ACNH - Animal Crossing: New Horizons (Switch)

How to Get Star Fragments Fast Guide

ACNH - How to Get Star Fragments

This is a guide to collecting Star Fragments, a DIY material you can get from Shooting Stars in Animal Crossing: New Horizons (ACNH). Learn how to get Star Fragments fast and how they can be used with our guide below!

Shooting Stars & Star Fragments
How to Find Celeste Wish on Shooting Stars
Zodiac Series Recipes Space Series Recipes
Star Fragment IconStar Fragment Large Star Fragment IconLarge Star Fragment ACNH - Aquarius Fragment Icon.pngZodiac Fragments

How to Get Star Fragments Fast

Find Star Fragments on the Beach after Meteor Showers

ACNH - A resident finds Star Fragments on the beach
Meteor Showers have Shooting Stars falling constantly throughout the night which makes the best source of these rare crafting items!

After seeing and wishing upon shooting stars, you'll be able to find Star Fragments on the beach the very next day. Find out how to make wishes on Shooting Stars with our guide below.

How to Wish on Shooting Stars

Get Star Fragments from Celeste

ACNH - A resident gets Star Fragments from Celeste
Once you've gotten all the Star DIY recipes from Celeste, she may give you 5 Star Fragments if you talk to her again.

She can also give you Large Star Fragments and the Zodiac Star fragments, so keep an eye out on this night owl even after you get all DIYs!

How to Find Celeste and All DIY Recipes

Go to Star Fragment Island

Meteor Shower Island (Star Fragment Island)

You can go on Mystery Island Tours with Kapp'n on his Boat Tours and find the Meteor Shower Island (or Star Fragment Island). You can also go look for gyroids while you're at it to save yourself some time!

Kapp'n's Boat Tour Guide

Star Fragment Drop Rates

ACNH - A resident wishes on a shooting star

Each type of Star Fragment has a specific drop rate percentage.

Star Fragment Drop Rates
Fragment Type Percentage
Star Fragment 85%
Zodiac Fragment 10%
Large Star Fragment 5%

Star Fragment Limits

Star Fragment Limit Breakdown

Wishes Made by Max Star Fragments Min. Wishes Needed
You 20 20
Visitors 20 100
You + Visitors 40 20 (you)
+ 100 (visitors)

10 Star Fragments on the Beach at a Time

ACNH - Resident finds an Aries star fragment on the beach
The max amount of Star Fragments that can appear on the beach at the same time is 10. However, if you made more than 10 wishes, the rest of your Star Fragments will appear as time passes.

20 Max Star Fragments from Your Wishes

You get one Star Fragment for each wish you make, and you can get a maximum of 20 Star Fragments. Since the max is 20, don't waste your time making more than 20 wishes during meteor showers.

Personal Wishes Star Fragments
5 5
20 20
50 20

20 Max Star Fragments from Visitors' Wishes

You get one Star Fragment for every 5 wishes your visitors make. A separate 20-fragment limit applies to visitors' wishes.

Therefore, you can get a maximum 20 additional Star Fragments for 100 wishes your visitors make. The 100 wishes can be made by one or several visitors, it doesn't have to be 20 wishes per person!

Once everyone has their 20 personal wishes and you've reached 100 visitor wishes, you can call it a day.

Visitor Wishes Star Fragments
20 4
100 20
120 20

40 Max Grand Total

If you make 20 wishes and your visitors make 100 wishes total, you can get a maximum grand total of 40 Star Fragments.

Best way to Farm Star Fragments

ACNH - Star Fragments are scattered on the beach at night

Make 20 Wishes at Meteor Showers

By far, the best way to farm Star Fragments is making 20 wishes at meteor showers.

Up to 10 Star Fragments can appear on the beach at the same time, so collecting the remaining 10 might take a while.

Pick up Shells to Get Star Fragments to Appear

ACNH - Sea shells are scattered at the beach
On the day of the meteor shower, make sure to pick up all the shells on your beach before ending your game. This'll make the first 10 Star Fragments appear instantly the next day, making it a lot easier to collect them.

The amount of Star Fragments you gain won't change, but you can decrease the wait time for all Star Fragments to appear.

Farm Star Fragments with Time Travel

Once you find a date with a meteor shower, it is possible to repeatedly change the date back and forth to farm Star Fragments.

No matter how far in time you travel, that day will always have a meteor shower you can come back to.

