ACNH - Animal Crossing: New Horizons (Switch)

Greta Birthday and Personality

Greta is a Mouse villager from Animal Crossing: New Horizons (ACNH). Check our Greta's birthday, personality, catchphrase, HHP house, and more!

Greta Profile

Greta: Basic Information

Species Mouse
Personality Snooty
Gender Female
Birthday September 5
Catchphrase yelp

Greta is a snooty mouse villager from Animal Crossing. Her birthday is on September 5.

Happy Home Paradise House

Greta's HHP Theme Items

Required Furniture
Paper Lantern ImagePaper Lantern Outdoor Bath ImageOutdoor Bath Bamboo Bench ImageBamboo Bench
Theme Name An Inn with a Hot Spring
Thought Bubble I just want the basics. An inn complete with a hot spring.

Happy Home Paradise Walkthrough

Greta's Unlocked HHP Items

Greta's HHP Items

Wooden Full-Length Mirror ImageWooden Full-Length Mirror Pot ImagePot Bamboo Floor Lamp ImageBamboo Floor Lamp Mossy Garden Rock ImageMossy Garden Rock
Deer Scare ImageDeer Scare Bamboo Sphere ImageBamboo Sphere Outdoor Bath ImageOutdoor Bath Tea Table ImageTea Table
Tall Lantern ImageTall Lantern Pine Bonsai Tree ImagePine Bonsai Tree Bamboo Stool ImageBamboo Stool Bamboo Bench ImageBamboo Bench
Zen Cushion ImageZen Cushion Tennis Table ImageTennis Table Tatami Bed ImageTatami Bed Safe ImageSafe
Rotary Phone ImageRotary Phone Retro Fan ImageRetro Fan Rattan Waste Bin ImageRattan Waste Bin Rattan Stool ImageRattan Stool
Rattan Low Table ImageRattan Low Table Rattan End Table ImageRattan End Table Paper Tiger ImagePaper Tiger Paper Lantern ImagePaper Lantern
Mini Fridge ImageMini Fridge Low Screen ImageLow Screen LCD TV (50 In.) ImageLCD TV (50 In.) Futon ImageFuton
Floor Seat ImageFloor Seat Cypress Bathtub ImageCypress Bathtub Bathroom Sink ImageBathroom Sink Drink Machine ImageDrink Machine
Zen Lowboard ImageZen Lowboard Zen Low Table ImageZen Low Table Yunomi Teacup ImageYunomi Teacup TV with VCR ImageTV with VCR
Owl Clock ImageOwl Clock Dispenser ImageDispenser Bath Bucket ImageBath Bucket Antique Radio ImageAntique Radio
Wooden Locker ImageWooden Locker Tokonoma ImageTokonoma Retro Massage Chair ImageRetro Massage Chair Pine Tree ImagePine Tree
Japanese Dresser ImageJapanese Dresser Bath Stool ImageBath Stool Currently UnavailableGreta's Photo

Greta's HHP Clothes

Morning-Glory Yukata ImageMorning-Glory Yukata Kabuki-Actor Yukata ImageKabuki-Actor Yukata Kimono Sandals ImageKimono Sandals Jinbei ImageJinbei
Noh Mask ImageNoh Mask Tabi ImageTabi Zori ImageZori

Greta's HHP K.K. Slider Songs

K.K. Song
 Image K.K. Song

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Villagers by Species

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