Diablo 4: Vessel of Hatred (D4)

All Malignant Hearts and How to Use

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All Malignant Hearts and How to Use Banner
You can socket your Malignant Hearts on Rings and Necklaces with Infested Sockets in Diablo 4 (D4). Check out our guide for a complete list of all the Malignant Hearts available in the game, and learn about its effects, and how to obtain them.

List of All Malignant Hearts

General Malignant Hearts

Malignant Hearts by Class
All ClassesGeneral Diablo 4 - Barbarian IconBarbarian Diablo 4 - Druid IconDruid
Diablo 4 - Necromancer IconNecromancer Diablo 4 - Rogue IconRogue Diablo 4 - Sorcerer IconSorcerer
Malignant Heart Type and Effect
The PicanaThe Picana Type: Vicious
Effect: Critical Strikes electrically charge the enemy for 0.75-2.50 seconds, causing lightning to arc between them and any other charged enemies dealing 68-136 Lightning damage.
The Dark DanceThe Dark Dance Type: Vicious
Effect: Every 5 seconds while above 60% Life, Core Skills cost 68-51 Life instead of your Primary Resource. Skills that consume Life deal 10-20% increased damage.
Tempting FateTempting Fate Type: Vicious
Effect: You gain 40-60% Critical Strike Damage but your Non-Critical Strikes deal 20-15% less damage.
The LionheartThe Lionheart Type: Brutal
Effect: You gain 10% Barrier Generation. You Heal 3-7 Life per second while you have an active Barrier.
RevengeRevenge Type: Brutal
Effect: 10-20% of incoming damage is instead suppressed. When you use a Defensive, Subterfuge or a Macabre skill, all suppressed damage is amplified by 250% and explodes, dealing up to 1360-2040 Fire damage to Nearby enemies.
Prudent HeartPrudent Heart Type: Brutal
Effect: You become Immune for 2.0-4.0 seconds after you lose more than 20% Life in a single hit. This effect can only occur once every 110 seconds.
DeterminationDetermination Type: Devious
Effect: Resource draining effects are 40-50% less effective. In addition, gain 3.0-8.0% increased Resource Generation.
RetaliationRetaliation Type: Devious
Effect: Deal X Fire damage to surrounding enemies whenever a Crowd Control effect is removed from you.
The CalculatedThe Calculated Type: Devious
Effect: After spending X of your Primary Resource, your next attack Stuns enemies hit for 2 seconds.
The Malignant PactThe Malignant Pact Type: Wrathful
Effect: Cycle through a Malignant bonus every 20 kills: Vicious: Gain 20% Attack Speed.; Devious: Core and Basic Skills have a 15% chance to fully restore your Primary Resource.; Brutal: Every 21 seconds, gain a Barrier absorbing 85-102 damage.
Creeping DeathCreeping Death Type: Wrathful
Effect: Your damage over time effects are increased by 30-40% for each different Crowd Control effect on the target. Unstoppable monsters and Staggered bosses instead take 110-130% increased damage from your damage over time effects.
The BarberThe Barber Type: Wrathful
Effect: Critical Strikes and all subsequent damage within 2.0-4.0 seconds is absorbed by your target. Then, the absorbed damage erupts onto surrounding enemies. Stored damage is increased by 10% per second.

Barbarian Malignant Hearts

Malignant Hearts by Class
All ClassesGeneral Diablo 4 - Barbarian IconBarbarian Diablo 4 - Druid IconDruid
Diablo 4 - Necromancer IconNecromancer Diablo 4 - Rogue IconRogue Diablo 4 - Sorcerer IconSorcerer
Malignant Heart Type and Effect
Focused RageFocused Rage Type: Vicious
Effect: After spending 100-60 Fury within 2 seconds, your next Non-Basic Skill's Critical Strike Chance is increased by 20-30%.
Resurgent LifeResurgent Life Type: Brutal
Effect: While below 40-60% Life, you receive 50-60% more Healing from all sources.
Punishing SpeedPunishing Speed Type: Devious
Effect: Your Skills have a 20-30% chance to Knock Down all enemies for 1.25 seconds when that Skill's Attack Speed is higher than 35-20%.
Ignoring PainIgnoring Pain Type: Wrathful
Effect: Incoming damage has a 5-15% chance of being ignored and instead Healing you for 17-68.

