ACNH - Animal Crossing: New Horizons (Switch)

Leopold Birthday and Personality

Leopold is a Lion villager from Animal Crossing: New Horizons (ACNH). Check our Leopold's birthday, personality, catchphrase, HHP house, and more!

Leopold Profile

Leopold: Basic Information

Species Lion
Personality Smug
Gender Male
Birthday August 14
Catchphrase lion cub

Leopold is a smug lion villager from Animal Crossing. His birthday is on August 14.

Happy Home Paradise House

Leopold's HHP Theme Items

Required Furniture
Fire Pit ImageFire Pit Wild Log Bench ImageWild Log Bench Campfire Cookware ImageCampfire Cookware
Theme Name Camper's Paradise
Thought Bubble I want to be in a place where I can set up camp for a bit...

Happy Home Paradise Walkthrough

Leopold's Unlocked HHP Items

Leopold's HHP Items

Campfire ImageCampfire Bonfire ImageBonfire Simple DIY Workbench ImageSimple DIY Workbench Log Stakes ImageLog Stakes
Axe ImageAxe Wooden Wardrobe ImageWooden Wardrobe Wooden Bucket ImageWooden Bucket Log Bench ImageLog Bench
Water Pump ImageWater Pump Firewood ImageFirewood Angled Signpost ImageAngled Signpost Log Stool ImageLog Stool
Signpost ImageSignpost Cutting Board ImageCutting Board Brick Well ImageBrick Well Wild Log Bench ImageWild Log Bench
Simple Well ImageSimple Well Oil-Barrel Bathtub ImageOil-Barrel Bathtub Mush Table ImageMush Table Mush Partition ImageMush Partition
Mush Low Stool ImageMush Low Stool Mush Log ImageMush Log Acoustic Guitar ImageAcoustic Guitar Utility Sink ImageUtility Sink
Tin Bucket ImageTin Bucket Sleeping Bag ImageSleeping Bag Painting Set ImagePainting Set Outdoor Table ImageOutdoor Table
Outdoor Generator ImageOutdoor Generator Outdoor Bench ImageOutdoor Bench Lantern ImageLantern Kettle ImageKettle
Handy Water Cooler ImageHandy Water Cooler Garden Faucet ImageGarden Faucet Garbage Pail ImageGarbage Pail Fire Pit ImageFire Pit
Dinnerware ImageDinnerware Cooler Box ImageCooler Box Campfire Cookware ImageCampfire Cookware Camp Stove ImageCamp Stove
Barbecue ImageBarbecue KidsKids' Tent Currently UnavailableOutdoorsy Net Currently UnavailableOutdoorsy Fishing Rod
Portable Toilet ImagePortable Toilet Curry with Rice ImageCurry with Rice Stewpot ImageStewpot Handwashing Area ImageHandwashing Area
Currently UnavailableLeopold's Photo

Leopold's HHP Clothes

Athletic Pants ImageAthletic Pants Explorer Shirt ImageExplorer Shirt Explorer Shorts ImageExplorer Shorts Polo Shirt ImagePolo Shirt
Terry-Cloth Do-Rag ImageTerry-Cloth Do-Rag

Leopold's HHP K.K. Slider Songs

Mr. K.K. Image Mr. K.K.

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Villagers by Species

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ACNH Pigs Pigs ACNH Rabbits Rabbits ACNH Rhinos Rhinos ACNH Sheep Sheep
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