Diablo 4: Vessel of Hatred (D4)

How to Get Scrolls of Restoration

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Diablo 4 - Scroll of Restoration
The Scroll of Restoration resets the Tempering chances on an item in Diablo IV (D4). Check out where to get Scrolls of Restoration, its effects, and how to use them here.

How to Get Scrolls of Restoration

Farming Scrolls of Restoration

Obtained From the Season Journey

Diablo 4 - Hatred Rising Update.png

Progressing through the Season Journey rewards you with Scrolls of Restoration which should help you maximize you're character's potential early on. However, in the end-game, you will have to farm this consumable through different means if you need to temper multiple end-game items.

Season 6: Hatred Rising Guide

Drops From Infernal Horde's Greater Chest of Equipment

Infernal Horde - Rewards.png

The Greater Chest of Equipment at the end of Infernal Hordes can drop Scrolls of Restoration, making it a reliable way to farm this scroll. For player's that do not own the Vessel of Hatred Expansion, this method is the best method to farm Scroll of Restorations.

Infernal Horde Guide and How to Unlock

Purchased With Citadel Coins

Dark Citadel layout.png

Citadel Coins, exclusively obtainable in the Dark Citadel, are used to purchase Scroll of Restorations along with other consumables. The Dark Citadel is only accessible to players with the Vessel of Hatred Expansion and requires at least a party of 2 players to start.

Dark Citadel Guide

How to Use Scroll of Restoration

Use on an Item With No Tempering Chances Left

Tempering Limit.png

Scrolls of Restoration are used to restore the Tempering chances on any suitable equipment. The amount of Tempering left on an item is determined by the "Tempers" stat found on the bottom right of the item when you hover over it once it's on the Tempering window of the Blacksmith.

Note that Scrolls of Restoration can only be used once per item.

Tempering System Explained

Scroll of Restoration Overview

Scroll of Restoration Type and Effect

Scroll of RestorationScroll of Restoration Type
Resets the Tempering chances on an item.

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