One way to know that there will be a meteor shower is through Isabelle's announcements.

Star Fragment Farming Steps

1 Make 20 wishes at a meteor shower.
2 Change the Date:
Find 10 Star Fragments next day.
3 Change the Time:
Progress 1 hour, collect Star Fragments.
4 Save and end.
5 Change the Date:
Go to a day before the meteor shower and save.
6 Go to the day of the meteor shower and repeat from step 1.

Note: If you didn't find 10 Fragments, pick up shells to allow more to appear.

Keep in mind that the Zodiac/Horoscope Fragments are limited to a set period, so you can only farm the Star Fragment that is available in the time period your Meteor Shower occurs.

Time Traveling Guide

Find Meteor Showers Online

ACNH - Two players are hanging out on a friend
If you don't want to time travel, the best way to find Meteor Showers and get Star Fragments in ACNH is to look online for other players that are inviting guests for their Meteor Shower.

Some might charge a fee, so look for either free access or a price you can live with!

Trading Board

What To Do With Star Fragments

Use Star Fragments for DIY crafting

Cherry-Blossom Wand ImageCherry-Blossom Wand Star Wand ImageStar Wand Aries Rocking Chair ImageAries Rocking Chair
Shell Wand ImageShell Wand Mums Wand ImageMums Wand Astronaut Suit ImageAstronaut Suit
Cancer Table ImageCancer Table Tree-Branch Wand ImageTree-Branch Wand Sci-Fi Wall ImageSci-Fi Wall
Lunar Surface ImageLunar Surface Golden Wand ImageGolden Wand Moon ImageMoon
Asteroid ImageAsteroid Satellite ImageSatellite Crewed Spaceship ImageCrewed Spaceship
Flying Saucer ImageFlying Saucer Star Clock ImageStar Clock Galaxy Flooring ImageGalaxy Flooring
Starry Garland ImageStarry Garland Pansy Wand ImagePansy Wand Lily Wand ImageLily Wand
Lunar Lander ImageLunar Lander Lunar Rover ImageLunar Rover Starry-Sky Wall ImageStarry-Sky Wall
Starry Wall ImageStarry Wall Sci-Fi Flooring ImageSci-Fi Flooring Star Pochette ImageStar Pochette
Cosmos Wand ImageCosmos Wand Rose Wand ImageRose Wand Rocket ImageRocket
Wand ImageWand Iron Wand ImageIron Wand Nova Light ImageNova Light
Crescent-Moon Chair ImageCrescent-Moon Chair Space Shuttle ImageSpace Shuttle Star Head ImageStar Head
Windflower Wand ImageWindflower Wand Tulip Wand ImageTulip Wand Hyacinth Wand ImageHyacinth Wand
Bunny Day Wand ImageBunny Day Wand Bamboo Wand ImageBamboo Wand Virgo Harp ImageVirgo Harp
Taurus Bathtub ImageTaurus Bathtub Scorpio Lamp ImageScorpio Lamp Sagittarius Arrow ImageSagittarius Arrow
Pisces Lamp ImagePisces Lamp Mushroom Wand ImageMushroom Wand Libra Scale ImageLibra Scale
Leo Sculpture ImageLeo Sculpture Ice Wand ImageIce Wand Gemini Closet ImageGemini Closet
Capricorn Ornament ImageCapricorn Ornament Aquarius Urn ImageAquarius Urn Wedding Wand ImageWedding Wand
Spooky Wand ImageSpooky Wand Shamrock Wand ImageShamrock Wand Yellow Star Rug ImageYellow Star Rug
Starry-Skies Rug ImageStarry-Skies Rug

Star Fragments are used as a DIY crafting item to create the item(s) shown above. They are mostly used to make magic wands which magically helps you change your clothes without needing to open a closet or going in your house.

How to Use Wands

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List of Materials

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clay.pngClay Clump of Weed.pngClump of Weed Tree  Branch.pngTree Branch
Hardwood.pngHardwood Wood.pngWood Softwood.pngSoftwood
Stone.pngStone Iron Nugget.pngIron Nugget Gold Nugget.pngGold Nugget


18 Chimeratabout 2 years

I just got 23 Star fragments, though that included the horoscope ones so maybe that's what threw it off? Or maybe there was a game update since the article? I had also previously heard that 20 was the max.

17 Y/M/R/Tover 3 years

OMPerfect! This is amazing!

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