ACNH - Animal Crossing: New Horizons (Switch)

Eugene Birthday and Personality

Eugene is a Koala villager from Animal Crossing: New Horizons (ACNH). Check our Eugene's birthday, personality, catchphrase, HHP house, and more!

Eugene Profile

Eugene: Basic Information

Species Koala
Personality Smug
Gender Male
Birthday October 26
Catchphrase yeah buddy

Eugene is a smug koala villager from Animal Crossing. His birthday is on October 26.

Happy Home Paradise House

Eugene's HHP Theme Items

Required Furniture
TV Camera ImageTV Camera Studio Spotlight ImageStudio Spotlight Cool Low Table ImageCool Low Table
Theme Name A Place to Tell My Story
Thought Bubble I want a relaxing space where I can talk about myself. A lot.

Happy Home Paradise Walkthrough

Eugene's Unlocked HHP Items

Eugene's HHP Items

Iron Shelf ImageIron Shelf Yucca ImageYucca Wood-Burning Stove ImageWood-Burning Stove TV Camera ImageTV Camera
Studio Spotlight ImageStudio Spotlight Rocket Lamp ImageRocket Lamp Record Box ImageRecord Box Piano Bench ImagePiano Bench
Phonograph ImagePhonograph Hi-Fi Stereo ImageHi-Fi Stereo Grand Piano ImageGrand Piano Folding Chair ImageFolding Chair
Floor Light ImageFloor Light DirectorDirector's Chair Coffee Cup ImageCoffee Cup Cool Sofa ImageCool Sofa
Cool Side Table ImageCool Side Table Cool Low Table ImageCool Low Table Cool Bed ImageCool Bed Vintage Dresser ImageVintage Dresser
Strawberry Soda ImageStrawberry Soda Milkshake ImageMilkshake Melon Soda ImageMelon Soda Iced Lemon Tea ImageIced Lemon Tea
Iced Coffee ImageIced Coffee Iced Caffè Latte ImageIced Caffè Latte Colorful Juice ImageColorful Juice Blood-Orange Juice ImageBlood-Orange Juice
Tabletop Record Player ImageTabletop Record Player Professional Headphones ImageProfessional Headphones Desktop Mic ImageDesktop Mic Stylish Spotlight ImageStylish Spotlight
Projection Screen ImageProjection Screen Luxury Car ImageLuxury Car Currently UnavailableEugene's Photo

Eugene's HHP Clothes

Bat Umbrella ImageBat Umbrella ComedianComedian's Outfit Fedora ImageFedora Sweater On Shirt ImageSweater On Shirt
Tailcoat ImageTailcoat

Eugene's HHP K.K. Slider Songs

K.K. Rock Image K.K. Rock

Related Villager Guides

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Villagers by Species

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ACNH Kangaroos Kangaroos ACNH Koalas Koalas ACNH Lions Lions ACNH Monkeys Monkeys
ACNH Mice Mice ACNH Octopuses Octopuses ACNH Ostriches Ostriches ACNH Penguins Penguins
ACNH Pigs Pigs ACNH Rabbits Rabbits ACNH Rhinos Rhinos ACNH Sheep Sheep
ACNH Squirrels Squirrels ACNH Tiger Tigers ACNH Wolves Wolves

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