ACNH - Animal Crossing: New Horizons (Switch)

Famous Painting Info: Real vs Fake Comparison

Famous Painting

The Famous Painting is one of the 40 paintings with a forgery in Animal Crossing: New Horizons (ACNH). Use our guide to spot the fake with our comparison image below!

Famous Painting Real and Fake Comparison

How to Spot Fakes

Spotting the Fake
The real painting has no eyebrows, while the fake one has thick, raised brows.

The difference can sometimes be hard to spot in the darkness of Redd's Trawler, so we recommend zooming in as much as possible on the area in the red circle.

How to Get the Famous Painting

The best way to get the Famous Painting is to buy it from the Treasure Trawler! Check out our guide so you get the real one every time:

How to Get Art from the Treasure Trawler

Famous Painting Museum Description

Artwork Image
Image of Famous Painting
Artwork Title Mona Lisa
Artist Leonardo da Vinci
Museum Description The world's most famous smile. It's said that da Vinci kept this painting for himself until the very end... Given its power to beguile visitors all these years later, it's easy to see why.

The Famous Painting is based on the actual artwork, Mona Lisa by Leonardo da Vinci. You can buy the art from the Treasure Trawler or Harv's Island for 4,980 Bells.

This painting is not always genuine, so be aware of fakes. Check out the image above to find the real artwork!

Related Links

Animal Crossing-New Horizon Art Gallery

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Redd's Art Guide: Fake vs. Real Art


1 Raymondover 2 years

Hahahaa! The fake looks so funny! Oh my!

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