ACNH - Animal Crossing: New Horizons (Switch)

Visiting Special Characters

KK Slider Concert.jpg
This page shows a list of visiting special character's in Animal Crossing: New Horizons (Switch). If you want to know how to get these characters to visit your island and what to do with them, please read on.

List of Visiting Special Characters

List of Confirmed Visiting Special Characters

Visitor's Name Description
C.J. icon.jpgC.J. C.J. is a beaver that organizes the Fishing Tourney competition, a new event in the series.
Celeste icon.jpgCeleste Celeste in an owl and is the younger sister of Blathers, the museum director. She will give you Wand, Star Fragment and Zodiac Fragment-related recipes.
Cyrus Icon.pngCyrus Cyrus is an alpaca that appears during the Wedding Season event, and is married to Reese. He will give you Wedding Series furniture and items, for taking anniversarry photos for him and Reese.
Daisy Mae icon.jpgDaisy Mae Daisy Mae is a pig that sells turnips, which can be sold in the Stalk Market, a new system in the series.
Flick icon.jpgFlick Flick is a chameleon that organizes the Bug-off competition, a new event in the series.
Franklin icon.pngFranklin Franklin is a turkey that organizes the Turkey Day event. He will give you Turkey Day furniture and recipes in exchange for helping him perfect his dishes.
Gulliver icon.jpgGulliver Gulliver is a seagull that often washes up on the beach. Help him collect Rusted Parts and he will reward you with gifts.
ACNH - Pirate Gulliver Icon (1).pngGullivarrr
(Pirate Gulliver)
Gullivarrr is a Pirate version of Gulliver, who also washes up on the beach. You have to dive to find his Communicator to get priate-themed items
Harvey icon.jpgHarvey Harvey is a dog that runs Photopia on his own island.
Jack icon.pngJack Jack is a pumpkin that organizes the Halloween event. He will help you obtain Halloween-themed furniture.
Jingle icon.pngJingle Jingle will arrive at your island on Toy Day to celebrate the holidays! Help him deliver presents as you play the role of Santa's little helper.
K.K. Slider icon.pngK.K. Slider K.K. Slider is a musician-dog that plays a live concert on your island, every Saturday night. You can request for songs, during his concerts. Click here for his full list of songs.
Kicks icon.jpgKicks Kicks is a skunk that sells shoes, socks and backpacks.
Label icon.jpgLabel Label is a fashion designer-hedgehog and is one of the Able Sisters.
Leif icon.jpgLeif Leif is a sloth that sells shrubs and flower seeds.
Luna thumb.pngLuna Luna is the tapir in charge of the Dream Suite, a wondrous service that can let you visit other players' islands in your dreams.
Mabel icon.pngMabel Mabel is a hedgehog that sells clothing and is one of the Able Sisters. She starts appearing on your island after you upgrade Nook's Cranny.
ACNH - Pascal Icon (1).pngPascal Pascal is a cool and philosphical sea otter that appears in the ocean to trade his Mermaid DIY recipes for your scallops.
Pave icon.pngPavé Pavé is a party-loving peacock that organizes the Festivale event. He will help you obtain Festivale Series furniture.
Jolly Redd icon.jpgRedd Redd (a.k.a. Crazy Redd in past titles) is an artwork-dealing fox, who sells artwork in Jolly Redd's Treasure Trawler. Watch out for his fake art merchandise!
Setting up a new shop in the second Summer Update, Redd's Raffle is ready with cousin deasl!
Reese icon.pngReese Reese is an alpaca that appears during the Wedding Season event, and is married to Cyrus. She will give you Wedding Series furniture and items, for taking anniversarry photos for her and Cyrus.
Rover.pngRover Rover is a mysterious cat that appears on another island, during the May Day event.
Saharah Icon.jpgSaharah Saharah is a camel that sells wallpaper, flooring, and rugs. Some of her mysterious wallpaper and mysterious flooring could be Moving Wallpaper and Moving Flooring!
Snowboy icon.jpgSnowboy Snowboy is a snowman that comes to life, when you create a perfect snowman. He will help you obtain Ice (Frozen) Series furniture.
Wisp icon.jpgWisp Wisp is a ghost that appears at night. Catch its spirits and receive a reward!
Zipper icon.pngZipper Zipper is a mysterious character in a rabbit costume and organizes the Bunny Day event. He will help you obtain Bunny Day-related DIY recipes.

List of Visiting Special Characters from Past Titles

Blanca.pngBlanca Chip.pngChip Gracie.pngGracie
Joan.pngJoan Katie.pngKatie Katrina.pngKatrina
Lyle.pngLyle Nat.pngNat Phineas.pngPhineas
Shrunk (1).pngShrunk Tortimer.pngTortimer Tortimer.pngWendell

About Confirmed Visiting Special Characters


C.J. is a beaver that organizes the Fishing Tourney competition, a new event in the series.

C.J.'s Fishing Tourney Dates and Prizes Guide


celeste (1).png
Celeste in an owl and is the younger sister of Blathers, the museum director. She will give you Wand, Star Fragment and Zodiac Fragment-related recipes.

How to Find Celeste


Reese and Cyrus at Harv
Cyrus is an alpaca that appears during the Wedding Season event, and is married to Reese. He will give you Wedding Series furniture and items, for taking anniversarry photos for him and Reese.

Wedding Season Event Info and Rewards

Daisy Mae

Daisy Mae.jpg
Daisy Mae is a pig that sells turnips, which can be sold in the Stalk Market, a new system in the series.

