ACNH - Animal Crossing: New Horizons (Switch)

Joey Birthday and Personality

Joey is a Duck villager from Animal Crossing: New Horizons (ACNH). Check our Joey's birthday, personality, catchphrase, HHP house, and more!

Joey Profile

Joey: Basic Information

Species Duck
Personality Lazy
Gender Male
Birthday January 3
Catchphrase bleeeeeck

Joey is a lazy duck villager from Animal Crossing. His birthday is on January 3.

Happy Home Paradise House

Joey's HHP Theme Items

Required Furniture
Rattan Armchair ImageRattan Armchair Rattan End Table ImageRattan End Table Iced Caffè Latte ImageIced Caffè Latte
Theme Name A Cafe That's Also a Spa
Thought Bubble Ever had and iced latte while taking a bath? It's the best!

Happy Home Paradise Walkthrough

Joey's Unlocked HHP Items

Joey's HHP Items

Whirlpool Bath ImageWhirlpool Bath Upright Locker ImageUpright Locker Retro Fan ImageRetro Fan Rattan Waste Bin ImageRattan Waste Bin
Rattan Wardrobe ImageRattan Wardrobe Rattan Towel Basket ImageRattan Towel Basket Rattan Stool ImageRattan Stool Rattan Low Table ImageRattan Low Table
Rattan End Table ImageRattan End Table Rattan Armchair ImageRattan Armchair Long Bathtub ImageLong Bathtub Fan ImageFan
Digital Scale ImageDigital Scale Cypress Bathtub ImageCypress Bathtub Simple Bed ImageSimple Bed Iced Coffee ImageIced Coffee
Iced Caffè Latte ImageIced Caffè Latte Carton Beverage ImageCarton Beverage Toy Duck ImageToy Duck Stack of Clothes ImageStack of Clothes
Dispenser ImageDispenser Bottle Crate ImageBottle Crate Bath Bucket ImageBath Bucket Wooden Locker ImageWooden Locker
Square Bathtub ImageSquare Bathtub Shoji Divider ImageShoji Divider Schefflera ImageSchefflera Retro Massage Chair ImageRetro Massage Chair
Retro Ice-Cream Case ImageRetro Ice-Cream Case Plush Massage Chair ImagePlush Massage Chair Garden Table ImageGarden Table Garden Chair ImageGarden Chair
Bath Stool ImageBath Stool Currently UnavailableJoey's Photo

Joey's HHP Clothes

Kabuki-Actor Yukata ImageKabuki-Actor Yukata Kimono Sandals ImageKimono Sandals Jinbei ImageJinbei Bath-Towel Wrap ImageBath-Towel Wrap
Zori ImageZori

Joey's HHP K.K. Slider Songs

Steep Hill Image Steep Hill

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Villagers by Species

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ACNH Gorillas Gorillas ACNH Hamsters Hamsters ACNH Hippos Hippos ACNH Horses Horses
ACNH Kangaroos Kangaroos ACNH Koalas Koalas ACNH Lions Lions ACNH Monkeys Monkeys
ACNH Mice Mice ACNH Octopuses Octopuses ACNH Ostriches Ostriches ACNH Penguins Penguins
ACNH Pigs Pigs ACNH Rabbits Rabbits ACNH Rhinos Rhinos ACNH Sheep Sheep
ACNH Squirrels Squirrels ACNH Tiger Tigers ACNH Wolves Wolves

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