ACNH - Animal Crossing: New Horizons (Switch)

Mott Birthday and Personality

Mott is a Lion villager from Animal Crossing: New Horizons (ACNH). Check our Mott's birthday, personality, catchphrase, HHP house, and more!

Mott Profile

Mott: Basic Information

Species Lion
Personality Jock
Gender Male
Birthday July 10
Catchphrase cagey

Mott is a jock lion villager from Animal Crossing. His birthday is on July 10.

Happy Home Paradise House

Mott's HHP Theme Items

Required Furniture
Tool Shelf ImageTool Shelf NewtonNewton's Cradle Chalkboard ImageChalkboard
Theme Name A Physicist's Home
Thought Bubble I want to research the physics of muscle building.

Happy Home Paradise Walkthrough

Mott's Unlocked HHP Items

Mott's HHP Items

Apple ImageApple Kettlebell ImageKettlebell Stack of Books ImageStack of Books Scattered Papers ImageScattered Papers
Barbell ImageBarbell Whiteboard ImageWhiteboard Weight Bench ImageWeight Bench Upright Locker ImageUpright Locker
Typewriter ImageTypewriter Treadmill ImageTreadmill Tool Shelf ImageTool Shelf Stadiometer ImageStadiometer
Speed Bag ImageSpeed Bag Shower Booth ImageShower Booth Punching Bag ImagePunching Bag Pull-Up-Bar Stand ImagePull-Up-Bar Stand
Protein Shaker Bottle ImageProtein Shaker Bottle Office Desk ImageOffice Desk NewtonNewton's Cradle Modern Office Chair ImageModern Office Chair
Mixer ImageMixer Laptop ImageLaptop Lab-Experiments Set ImageLab-Experiments Set Hourglass ImageHourglass
Homework Set ImageHomework Set Globe ImageGlobe Fan ImageFan Document Stack ImageDocument Stack
Digital Scale ImageDigital Scale Desktop Computer ImageDesktop Computer Coffee Grinder ImageCoffee Grinder Climbing Wall ImageClimbing Wall
Chalkboard ImageChalkboard Book Stands ImageBook Stands Book ImageBook Cool Bed ImageCool Bed
Extinguisher ImageExtinguisher Tall File Cabinet ImageTall File Cabinet Stepladder ImageStepladder Rolling Cart ImageRolling Cart
Robot Arm ImageRobot Arm Meeting-Room Table ImageMeeting-Room Table Donut Stool ImageDonut Stool Currently UnavailableMott's Photo

Mott's HHP Clothes

DoctorDoctor's Coat Steampunk Glasses ImageSteampunk Glasses

Mott's HHP K.K. Slider Songs

Pondering Image Pondering

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