ACNH - Animal Crossing: New Horizons (Switch)

List of Pirate Series Furniture & Clothing Set

Wake up Pirate Gulliver
This page lists the complete Pirate furniture set and clothing you can get from Pirate Gulliver (Gullivarrr) in Animal Crossing: New Horizons (ACNH). Read on to see the items, wallpaper, flooring, and clothes you can get after the V1.3 Summer Update!

ACNH - Pirate Gulliver Icon (1).pngPirate Gulliver Pirate Series

List of Gullivarrr's Pirate Items

Pirate Furniture

Pirate Furniture
Pirate Barrel.pngPirate Barrel Pirate Rug.pngPirate Rug Pirate-Ship Cannon.pngPirate-Ship Cannon Pirate-Ship Helm.pngPirate-Ship Helm
Pirate-Treasure Chest.pngPirate-Treasure Chest Pirate Wall.pngPirate Wall Pirate Flooring.pngPirate Flooring Sideways Pirate Barrel.pngSideways Pirate Barrel

Pirate Clothes

Pirate Clothes
Pirate Bandanna - Black.pngPirate Bandanna Pirate Hat.pngPirate's Hat Pirate-Treasure Crown.pngPirate-Treasure Crown
Pirate Eye Patch.pngPirate Eye Patch Pirate Beard.pngPirate Beard Pirate Dress - Black.pngPirate Dress
Pirate Outfit - Black.pngPirate Outfit Pirate Coat - Black.pngSea Captain's Coat Pirate-Treasure Robe.pngPirate-Treasure Robe
Pirate Pants.pngPirate Pants Pirate Boots.pngPirate Boots -

Pirate Clothes Variations

Pirate Bandanna
Pirate Bandanna - Black.pngBlack Pirate Bandanna - Blue.pngBlue Pirate Bandanna - Red.pngRed
Sea Captain's Coat
Pirate Coat - Black.pngBlack Pirate Coat - Blue.pngBlue Pirate Coat - Red.pngRed
Pirate Outfit
Pirate Outfit - Black.pngBlack Pirate Outfit - Blue.pngBlue Pirate Outfit - Red.pngRed
Pirate Dress
Pirate Dress - Black.pngBlack Pirate Dress - Blue.pngBlue Pirate Dress - Red.pngRed

How to Get Pirate Items

Help Pirate Gulliver

Wake up Pirate Gulliver
These Pirate furniture and items are exclusively available from Pirate Gulliver, or Gullivarrr, after you help him find his Communicator under the sea. After helping him, you will receive a random Pirate item reward in your mail the next day.

Finding the Communicator is different from how you usually do it with the normal Gulliver. If you would like to learn more about Pirate Gulliver, check out our guide!

Helping Pirate Gulliver (Gullivarrr) and Rewards

What is the Pirate Series?

Items You Can Get from Pirate Gulliver After the V1.3 Update

Summer Update #1.jpg
Once you update your game to V1.3, you will have access to the new Summer Update content, including swimming and diving, Pirate Gulliver and Pirate items!

Unlike seasonal items, these will be available all-year round as long as you see and help the washed-up Pirate Gulliver!

Note that these features are only available once you update the game.

How to Update and Update Patch Notes

Use Our Recipe and Fruit Trading Board

Getting to see Pirate Gulliver is rare, so if you want to quickly complete the Pirate set, why not use our Exchange Board and trade items with other players?

Recipe and Fruit Trading Board

Related Guides

Ver. 1.3 - Summer Update Links
DivingDiving Sea CreaturesSea Creatures Catching Sea CreaturesCatching Tips SnorkelsSnorkels
Wet SuitsWet Suits Pirate GulliverPirate Gulliver PascalPascal ACNH - Scallop Icon.pngScallops
Mermaid FurnitureMermaid Series ACNH - Pearl Icon.pngPearls - -

All Summer Update Information

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