Druid Malignant Hearts

Malignant Hearts by Class
All ClassesGeneral Diablo 4 - Barbarian IconBarbarian Diablo 4 - Druid IconDruid
Diablo 4 - Necromancer IconNecromancer Diablo 4 - Rogue IconRogue Diablo 4 - Sorcerer IconSorcerer
Malignant Heart Type and Effect
The MoonrageThe Moonrage Type: Vicious
Effect: Kills have a 5% chance to summon a Wolf Companion to your side for 20-30 seconds. In addition, gain +3 to Wolves.
The Agitated WindsThe Agitated Winds Type: Brutal
Effect: When 8-13 Close enemies, automatically cast Cyclone Armor. This cannot occur more than once every 10-20 seconds.
Inexorable ForceInexorable Force Type: Devious
Effect: Up to 30-50 Distant enemies are pulled toward you while you have an Ultimate Skill active.
The Unconstrained BeastThe Unconstrained Beast Type: Wrathful
Effect: When you are hit with a Stun, Freeze or Knock Down effect, there is a 40-60% chance to automatically activate Grizzly Rage for 3 seconds.

Necromancer Malignant Hearts

Malignant Hearts by Class
All ClassesGeneral Diablo 4 - Barbarian IconBarbarian Diablo 4 - Druid IconDruid
Diablo 4 - Necromancer IconNecromancer Diablo 4 - Rogue IconRogue Diablo 4 - Sorcerer IconSorcerer
Malignant Heart Type and Effect
The SacrilegiousThe Sacrilegious Type: Vicious
Effect: Walking near a Corpse automatically activates an equipped Corpse Skill every second, dealing 40-30% reduced damage.
The Decrepit AuraThe Decrepit Aura Type: Brutal
Effect: When at least 5 enemies are near you, gain an aura that automatically curses surrounding enemies with Decrepify for 5-15 seconds.
Frozen TerrorFrozen Terror Type: Devious
Effect: Lucky Hit: Up to a 10-20% chance of inflicting Fear for 2.5 seconds. Feared enemies are Chilled for 20% every second.
The Great FeastThe Great Feast Type: Wrathful
Effect: Each Minion drains 1.0-2.0 Essence per second but deals 50-75% increased damage. With no Minions, this bonus applies to you and drains 5 Essence per second.

Rogue Malignant Hearts

Malignant Hearts by Class
All ClassesGeneral Diablo 4 - Barbarian IconBarbarian Diablo 4 - Druid IconDruid
Diablo 4 - Necromancer IconNecromancer Diablo 4 - Rogue IconRogue Diablo 4 - Sorcerer IconSorcerer
Malignant Heart Type and Effect
Cluster MunitionsCluster Munitions Type: Vicious
Effect: Lucky Hit: You have up to a 20% chance to launch 3 Stun Grenades that deal 26-32 Physical damage and Stun enemies for 0.50 seconds.
TrickeryTrickery Type: Brutal
Effect: When you use a Subterfuge Skill, leave behind an unstable Shadow Decoy Trap that Taunts enemies. The Shadow Decoy Trap will explode after 6.0 seconds dealing 680-1020 Shadow damage. Cannot occur more than once every 5 seconds.
The ClipshotThe Clipshot Type: Devious
Effect: Lucky Hit: Up to a 20-40% chance for your Cutthroat Skills to Slow by 40% for 3 seconds and your Marksman Skills to Knock Back enemies.
The Vile ApothecaryThe Vile Apothecary Type: Wrathful
Effect: Your attacks have a 5-15% chance to apply all Imbuement effects at 40-50% of normal potency.

