ACNH - Animal Crossing: New Horizons (Switch)

Prom Sash Price and Colors

Here you'll find how to get the Prom Sash from Animal Crossing: New Horizons (ACNH) for Nintendo Switch. Read on to learn the Prom Sash's price and color variations.

title How to Get and Price

Prom Sash
Prom Sash Image
Type Bags Catalog No

The Prom Sash is available from April 1 to April 30.

Buy and Sell Price

Buy Price 3,500
Sell Price
(Drop-Off Box)

Seasonal Item

Animal Crossing New Horizons (ACNH) Nook Shopping Seasonal Items
The Prom Sash is a Seasonal Item and can be bought through Nook Shopping in the season it's available.

List of Seasonal Items


The Prom Sash was added in celebration of the Prom. Here is the in-game description of the seasonal event:

Mainly celebrated in the USA, prom marks the end of the high-school year with a formal dance. Students wear fancy dresses and tuxedos, and at the finale, they'll often elect a Prom King and a Prom Queen.

Prom Sash Color Variations

ACNH - Prom Sash ImageWhite ACNH- Prom Sash ImageBlack ACNH - Prom Sash ImageRed ACNH - Prom Sash ImageGold
ACNH - Prom Sash ImageGreen ACNH - Prom Sash ImageBlue ACNH - Prom Sash ImagePurple

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