ACNH - Animal Crossing: New Horizons (Switch)

Mitzi Birthday and Personality

Mitzi is a Cat villager from Animal Crossing: New Horizons (ACNH). Check our Mitzi's birthday, personality, catchphrase, HHP house, and more!

Mitzi Profile

Mitzi: Basic Information

Species Cat
Personality Normal
Gender Female
Birthday September 25
Catchphrase mew

Mitzi is a normal cat villager from Animal Crossing. Her birthday is on September 25.

Happy Home Paradise House

Mitzi's HHP Theme Items

Required Furniture
Senmaizuke Barrel ImageSenmaizuke Barrel Senmaizuke Barrel ImageSenmaizuke Barrel Azumaya Gazebo ImageAzumaya Gazebo Zen Bench ImageZen Bench
Theme Name Mitzi's Mountaintop Eatery
Thought Bubble A mountaintop restaurant with Japanese food...yum!

Happy Home Paradise Walkthrough

Mitzi's Unlocked HHP Items

Mitzi's HHP Items

Frying Pan ImageFrying Pan Pot ImagePot Bamboo-Shoot Lamp ImageBamboo-Shoot Lamp Bamboo Floor Lamp ImageBamboo Floor Lamp
Bamboo Shelf ImageBamboo Shelf Pile of Zen Cushions ImagePile of Zen Cushions Mum Cushion ImageMum Cushion Cutting Board ImageCutting Board
Bamboo Sphere ImageBamboo Sphere Bamboo Partition ImageBamboo Partition Bamboo Shoot ImageBamboo Shoot Yellow-Leaf Pile ImageYellow-Leaf Pile
Tea Table ImageTea Table Red-Leaf Pile ImageRed-Leaf Pile Raccoon Figurine ImageRaccoon Figurine Pile of Leaves ImagePile of Leaves
Leaf Campfire ImageLeaf Campfire Bamboo Stool ImageBamboo Stool Bamboo Lunch Box ImageBamboo Lunch Box Bamboo Bench ImageBamboo Bench
Bamboo Basket ImageBamboo Basket Zen Cushion ImageZen Cushion Rotary Phone ImageRotary Phone Paper Lantern ImagePaper Lantern
Moss Ball ImageMoss Ball Low Screen ImageLow Screen Floor Seat ImageFloor Seat Clay Furnace ImageClay Furnace
Karei No Nitsuke ImageKarei No Nitsuke Aji Fry ImageAji Fry Jarred Bamboo Shoots ImageJarred Bamboo Shoots Bamboo-Shoot Soup ImageBamboo-Shoot Soup
Azumaya Gazebo ImageAzumaya Gazebo Zen Lowboard ImageZen Lowboard Zen Low Table ImageZen Low Table Zen Bench ImageZen Bench
Stacked Senmaizuke Barrels ImageStacked Senmaizuke Barrels Stacked Bottle Crates ImageStacked Bottle Crates Japanese-Style Meal ImageJapanese-Style Meal Extravagant Meal ImageExtravagant Meal
Yunomi Teacup ImageYunomi Teacup Stewpot ImageStewpot Modern Cash Register ImageModern Cash Register Deep Fryer ImageDeep Fryer
Decorative Plate ImageDecorative Plate Decorative Bottles ImageDecorative Bottles Wood-Plank Table ImageWood-Plank Table Tokonoma ImageTokonoma
Standing Electric Sign ImageStanding Electric Sign Shoji Divider ImageShoji Divider Senmaizuke Barrel ImageSenmaizuke Barrel Round Pillow ImageRound Pillow
Retro TV ImageRetro TV Low Folding Table ImageLow Folding Table Kitchen Stove ImageKitchen Stove Kitchen Counter ImageKitchen Counter
Checkout Counter ImageCheckout Counter Box-Shaped Seat ImageBox-Shaped Seat Currently UnavailableMitzi's Photo

Mitzi's HHP Clothes

Pinafore ImagePinafore Kimono Sandals ImageKimono Sandals Tabi ImageTabi

Mitzi's HHP K.K. Slider Songs

Spring Blossoms Image Spring Blossoms

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Villagers by Species

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