Sorcerer Malignant Hearts

Malignant Hearts by Class
All ClassesGeneral Diablo 4 - Barbarian IconBarbarian Diablo 4 - Druid IconDruid
Diablo 4 - Necromancer IconNecromancer Diablo 4 - Rogue IconRogue Diablo 4 - Sorcerer IconSorcerer
Malignant Heart Type and Effect
Tal’RashaTal’Rasha Type: Vicious
Effect: For each unique element you deal damage with, you deal 7-12% increased damage for 3-10 seconds.
SpellbreakingSpellbreaking Type: Brutal
Effect: After taking Elemental damage, gain 20-40% Resistance to that element for 5 seconds.
SpiteSpite Type: Devious
Effect: When you are afflicted with a Crowd Control effect, there is a 20-40% chance that the same enemy and enemies around you are also afflicted with the same effect for 3 seconds.
OmnipowerOmnipower Type: Wrathful
Effect: Core Skills that launch a projectile consume all of your Mana. For every 45-35 extra Mana consumed, you launch an additional projectile, and the damage is increased by 3.0-5.0%.

How to Use Malignant Hearts

Used on Rings and Necklaces With Infested Sockets

Diablo 4 - Malignant Hearts Infested Sockets
In Season 1, the Rings and Necklaces that you obtain may have Colored Infested Sockets, which can fit different types Malignant Hearts. To use them, you need to match the color of the Infested Socket with the type of Malignant Heart on your Jewelry. If your Rings or Necklaces do not have a socket, you can add one at the Jeweler, and it will have a random Infested Socket color.

It was also mentioned that there is a type of Malignant Heart called Wrathful. These special Malignant Hearts can be inserted into any Infested Socket, regardless of its color. However, this type of Malignant Hearts are extremely rare and difficult to find.

How to Get Malignant Hearts

Farm Elite Monsters in High Mob Density Dungeons

Diablo 4 - Farm Elite Monsters in High Mob Density Dungeons
One of the best ways to get Malignant Hearts is to farm dungeons with high density of mobs since Elites have a chance to spawn an Malignant version. Defeat these Malignant versions to get a Malignant Heart.

Run Malignant Tunnel Dungeons

Diablo 4 - Run Malignant Tunnel Dungeons
Malignant Tunnels are new end-game dungeons that will allow you to target farm Hearts upon completion. Conquer these Tunnels to get your desired Heart.

Salvage and Craft Malignant Hearts

Diablo 4 Cormond
You can visit Cormond's wagon to salvage unwanted Malignant Hearts to craft new ones. On average, you will need to salvage 7 Hearts to craft 1 new Heart!

How to Farm Malignant Hearts

What Are Malignant Hearts?

New Items Used on Infested Sockets

Diablo 4 - What Are Malignant Hearts?
In Season 1 (Season of Malignant), which will start on July 21, you can obtain the Malignant Hearts by defeating corrupted enemies and inserting them on Rings and Necklaces with Infested Sockets to activate its unique effect. It has been confirmed that there will be a total of 32 Malignant Hearts upon its release.

Developer Update Livestream July 6, 2023

Malignant Hearts Overview

Season 1 Exclusive Feature

Diablo 4 - Malignant Hearts Season 1
Malignant Heart is a Season 1 exclusive feature that will no longer be available after the season ends. However, it was mentioned in the Livestream that well-received seasonal mechanics may become permanent in future seasons.

Defeat Malignant Enemies to Obtain Hearts

Diablo 4 - How to Capture Malignant Hearts
To obtain Malignant Hearts in Season 1, you need to defeat mutated elite enemies with the Malignant affix. After defeating the elite, you need to capture the Malignant Heart that it drops. This will spawn an even more powerful elite enemy that you must defeat in order to obtain the Malignant Heart.

Disassemble Hearts to Obtain Invokers

Diablo 4 - Malignant Hearts Information
You can disassemble the Malignant Hearts that you do not need in order to craft a new item called Invokers. These Invokers can be used on a Malignant Outgrowth to spawn a Malignant Elite, which can drop a specific color of Malignant Heart. The Malignant Outgrowths, can be found at the end of Malignant Tunnels, which are scattered across the world.

Malignant Hearts are Untradable

Obtainable Malignant Hearts will be account bound items. However, you can freely trade Jewelry with Malignant Sockets to make sure that you always have a way to equip your desired Hearts!

Best Malignant Hearts

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