Daisy Mae's Turnip Guide


ACNH - Sell Bugs to Flick.png
Flick is a chameleon that organizes the Bug-off competition, a new event in the series.

Flick's Bug-Off Dates and Prizes Guide


ACNH - Furniture from Franklin.jpg

Franklin is a turkey that organizes the Turkey Day event. He will give you Turkey Day furniture and recipes in exchange for helping him perfect his dishes.
How to Find Franklin


Gulliver is a seagulls that often washes up on the beach. Help him collect Rusted Parts and he will reward you with gifts.

Gulliver the Seagull

Pirate Gulliver (Gullivarrr)

Pirate Gulliver
Different from his normal Sailor self, Gulliver dons a Pirate outfit and offers new rewards for helping him find his way back.

Helping Pirate Gulliver and Rewards


Harvey is a dog that runs Photopia on his own island.

How to Unlock Harvey's Island and Photopia


ACNH - Jack

Jack is a pumpkin that organizes the Halloween event. He will help you obtain Halloween-themed furniture.

How to Find Jack


ACNH - Jingle the Reindeer.JPG
Jingle will arrive at your island on Toy Day to celebrate the holidays! Help him deliver presents as you play the role of Santa's little helper.
How to Find Jingle


How to Find Katrina Banner
Katrina is a fortune teller than has only been hinted at to return to Animal Crossing: New Horizons!
How to Find Katrina

K.K. Slider

KK Slider performs Welcome Horizons.jpg
K.K. Slider is a musician-dog that plays a live concert on your island, every Saturday night. You can request for songs, during his concerts.

How to Unlock K.K. Slider


ACNH - Kicks Intro.png
Kicks is a skunk that sells shoes, socks and backpacks.

How to Unlock Kicks Store


Label is a fashion designer-hedgehog and is one of the Able Sisters.

Label's Fashion Challenge


Selling weeds to Leif.jpg
Leif is a sloth that sells shrubs and flower seeds. He first appears during the Nature Day event.

Nature Day Event Info and Rewards


Luna header.png
Luna will visit your dreams if you sleep on a bed in your house and offer to let you visit another player's island by their Dream Address.

How to Use the Dream Suite


Mabel is a hedgehog that sells clothing and is one of the Able Sisters. She starts appearing on your island after you upgrade Nook's Cranny.

Where to Find Mabel

Pascal the Sea Otter (New with Ver. 1.3 Summer Update)

Pascal header.png

While swimming and catching scallops, you could meet the cool and philosphical sea otter, Pascal. Pascal loves scallops and he'll be willing to trade his Mermaid-themed DIY recipes for any scallops you catch!

How to Find Pascal


Free Updates.jpg
Pavé is a peacock that organizes the Carnival event. He will help you obtain Carnival Series furniture.


Jolly Redd invitation.jpg
Redd (a.k.a. Crazy Redd in past titles) is an artwork-dealing fox, who sells artwork in Jolly Redd's Treasure Trawler. Watch out for his fake art merchandise!

Jolly Redd's Treasure Trawler


Reese says the photoshoot theme.png
Reese is an alpaca that appears during the Wedding Season event, and is married to Cyrus. She will give you Wedding Series furniture and items, for taking anniversarry photos for her and Cyrus.

Wedding Season Event Info and Rewards


Rover is a mysterious cat that appears on another island, during the May Day event.

May Day Event Info and Rewards


Mysterious Flooring from Saharah.jpg
Saharah is a Camel that sells wallpaper, flooring, and rugs. Some of her mysterious wallpaper and mysterious flooring could be Moving Wallpaper and Moving Flooring!

Saharah's Rugs, Wallpaper and Flooring


Praise from a Perfect Snowboy.jpg
Snowboy is a snowman that comes to life, when you create a perfect snowman. He will help you obtain Ice (Frozen) Series furniture.

How to Make a Perfect Snowman (Snowboy)


Wisp the Ghost1
Wisp is a ghost that appears at night. Catch its spirits and receive a reward!

How to Find Wisp the Ghost's Spirits


Talk to Zipper
Zipper is a mysterious character in a rabbit costume and organizes the Bunny Day event. He will help you obtain Bunny Day-related DIY recipes.

Bunny Day (Easter) Event

Related Guides

ACNH - Special Visiting Characters

All Visiting Special Characters

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ACNH - How to Find CJHow to Find C.J. ACNH - How to Find FlickHow to Find Flick
ACNH - How to Find CelesteHow to Find Celeste and All DIY Recipes ACNH - How to Find Daisy MaeDaisy Mae's Turnip Guide
ACNH - Helping Gulliver the SeagullHelping Gulliver the Seagull ACNH - Helping Pirate Gullivarrr the SeagullHow to Find Pirate Gulliver
ACNH - How to Unlock K.K. SliderKK Slider and Song Requests ACNH - How to Unlock Kicks StoreHow to Unlock Kicks Store
ACNH - LabelLabel's Fashion Challenge ACNH - How to Unlock LeifHow to Unlock Leif's Garden Shop
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ACNH - How to Find Pascal partialHow to Find Pascal ACNH - How to Find Redd partialHow to Find Redd
ACNH - How to Find SaharahSaharah's Rugs, Wallpaper and Flooring ACNH - How to Find WispHow to Find Wisp's Spirit Pieces
ACNH - How to Find HarveyHow to Find Harvey .
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