Crown
Red Tulip IconRed Tulip (×2)
Yellow Tulip IconYellow Tulip (×2)
White Tulip IconWhite Tulip (×1)
Tall Garden Rock IconTall Garden Rock
Stone IconStone (×60)
Tall Lantern IconTall Lantern
Stone IconStone (×18)
Taurus Bathtub IconTaurus Bathtub
Stone IconStone (×8)
Gold Nugget IconGold Nugget (×1)
Star Fragment IconStar Fragment (×3)
Tea Table IconTea Table
Hardwood IconHardwood (×12)
Three-Tiered Snowperson IconThree-Tiered Snowperson
Tree Branch IconTree Branch (×2)
Snowflake IconSnowflake (×6)
Tiki Torch IconTiki Torch
Wood IconWood (×5)
Tree Branch IconTree Branch (×5)
Tiny Library IconTiny Library
Wood IconWood (×5)
BookBook (×3)
Tire Stack IconTire Stack
Old Tire IconOld Tire (×3)
Tire Toy IconTire Toy
Old Tire IconOld Tire (×1)
Tree Standee IconTree Standee
Wood IconWood (×5)
Softwood IconSoftwood (×8)
TreeTree's Bounty Arch
Tree Branch IconTree Branch (×15)
Acorn IconAcorn (×5)
Pine Cone IconPine Cone (×4)
Maple Leaf IconMaple Leaf (×5)
TreeTree's Bounty Big Tree
Clay IconClay (×4)
Tree Branch IconTree Branch (×8)
Acorn IconAcorn (×4)
Pine Cone IconPine Cone (×5)
Maple Leaf IconMaple Leaf (×4)
Trophy Case IconTrophy Case
Hardwood IconHardwood (×24)
Iron Nugget IconIron Nugget (×6)
Gold Nugget IconGold Nugget (×3)
Tulip Surprise Box IconTulip Surprise Box
Softwood IconSoftwood (×3)
Red Tulip IconRed Tulip (×5)
Tabletop Festive Tree IconTabletop Festive Tree
Clay IconClay (×2)
Tree Branch IconTree Branch (×3)
Gold Ornament IconGold Ornament (×5)
Terrarium IconTerrarium
Iron Nugget IconIron Nugget (×2)
Clump of Weeds IconClump of Weeds (×12)
Traditional Balancing Toy IconTraditional Balancing Toy
Hardwood IconHardwood (×2)
Acorn IconAcorn (×4)
Trash Bags IconTrash Bags
Old Tire IconOld Tire (×1)
Empty Can IconEmpty Can (×1)
Boot IconBoot (×1)
TreeTree's Bounty Lamp
Clay IconClay (×4)
Acorn IconAcorn (×6)
TreeTree's Bounty Little Tree
Hardwood IconHardwood (×1)
Acorn IconAcorn (×4)
Pine Cone IconPine Cone (×6)
Tall Wooden Island Counter IconTall Wooden Island Counter
Wood IconWood (×3)
Softwood IconSoftwood (×3)
Hardwood IconHardwood (×3)
Tree-Branch Wand IconTree-Branch Wand
Tree Branch IconTree Branch (×5)
Star Fragment IconStar Fragment (×3)
Tulip Wand IconTulip Wand
Star Fragment IconStar Fragment (×3)
Red Tulip IconRed Tulip (×1)
Timber Doorplate IconTimber Doorplate
Wood IconWood (×2)
Pink Rose IconPink Rose (×1)
Tree Branch Wreath IconTree Branch Wreath
Tree Branch IconTree Branch (×10)
TreeTree's Bounty Mobile
Tree Branch IconTree Branch (×3)
Acorn IconAcorn (×3)
Pine Cone IconPine Cone (×2)
Tulip Wreath IconTulip Wreath
Red Tulip IconRed Tulip (×3)
Yellow Tulip IconYellow Tulip (×3)
White Tulip IconWhite Tulip (×3)
Tropical Vista IconTropical Vista
Summer Shell IconSummer Shell (×5)

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