ACNH - Animal Crossing: New Horizons (Switch)

Terry-Cloth Do-Rag Price and Colors

Here you'll find how to get the Terry-Cloth Do-Rag from Animal Crossing: New Horizons (ACNH) for Nintendo Switch. Read on to learn the Terry-Cloth Do-Rag's price and color variations.

title How to Get and Price

Terry-Cloth Do-Rag
Terry-Cloth Do-Rag Image
Type Headwear Catalog Yes

Buy and Sell Price

Buy Price 490
Sell Price
(Drop-Off Box)

Buy from Able Sisters

ACNH - Most Clothing is bought at the Able Sisters Shop
You can buy the Terry-Cloth Do-Rag from the Able Sisters store. They will always stock all color variations of a piece of clothing, so you can buy them all once you find it.

How to Unlock Able Sisters

Terry-Cloth Do-Rag Color Variations

ACNH - Terry-Cloth Do-Rag ImageWhite ACNH- Terry-Cloth Do-Rag ImageBlack ACNH - Terry-Cloth Do-Rag ImageBlue ACNH - Terry-Cloth Do-Rag ImageBrown
ACNH - Terry-Cloth Do-Rag ImageYellow ACNH - Terry-Cloth Do-Rag ImageBerry Red

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ACNH Clothes

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