ACNH - Animal Crossing: New Horizons (Switch)

Marshal Birthday and Personality

Marshal is a Squirrel villager from Animal Crossing: New Horizons (ACNH). Check our Marshal's birthday, personality, catchphrase, HHP house, and more!

Marshal Profile

Marshal: Basic Information

Species Squirrel
Personality Smug
Gender Male
Birthday September 29
Catchphrase sulky

Marshal is a smug squirrel villager from Animal Crossing. His birthday is on September 29.

Happy Home Paradise House

Marshal's HHP Theme Items

Required Furniture
Coffee Cup ImageCoffee Cup Coffee Grinder ImageCoffee Grinder Standing Electric Sign ImageStanding Electric Sign
Theme Name Retro Café Cabin
Thought Bubble Can anything beat a good cup at the café? The answer is no.

Happy Home Paradise Walkthrough

Marshal's Unlocked HHP Items

Marshal's HHP Items

Standard Umbrella Stand ImageStandard Umbrella Stand Wooden Bookshelf ImageWooden Bookshelf Stovetop Espresso Maker ImageStovetop Espresso Maker Retro Stereo ImageRetro Stereo
Phonograph ImagePhonograph Menu Chalkboard ImageMenu Chalkboard Jukebox ImageJukebox Espresso Maker ImageEspresso Maker
Cream and Sugar ImageCream and Sugar Coffee Grinder ImageCoffee Grinder Coffee Cup ImageCoffee Cup Antique Wardrobe ImageAntique Wardrobe
Antique Mini Table ImageAntique Mini Table Antique Clock ImageAntique Clock Antique Chair ImageAntique Chair Antique Bed ImageAntique Bed
Vintage Stool ImageVintage Stool Vintage Sofa ImageVintage Sofa Vintage Low Table ImageVintage Low Table Vintage Desk ImageVintage Desk
Sandwich Plate Meal ImageSandwich Plate Meal Milkshake ImageMilkshake Melon Soda ImageMelon Soda Luncheon Plate Meal ImageLuncheon Plate Meal
Iced Coffee ImageIced Coffee Iced Caffè Latte ImageIced Caffè Latte Curry with Rice ImageCurry with Rice Modern Cash Register ImageModern Cash Register
Glass Jar ImageGlass Jar Fancy Water Pitcher ImageFancy Water Pitcher Antique Radio ImageAntique Radio Antique Cash Register ImageAntique Cash Register
Standing Electric Sign ImageStanding Electric Sign Schefflera ImageSchefflera Large Magazine Rack ImageLarge Magazine Rack Dessert Case ImageDessert Case
Counter Table ImageCounter Table Counter Chair ImageCounter Chair Checkout Counter ImageCheckout Counter Currently UnavailableMarshal's Photo

Marshal's HHP Clothes

Café Uniform ImageCafé Uniform Maid Dress ImageMaid Dress

Marshal's HHP K.K. Slider Songs

K.K. Swing Image K.K. Swing

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ACNH Villagers

List of Villagers

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Blaire IconBlaire Agent S IconAgent S Ione IconIone

Villagers by Species

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ACNH Gorillas Gorillas ACNH Hamsters Hamsters ACNH Hippos Hippos ACNH Horses Horses
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ACNH Pigs Pigs ACNH Rabbits Rabbits ACNH Rhinos Rhinos ACNH Sheep Sheep
ACNH Squirrels Squirrels ACNH Tiger Tigers ACNH Wolves Wolves

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